1. Introduction
A typical question in extremal graph theory is whether information on the degree sequence of a graph
can be used to find some specific subgraph in
. A famous example is Dirac’s theorem [Reference Dirac9], which states that any
-vertex graph
of minimum degree
$\delta (G)\ge \frac{n}{2}$
contains a spanning cycle. A minimum degree of at least
guarantees a spanning path. Such a result also holds for shorter paths: Already Dirac, as well as Erdős and Gallai, observed that if a graph
has a connected component with at least
vertices and
$\delta (G)\geq \frac k2$
, then
contains a
-edge path (see [Reference Erdős and Gallai10]). Note that we need to require that
has a sufficiently large component as otherwise
could be the disjoint union of complete graphs of order
Considering the same question for oriented graphs
, we replace the minimum degree with the minimum semidegree
$\delta ^0(D)$
, which is defined as the minimum over all the in- and all the out-degrees of the vertices. Note that any oriented graph of minimum semidegree
$\delta ^0(D) \gt \frac k2$
has an underlying connected graph on more than
vertices (and therefore, no extra condition on large components will be necessary). Jackson [Reference Jackson15] showed that every oriented graph
$\delta ^0(D) \gt \frac k2$
contains the directed path on
edges, which is best possible. The first author conjectured that this result extends to any orientation of the path.
Conjecture 1.1. [Reference Stein, Raigoroskii and Rassias29] Every oriented graph
$\delta ^0(D) \gt \frac k2$
contains every oriented path on
This conjecture is best possible for odd
, as a regular tournament on
vertices does not contain any oriented path with
edges. A different example works for antidirected paths, that is, oriented paths whose edges alternate directions (more generally, an antidirected graph is an oriented graph having no
-edge directed path). Note that in an
-blow-up of the directed triangle (where each vertex is replaced with
independent vertices), any longest antidirected path can only cover
It is known [Reference Klimošová and Stein22] that if
$\delta ^0(D)\gt \frac{3k-2}{4}$
, then the oriented graph
contains each antipath with
edges. Further, if we replace the bound with
$\delta ^0(D) \ge k$
, Conjecture 1.1 becomes very easy (a greedy embedding strategy suffices). This strategy also works if we wish to find a
-edge oriented tree instead of an
-edge oriented path. Moreover, in this case we cannot do any better: In the
-blow-up of a directed triangle, each vertex has semidegree
, but no antidirected star with
edges is present. However, the antidirected star is very unbalanced. The situation might be different for balanced antidirected trees
, that is, those that have as many vertices of in-degree
as of out-degree
. We suspect that these trees appear whenever the host oriented graph
has minimum semidegree greater than
$\frac k2$
We show that this is asymptotically true if
is dense and
is large and has bounded maximum degree, where the maximum degree
$\Delta (T)$
of an oriented tree
is defined as the maximum degree of the underlying undirected tree.
Theorem 1.2.
For all
$\eta \in (0,1)$
$c\in \mathbb N$
there is
such that for all
$n\geq n_0$
$k\geq \eta n$
, every oriented graph
vertices with
$\delta ^0 (D)\gt (1 + \eta )\frac k2$
contains every balanced antidirected tree
edges and with
$\Delta (T)\leq (\!\log (n))^c$
Instead of Theorem 1.2 we will prove a slightly stronger version, namely Theorem 5.2. This is necessary for a later application of the result in the proof of Theorem 1.9 below. Theorem 5.2 allows us to specify a subset of
where the root of
will be mapped, a feature that might be of independent interest.
Theorem 1.2 can be interpreted as a version for smaller trees of a recent result by Kathapurkar and Montgomery [Reference Kathapurkar and Montgomery17] (and the preceding result in [Reference Mycroft and Naia27]). In [Reference Kathapurkar and Montgomery17] it is shown that for each
$\eta \gt 0$
, there is some
$c \gt 0$
such that every sufficiently large
-vertex directed graph with minimum semidegree at least
$(\frac 12 + \eta )n$
contains a copy of every
-vertex oriented tree whose underlying maximum degree is at most
$c\frac n{\log n}$
. This generalises a well-known theorem of Komlós, Sárközy, and Szemerédi [Reference Komlós, Sárközy and Szemerédi23] for graphs. The result from [Reference Kathapurkar and Montgomery17] cannot hold for smaller trees and accordingly smaller semidegree without adding further conditions, because of the example of the antidirected star from above.
