Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 July 2018
Hydrotalcite-like compounds (HTlc) were found as secondary products in two corrosion experiments performed with Al plates in highly concentrated solutions (MgCl2-saturated brine) in the presence of metallic and soluble iron at 90ºC under an Ar atmosphere. The durations of the experiments were ∼10 and 13 months, respectively. To investigate the corrosion experiments, solution and gas samples were collected and the main parameters measured. The solid and liquid samples obtained were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ICP-OES. The presence of the hydrotalcite-like phase was confirmed by XRD and SEM. In one experiment HTlc was found only after dialysis. Formation of the hydrotalcite-like phase was observed at lower pH than mentioned in the literature. These results are useful in understanding the long-term behaviour of corrosion products of reactor fuel elements in relation to their possible barrier function and to comprehend the long-term behaviour of this type of waste during its final disposal.