Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 July 2018
For an integer q ⩾ 2 and an even integer d, consider the graph obtained from a large complete q-ary tree by connecting with an edge any two vertices at distance exactly d in the tree. This graph has clique number q + 1, and the purpose of this short note is to prove that its chromatic number is Θ((d log q)/log d). It was not known that the chromatic number of this graph grows with d. As a simple corollary of our result, we give a negative answer to a problem of van den Heuvel and Naserasr, asking whether there is a constant C such that for any odd integer d, any planar graph can be coloured with at most C colours such that any pair of vertices at distance exactly d have distinct colours. Finally, we study interval colouring of trees (where vertices at distance at least d and at most cd, for some real c > 1, must be assigned distinct colours), giving a sharp upper bound in the case of bounded degree trees.
The authors were partially supported by ANR Projects STINT (anr-13-bs02-0007) and GATO (anr-16-ce40-0009-01), and LabEx PERSYVAL-Lab (anr-11-labx-0025-01) and LabEx CIMI