Turning back to our original question for oriented paths, note that Theorem 1.2 immediately implies that Conjecture 1.1 holds asymptotically for large antidirected paths in large graphs. (If the path is not balanced, we can extend it by one vertex and apply Theorem 1.2 with a sufficiently smaller
Corollary 1.3.
For all
$\eta \in (0,1)$
there is
such that for all
$n\geq n_0$
$k\geq \eta n$
every oriented graph
vertices with
$\delta ^0 (D)\gt (1 + \eta )\frac k2$
contains every antidirected path with
How about asking for oriented cycles instead of oriented paths or trees? Keevash, Kühn, and Osthus [Reference Keevash, Kühn and Osthus18] showed that every sufficiently large
-vertex oriented graph
of minimum semidegree
$\delta ^0(G)\geq \frac{3n}8$
contains a directed Hamilton cycle, and Kelly [Reference Kelly19] showed that asymptotically, the same bound guarantees any orientation of a Hamilton cycle. Kelly, Kühn, and Osthus [Reference Kelly, Kühn and Osthus20] extended this to a pancyclicity result, proving that every oriented graph
of minimum semidegree
$\delta ^0(D)\geq \frac{3n}8+o(n)$
contains every orientation of every cycle (of any length between
). These authors also show that for cycles of constant length the bounds can be improved, but the improvement depends on the cycle type: the number of forward edges minus the number of backwards edges of the cycle. For some cycle types and lengths, a semidegree exceeding
$\frac n3$
is necessary: for instance, if
does not divide
, a blowup of the directed triangle has minimum semidegree
$\frac n3$
but does not contain a directed
. For cycle type
the bound on the minimum semidegree can be much lower: For each
$k\ge 3$
$\eta \gt 0$
every large enough
-vertex oriented graph of minimum semidegree at least
$\eta n$
contains all oriented cycles of length at most
and cycle type
[Reference Kelly, Kühn and Osthus20].
As antidirected cycles have cycle type
, the discussion from the previous paragraph implies that we can find short antidirected cycles with a minimum semidegree of
$\eta n$
and antidirected cycles of any length with a minimum semidegree exceeding
$\delta ^0(D)\geq \frac{3n}8+o(n)$
. In light of Theorem 1.2 it seems natural to suspect that an intermediate bound on the minimum semidegree could suffice for antidirected cycles of medium length. This is indeed possible, as our next result shows.
Theorem 1.4.
For all
$\eta \in (0,1)$
there is
such that for all
$n\geq n_0$
$k\geq \eta n$
, every oriented graph
vertices with
$\delta ^0 (D)\gt (1 + \eta )\frac k2$
contains any antidirected cycle of length at most
We will in fact prove a more general result, Theorem 1.7 below. Theorem 1.7 focuses on embedding antidirected subdivisions of complete graphs. Before stating Theorem 1.7, let us review the history of (oriented) subdivisions in (oriented) graphs of high minimum (semi)degree.
For undirected graphs, Mader [Reference Mader26] proved that there is a function
such that every graph with minimum degree at least
contains a subdivision of the complete graph
. Thomassen [Reference Thomassen32] showed that a direct translation of this result to digraphs is not true: For every function
there is a digraph of minimum outdegree
that does not contain a subdivision of the complete digraph on
$h\ge 3$
vertices. (A subdivision of a digraph
substitutes each edge of
with a directed path.) Mader [Reference Mader25] modified Thomassen’s construction showing that the same is true if we replace the minimum outdegree with the minimum semidegree. Crucially, the constructed digraphs have no even directed cycles (which appear in subdivisions of
). Following these discoveries, Mader suggested to replace the subdivision of the complete digraph with the transitive tournament, that is, the tournament without directed cycles. He conjectured the following.
