Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 July 2018
Modal and bulk chemical compositions, illite and chlorite "crystallinity" indices (IC and ChC), white mica bo and vitrinite reflectance values of a Palaeozoic variegated clastic sequence have been determined. The strongly varying IC values are inadequate for the determination of metamorphic zones. Based on statistical analyses of the factors which might affect IC, the presence of paragonite, even in very small quantities as a discrete phase and/or as mixed-layers with illitemuscovite, proved to be the decisive factor. In contrast, no significant correlations were found between the modal composition of the main phases, bulk chemical composition (including Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio) and IC, ChC, or white mica bo values. Thus, neither lithofacies (granulometric), nor redox conditions had any effect on "crystallinity" and bo parameters. Chlorite crystallinity indices and vitrinite reflectance values, together with IC values of selected samples, indicate "anchizonal" conditions. The distribution of white mica bo values indicates that this Hercynian metamorphism was of low-pressure type.