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Three Treatises on Kingship - Louis Delatte: Les Traités de la Royautè d'Ecphante, Diotogène et Sthénidas. (Bibliothèque de la Facultède Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université de, Liége, Fasc. XCVII.) Pp. x+318. Liège: Facultè de Philosophic et Lettres (Paris: Droz), 1942. 100 fr.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1949
1 In addition Delatte postulates an acquaintance also with Philo, but Prof. Nock points out to me that it is highly dubious whether pagan writers in the first two centuries read or used him at all.
2 Perhaps greater caution should be exercised over thestatistics of hapax legotnena and new words in estimating date: noneof the fragments is extensive, and word-formation is a tricky phenomenon to pronounce on dogmatically; ‘there never existed anything like a complete record of the words which had been brought into usage. No author had on his desk anything like a modern dictionary, and accordingly, while there couldbe no doubt as to verba inusitata, there could be no certainty as to verba nova’ (A. D. Nock, in Coniectanea Neotestamentica, xi, Lund, 1947, p. 164).