Conjecture 1.5 (Mader [Reference Mader25]). There is a function
such that every digraph of minimum outdegree at least
contains a subdivision of the transitive tournament of order
This conjecture is open even for
. Recently, there has been much activity on variants of Conjecture 1.5, see for instance [Reference Aboulker, Cohen, Havet, Lochet, Moura and Thomassé1, Reference Cohen, Havet, Lochet and Nisse8, Reference Girão, Popielarz and Snyder11, Reference Gishboliner, Steiner and Szabó12, Reference Gishboliner, Steiner and Szabó13, Reference Jagger16, Reference Kühn, Osthus and Young24, Reference Scott28, Reference Steiner30]. Aboulker, Cohen, Havet, Lochet, Moura, and Thomassé [Reference Aboulker, Cohen, Havet, Lochet, Moura and Thomassé1] observed that Conjecture 1.5 is equivalent to the following conjecture.
Conjecture 1.6. [Reference Aboulker, Cohen, Havet, Lochet, Moura and Thomassé1] There is a function
such that every digraph of minimum semidegree at least
contains a subdivision of a transitive tournament of order
We will show a result along the lines of Conjectures 1.5 and 1.6 for oriented graphs. Namely, we will prove that any oriented graph of large minimum semidegree contains an antidirected orientation of a subdivision of a complete graph
, where
cannot be too large. We can even choose the lengths of the antidirected paths in the subdivision, as long as the very short paths do not span a cycle. To make this more precise, we need some notation.
$h,k\in \mathbb N$
, consider a subdivision of
where each edge
$e\in E(K_h)$
is substituted by a path of length
, with
$\sum _{e\in E(K_h)}g(e)=k$
. Call any antidirected orientation of this graph a
-edge antisubdivision of
. If furthermore the edges of
$g(e)\lt 3$
induce a forest in
, we say the
-edge antisubdivision is long. Note that in particular, if all edges of
are substituted with paths of length at least 3, the resulting antisubdivision is long.
Theorem 1.7.
For all
$\eta \in (0,1)$
there are
$n_0\in \mathbb N$
$\gamma \gt 0$
such that for each
$n\ge n_0$
, each
$h\le \gamma \sqrt n$
and each
$k\ge \eta n$
the following holds. Every oriented graph
vertices with
$\delta ^0 (D)\gt (1 + \eta )\frac k2$
contains each long
-edge antisubdivision of
As indicated above, Theorem 1.7 quickly implies Theorem 1.4.Footnote 1
Let us now turn back to oriented trees. Looking for parameters related to the appearance of certain oriented trees in a digraph, a natural alternative to the minimum semidegree is the edge density. In 1970, Graham [Reference Graham14] confirmed a conjecture he attributes to Erdős: for every antidirected tree
there is a constant
such that every sufficiently large directed graph
vertices and with at least
edges contains
. A similar statement does not hold for other oriented trees: A bipartite graph on sets
, with every edge oriented from
, has
edges, and only has antidirected subgraphs [Reference Addario-Berry, Havet, Linhares Sales, Reed and Thomassé2, Reference Burr7].
In 1982, Burr [Reference Burr7] gave an improvement of Graham’s result: Every
-vertex digraph
with more than
edges contains each antidirected tree
edges. He obtains this result by greedily embedding
into a suitable bipartite subgraph of
. Burr states that the bound
on the number of edges can ‘almost certainly be made rather smaller’ and provides an example where
edges are not sufficient: The
-edge star with all edges directed outwards, and the complete bipartite graph
with half of the edges oriented in either direction in an appropriate way (one can also take the
-blow-up of the directed triangle). In 2013, Addario-Berry, Havet, Linhares Sales, Reed, and Thomassé [Reference Addario-Berry, Havet, Linhares Sales, Reed and Thomassé2] formulated a conjecture which states that
is the correct bound.
Conjecture 1.8. [Reference Addario-Berry, Havet, Linhares Sales, Reed and Thomassé2] Every
-vertex digraph
with more than
edges contains each antidirected tree on
The authors of [Reference Addario-Berry, Havet, Linhares Sales, Reed and Thomassé2] prove this conjecture for antidirected trees of diameter at most 3 and point out that it implies the well-known Erdős–Sós conjecture for graphs. If the digraph
from Conjecture 1.8 is an oriented graph, it is known [Reference Klimošová and Stein22] that about
$\frac 32 (k-1)n$
edges are sufficient to find all antidirected paths on
We show that Conjecture 1.8 is approximately true in oriented graphs for all balanced antidirected trees of bounded maximum degree.
Theorem 1.9.
