Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 July 2018
Four major sedimentary sequences of the Triassic and Upper Jurassic of the Main Claymore Oilfield of the North Sea each contain a characteristic suite of diagenetic minerals and fabrics. (1) Triassic Skagerrak Formation fluvial sandstones contain early authigenic pore-lining smectite, together with kaolinite and chlorite which form grain replacements and pore fills. Quartz and feldspar overgrowths are minor. Ferroan dolomite forms a late diagenetic patchy poikilotopic cement. Smectite is converted to illite-smectite in a 5 m thick zone beneath the sub-Jurassic unconformity. Smectite formed early in diagenesis prior to oil migration and destroyed permeability. Thus oil is not found in these sandstones although they occur in the oilzone. (2) The Piper Formation (late Oxfordian/early Kimmeridgian) paralic deposits mainly contain authigenic, pore-lining illite-smectite, vermicular kaolinite grain replacements and pore fills. Quartz overgrowths are generally well developed. (3) The Kimmeridge Clay Formation (early Kimmeridgian/early Volgian) comprises thin marine sandstone turbidites, contained within a thick siltstone/shale sequence. In the sandstones (the ‘Ten Foot Sandstone’) discrete double-ended quartz crystals (1–20 µm) developed prior to quartz, K- and Na-feldspar overgrowths. Only minor kaolinite and lllite-smectite are present. Late diagenetic dolomitic occurs as a patchy poikilotopic cement and as clusters of pore-filling rhombs. (4) The Claymore Sandstone Member (early to middle Volgian) thick marine sandstone turbidites are interbedded with thin siltstones/shales. Sandstones have well-developed quartz, K and Na-feldspar overgrowths, and kaolinite and illite-smectite occur as grain replacements and rarely as pore fills. Late-diagenetic dolomite and ferroan dolomite form poikilotopic cement and clusters of pore-filling rhombs. The major factors which control diagenetic features are depositional environment and associated porewater together with original mineralogy. Burial history and textural features of the sandstones also have important influences. Reservoir quality is controlled by a complex interplay of these features.