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The Third Book of the Memorabilia - Le troisième livre des Souvenirs Socratiques de Xénophon. Étude critique parA. Delatte. Pp. 191. (Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de Liége — Fasc. LVIII.) Liége (Paris : Droz), 1933. Paper, 50 francs.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1935
1 III, i is subsequent to Cyrop. I, vi—after 360 ; c. iii later than both the non-Socratic and small treatises, and §11 can only be interpreted by an appeal to Isocrates' Nicocles (§§ 6.9), which was written after 370, and by which X. was probably inspired ; c. v is posterior to the Hipparchicus (between 371 and 361), may be influenced by Plato's Menexenus (?), and almost certainly is influenced by Isocrates' Panegyricus, written in 355. On c. ii, 4 D. says that οὕτως ἐπισκοπῶν (not κατασκοπῶν, as he prints it) τὰ μὲν ἔλλα περιῄρει is unintelligible in the context, and X., in writing τὰ ἄλλα must either be referring to a λόγος σωκρατικός of a predecessor, or to things in his own notes that he has omitted here. I think X. should have placed this remark at the beginning, instead of at the end of the chapter, and that his meaning is that in his survey of the qualifications of a στρατηγός S. habitually (note the imperfects !) ignored the qualifications usually supposed necessary.