For all
$\eta \in (0,1)$
$c\in \mathbb N$
, there is
$n_0\in \mathbb N$
such that for every
$n\ge n_0$
and every
$k\ge \eta n$
, every
-vertex oriented graph
with more than
$(1 + \eta )(k-1)n$
edges contains each balanced antidirected tree
edges and
$\Delta (T)\leq (\!\log (n))^c$
In particular, Conjecture 1.8 holds asymptotically for long antidirected paths in oriented graphs. Moreover, Theorem 1.9 implies the asymptotic bound
for digraphs (as any digraph can be turned into an oriented graph by deleting at most half the edges).
The paper is organised as follows. We start with a sketch of the proofs of Theorems 1.4, 1.7 and 1.9 in Section 2. We then go through some preliminaries in Section 3. We give the proof of Theorem 1.4 in Section 5. We prove Theorem 1.7 in Section 6, and Theorem 1.9 in Section 7. In Section 8, we discuss some open questions.
2. Proof sketches
2.1. Connected antimatchings
Fundamental to our proofs is the concept of a connected antimatching: this is a set
of disjoint edges in an oriented graph
such that every pair of edges in
is connected by an antidirected walk in
(see Definition 4.5). Section 4 is dedicated to connected antimatchings. First, we will prove that any oriented graph of large minimum semidegree contains a large connected antimatching
. Second, we will show that we can choose such an antimatching
in a way that the edges of
lie at bounded distance
from each other.
2.2. Sketch of the proof of Theorem 1.4
Given an oriented graph
and an antidirected tree
fulfilling the conditions of the theorem, we apply the digraph regularity lemma to
to find a partition into a bounded number of clusters. The reduced oriented graph
maintains the condition on the minimum semidegree and thus has a large connected antimatching whose edges lie at bounded distance from each other. (In particular, the clusters covered by
can accommodate all of
Now we turn to our antidirected tree
. We decompose
into a family
of small subtrees (for details see Section 3.2). As we prove in Section 3.3, it is possible to assign the trees in
to edges of
in a way that they will fit comfortably into the corresponding clusters.

Figure 1. Regularise
to obtain
, with a connected antimatching marked in bold.

Figure 2. Embedding a small antidirected tree
We now embed
as follows. We go through the decomposition of
, embedding one small tree at a time, always keeping the embedded part connected in (the underlying tree of)
. We embed the first
levels of each small tree
into the clusters of an antiwalk in the reduced oriented graph that starts at the already embedded parent of the root of
and leads to the edge
that was assigned to
. All later levels of
are embedded into clusters
. Since
has bounded maximum degree, the union of first
levels of the trees in
is very small, and therefore it is not a problem if the first
levels of
are embedded outside the edge
. After going through all
, we have finished the embedding of
. See Figures1 and 2 for an illustration.
2.3. Sketch of the proof of Theorem 1.7
Let a long
-antisubdivision of
be given, together with an oriented graph
satisfying the conditions of the theorem. Since the antisubdivision is long, we can choose a set
$\mathcal P$
of long antidirected paths of the antisubdivision such that deleting two inner vertices of each of the antidirected paths in
$\mathcal P$
leaves us with an antidirected tree
As in the proof of Theorem 1.2, we find a connected antimatching
in the reduced oriented graph of
(see Section 4 for details). We embed
with the help of
as follows. Fixing one edge
, we embed the branch vertices of the antisubdivision into the clusters corresponding to
. We embed the long antipaths into clusters corresponding to
and to other edges of
, with the first and last vertices on these antipaths going to clusters on antidirected paths in the reduced oriented graph that connect the edges of
We finish the embedding by adding the two deleted vertices on the paths from
$\mathcal P$
. Their neighbours were embedded into the clusters corresponding to the edge
and regularity allows us to connect them by a
-edge path on unused vertices. This finishes the embedding of the antisubdivision.
2.4. Sketch of the proof of Theorem 1.9
Given the antidirected tree
and the oriented graph
as in the theorem, we start by finding an oriented subgraph
where each vertex has either out-degree at least
$\frac k2$
or out-degree
, and either in-degree at least
$\frac k2$
or in-degree
. Moreover,
has at least one edge.
We then transform
into an oriented graph
which has minimum semidegree exceeding
$\frac k2$
. More precisely,
consists of four copies of
, two of them with all edges reversed, glued together appropriately.
