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Macedonian Imperialism - Macedonian Imperialism and the Hellenisation of the East. By Pierre Jouguet. Translated by M. R. Dobie. Pp. xx + 440; 7 plates, 4 maps and plan. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1928. 21s.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Reviews
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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1929
1 P. 24, 1. 4, ‘plusieurs’ here is not ‘several.’ 28, le prophète is hardly ‘a Prophet.’ 89, ‘we seem to see,’ implies that the author believes it (he does not); ‘on croit voir’ is here ‘some people think that they see.’ 120, Roxane's ‘enfant’ becomes ‘son,’ with sad results. 142, ‘in the memory of’ means something different; ‘in’ should be ‘before.’ 146, ‘at least if he was to rule it’; what is ‘it’? The French is quite different. 206, ‘les allies’ is not here ‘their allies,’ and ‘Locrians and Orientals’ should be ‘Eastern Locrians.’ 364, ‘the priestly noble’ does not represent prêtre—seigneur.
2 Require altering: 30, 6, ‘queens’ to ‘ the queens’; 27, Halys to Euphrates; 38, Memnon to Menon; 71, accessible to inaccessible; 98, ‘head’ of the statue to ‘hand’; 131, Arrhabaeus to Arrhidaeus; 160, Cyrus to Curus or Koros; 198, Phthias to Phthia; 209, West to East; 211, Ford to Bridge; 244,‘Stoic’ Straton to ‘Peripatetic’; id., ib., five-yearly to fouryearly; 247, Phaselis to Caunos; 266, laudanum to ladanum; 365, ‘to’ the trade-routes to ‘for’; id., Deodamas to Demodamas; 379, ‘son’ Jonathan to ‘brother’; 383, Mylias to Milyas; 391, Hierocles to Heliocles.
3 E.g., II, the properly Macedonian infantry; 35, delayed in arriving; 53, from where they knew that; 136, the splitting Empire; 148, at long last (enfin); 173, sums in kind (sommes en nature); 176, dominated in; 272 (does one ‘sophisticate’ frankincense ?).