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Schmalz-Krebs' Antibarbarus - Antibarbarus der Lateinischen Sprache. Siebente genau durchgesehene und vielfach umgearbeite Auflage von J. H. Schmalz Basel: Benno Schwabe. Parts 1–3. 1905–1906. . Pp. viii + 160, 161–320, 321–480. M. 2 each.
Review products
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Reviews
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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1906
page 218 note 1 A striking exception is the failure to cite for the usage of Plautus Lodge's Lexicon Plautinum (A-Concilium), 1901–4, and for passages in Ennius, Vahlen's edition (1903).
page 218 note 2 The present review, however, is concerned with only the first two ‘Lieferungen.’
page 218 note 3 A comparison of this edition with the Sixth shows that some attention was given to these matters, but a comparison of the Antibarbarus with the Lateinische Syntax3 would lead to the conclusion that consistency was not considered a jewel by the Editor. In the latter both Cic. Fam. and Cic. fam., Caes. b.G., b.g., and b. Gall, are found; in this edition many metamorphoses are found, as Varro L.L., 1.1., I. lat., and ling.; Cic. Sen., sen., and Cato; Sail. lug. and Jug.; Cyprian adv. Iud. and Jud.; Vergil and Virgil; Wölfflin. Compar., Kompar., Comp., and Komp., etc., etc.
page 218 note 4 A more complete criticism is reserved for another occasion.
page 219 note 1 The Thesaurus shows the following omissions: ac before c, Quint. 10. 1. 47; Suet. Cal. 17; ac before g, Plin. Mai. 2. 135; 34. 114; ac before q, Plin. Mai. 2. 200; 206; 10. 157; 32. 29; and Val. Flacc. 7. 267.
page 222 note 1 The citations found in the sixth edition were not subjected to a careful revision. Variations of merely a section in references are not cited here.