We now need Theorem 5.2, a variation of Theorem 1.2 which allows us to embed
, guaranteeing that the root of
is embedded in a small set of
which we can choose before the embedding. We choose to have the root
embedded in a vertex
of one of the original copies of
(i.e. a copy with edges in the original orientation). We can further ensure that one of the edges at
is embedded into an edge having the original orientation of
. Then it is not hard to deduce that all of
was embedded into an original copy of
, and therefore,
is contained in
3. Preliminaries
3.1. Basic digraph notation
A digraph is a pair of sets
, where the elements of
are called vertices and
is a set of ordered pairs of distinct vertices in
, called edges. An oriented graph is a digraph that allows at most one edge between a pair of vertices.
The edges of a digraph
are directed, and we will write
for an edge that is directed from
. While a digraph may have both edges
for any pair of vertices
$u, v$
, an oriented graph has at most one of these edges. The out-degree
$\delta ^+(v)$
of a vertex
is the number of edges coming out of
, and the in-degree
$\delta ^-(v)$
is defined analogously. The minimum semidegree
$\delta ^0(D)$
of a digraph is the minimum over the out-degrees and the in-degrees of all vertices in
We denote by
the set of all vertices of
that have no outgoing edges, while
is the set of all vertices of
that have no incoming edges. A digraph
is antidirected if
$V(D)={V_{\text{in}}}(D)\cup V_{\text{out}}(D)$
. If the underlying undirected graph of
is a tree, we also call
an antitree. Antipaths and anticycles are defined analogously. Note that anticycles are even. The length of an antipath or anticycle is the number of edges in it.
An antiwalk (or antidirected walk) is a sequence of edges that alternate directions, but we usually denote it by writing the sequence of the corresponding vertices. Note that an antiwalk may repeat vertices and edges, and a repeated vertex
may have both outgoing and incoming edges in the antiwalk. The length of an antiwalk is the length of the corresponding sequence of edges. For instance, the antiwalk
has length
, while having only one edge.
Finally, an antitree
is balanced if
. Note that antipaths of odd length are balanced.
3.2. Tree decompositions
In our proof of the main theorem, we will have to partition the given antitree into smaller trees. It will be enough to define this decomposition for undirected trees, as we can apply it later to the underlying graph of our antitree. This type of decomposition appeared in the literature already in the 1990’s, for instance in [Reference Ajtai, Komlós and Szemerédi3]. Here we use a version from [Reference Besomi, Pavez-Signé and Stein6]:
Definition 3.1 (
-decomposition). Let
$\beta \in (0,1)$
, and let
be a tree on
vertices, rooted at
. If there are a set
$W\subseteq V(T)$
and a family
of disjoint rooted trees such that
$r\in W$ ;
$\mathcal{T}$ consists of the components of
$T-W$ , and each
$S\in \mathcal{T}$ is rooted at the vertex closest to the root of
$T$ ;
$|S|\leq \beta k$ for each
$S\in \mathcal{T}$ ; and
$|W| \le \frac 1\beta + 2$ ,
then the pair
is called a
-decomposition of
Lemma 3.2. [Reference Besomi, Pavez-Signé and Stein6] Let
$\beta \in (0,1)$
, and let
be a tree on
vertices, rooted at
. Then there is a
Let us see what happens to a balanced tree
if we remove some vertices from the upper levels of the trees
$S\in \mathcal T$
of the tree-decomposition of
. We first define what exactly we wish to remove. As usual, the
th level of a tree
contains every vertex in
that has distance
to the root of
Definition 3.3 (
). Given
$j\in \mathbb N$
and a
$(W, \mathcal{T})$
of a tree
, define
as the union of the first
levels of
$S\in \mathcal{T}$
. Set
$L_j(T; (W, \mathcal{T}) )=\bigcup _{S\in \mathcal{T}}Lev_j(S)$
, and write shorthand
$(W, \mathcal{T})$
is clear from the context.
We show now that after removing
for some bounded
, the remainder of
is still relatively well balanced.
Lemma 3.4.
$k, j\in \mathbb{N}^+$
$\alpha, \beta \in (0, \frac 12)$
. Let
be a balanced rooted antitree with
edges such that
$\Delta (T)\leq (\frac{\alpha \beta k}8)^{\frac 1{j+1}}$
. Let
be a
-decomposition of
. Then,
$(1-\alpha )p_T \leq q_T \leq (1+ \alpha )p_T$
, where

Proof. Note that
is contained in the union of the balls of radius
centred at the vertices of
. Thus

is balanced, we easily deduce the desired inequalities.
3.3. Packing trees into edges
Once the given antitree is cut into small pieces
, and we shaved off their first levels
, the details of which are described in Section 3.2, we will have to decide how to pack the remainder of the small pieces into the edges of the connected antimatching of the reduced oriented graph. The following lemma shows how to allocate all of the
$S\setminus L_j(T)$
Lemma 3.5.
$m, t\in \mathbb{N}$
$\alpha \gt 0$
and let
$(p_i, q_i)_{i\in I}\subseteq \mathbb{N}^2$
be a family such that:
$(1-\alpha )\sum _{i\in I} p_i \leq \sum _{i\in I} q_i \leq (1+\alpha )\sum _{i\in I} p_i$ ,
$p_i + q_i \leq \alpha m$ , for all
$i\in I$ , and
$\max \{\sum _{i\in I} p_i, \sum _{i\in I} q_i\} \lt (1-10\alpha )mt$ .
Then there is a partition
of size
such that for every
$J\in \mathcal{J}$

Proof. For every
$i\in I$
, set
$\delta _i\;:\!=\;p_i-q_i$
and for every
$S\subseteq I$
, define
$\delta _S: = \sum _{i\in S} \delta _i$
. Let
$A_1, \ldots, A_t\subseteq I$
be disjoint sets such that for every
$j\in [t]$

and such that, under these conditions,
$R\;:\!=\;I\setminus (A_1\cup \ldots \cup A_t)$
is minimised. Note that for each
$j\in R$
there is an index
$k(j)\in [t]$
such that

since otherwise, using the fact that
$p_j\le \alpha m$
by (b), we have

a contradiction to (c). Next, we claim that

To see (3), suppose there are
$a,b\in R$
$\delta _a\delta _b \lt 0$
. Say
$p_a\geq p_b$
. Then there is an index
such that (2) holds with
, and since
$p_a\ge p_b$
, the inequality also holds when substituting
. Moreover, since
$a\in R$
, we know that neither
can be added to
without violating (1), and thus

$\delta _{A_{k(a)}} \in [{-}\alpha m, \alpha m]$
by (ii). So, since we assumed that
$\delta _a\delta _b\lt 0$
, it must be that
$|\delta _a|+|\delta _b|\gt 2\alpha m$
. But this contradicts (b). We proved (3), which enables us to split the rest of the proof into two cases.
Case 1:
$\delta _i\ge 0$
for all
$i\in R$
. For
$k\in [t]$
, we let
$A^{\prime}_k\supseteq A_k$
be disjoint sets such that
$\sum _{i\in A^{\prime}_k} p_i \leq (1-9\alpha )m$
for every
$k\in [t]$
, and thus also,

Similarly as for (2), we can show that for each
$j\in R'\;:\!=\;I\setminus (A^{\prime}_1\cup \ldots \cup A^{\prime}_t)$
there is an index
$k'(j)\in [t]$
$ p_j+\sum _{i\in A^{\prime}_{k_p(j)}} p_i \leq (1-9\alpha )m$
, and thus, by (4),
$q_j+\sum _{i\in A^{\prime}_{k_p(j)}} q_i \leq (1-9\alpha )m$
. So
, and we are done, taking
$\mathcal{J}= \{A^{\prime}_1, \ldots, A^{\prime}_t\}$
Case 2:
$\delta _i\le 0$
for all
$i\in R$
. We proceed as in Case 1, but choose sets
$A^{\prime}_k\supseteq A_k$
such that
$\sum _{i\in A^{\prime}_k} q_i \leq (1-9\alpha )m$
for every
$k\in [t]$
. The rest of the argument is similar.
3.4. Diregularity
We will use the regularity method which goes back to Szemerédi’s work from the 1970’s [Reference Szemerédi31]. We will need regularity for oriented graphs, but start introducing the concept for undirected graphs. Let
be a graph, let
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
and let
be two disjoint subsets of
. The density of the pair
$d(A,B)=\frac{|E(A,B)|}{|A|\cdot |B|}$
, with
denoting the number of edges between
. The pair
-regular if
$|d(X,Y)-d(A,B)|\lt \varepsilon$
for every
$X\subseteq A$
$Y\subseteq B$
$|X|\gt \varepsilon |A|$
$|Y|\gt \varepsilon |B|$
be an
-regular pair of density
and let
$Y\subseteq B$
be such that
$|Y|\gt \varepsilon |B|$
. A vertex
$x\in A$
is called
-typical (or simply typical) with respect to
if it has more than
$(d-\varepsilon )|Y|$
neighbours in
. It is well known and easy to prove that
has at most
$\varepsilon |A|$
vertices that are not typical with respect to
A partition
$\{V_0, \ldots, V_k\}$
is called an
-regular partition of
$|V_0|\leq \varepsilon |V|$ ,
$|V_1| = \ldots = |V_k|$ ,
(iii) all but at most
$\varepsilon k^2$ of the pairs
$(V_i, V_j)$ , with
$1\leq i \lt j\leq k$ , are
$\varepsilon$ -regular.
be a digraph and let
$A,B\subseteq V(D)$
disjoint. We denote by
the oriented subgraph of
with vertex set
$A\cup B$
and every edge directed from
. In this case, we say the pair
-regular if the underlying graph is
-regular. With these notions and based on the Szemerédi’s Regularity Lemma for graphs without orientation [Reference Szemerédi31], we show its version for digraphs as stated by Alon and Shapira in [Reference Alon and Shapira4]:
Lemma 3.6 (Degree form of the Diregularity Lemma [Reference Alon and Shapira4]). For all
$\varepsilon \in (0,1)$
$m_0\in \mathbb N$
, there are
$M_0, n_0\in \mathbb N$
such that for each
$d\in [0,1]$
and for each digraph
$n\geq n_0$
vertices there are a partition of
into sets
$V_0, V_1, \ldots, V_k$
and a spanning subdigraph
, called the regularised digraph, such that the following holds:
$m_0 \leq k \leq M_0$ ,
$|V_0| \leq \varepsilon n$ and
$|V_1| = \dotsc = |V_k| \;=\!:\; m$ ,
$d_{D'}^+ (x) \gt d_D^+(x) - (d+\varepsilon )n$ for all vertices
$x\in D$ ,
$d_{D'}^- (x) \gt d_D^-(x) - (d+\varepsilon )n$ for all vertices
$x\in V(D)$ ,
for all
$1\leq i\lt j\leq k$ and
$i\neq j$ , the bipartite graph
$(V_i, V_j)_{D'}$ whose vertex classes are
$V_i$ and
$V_j$ and whose edge set consists of all the
$V_i$ -
$V_j$ edges in
$D'$ is
$\varepsilon$ -regular and has density either 0 or at least
$d$ ,
for all
$1\leq i \leq k$ the digraph
$D'[V_i]$ is empty.
Given a regularised digraph
with clusters
$V_1, \ldots, V_t$
, the reduced digraph
is a digraph with vertices
$V_1, \ldots, V_t$
such that the edge
exists only if
contains a
edge. Observe that,
need not be an oriented graph, even if
is. However, it is possible [Reference Kelly, Kühn and Osthus21] to discard appropriate edges from the reduced digraph to find an oriented spanning subgraph
that preserves the minimum semidegree of the original oriented graph
(proportionally to the order of the reduced digraph). The new oriented graph
is called the reduced oriented graph. This result is formalised in the following lemma.
Lemma 3.7 (see [Reference Kelly, Kühn and Osthus21]). Let
$\varepsilon, d\in [0,1]$
$m_0\in \mathbb N$
, let
be a large enough oriented graph and let
be the reduced digraph obtained by applying the Lemma 3.6 to
with parameters
$\varepsilon, m_0$
. Then,
has a spanning oriented subgraph
$\delta ^+(R) \geq \left(\frac{\delta ^+(G)}{|G|} - (3\varepsilon +d)\right)|R|,$
$\delta ^-(R) \geq \left(\frac{\delta ^-(G)}{|G|} - (3\varepsilon +d)\right)|R|.$
This oriented graph
is called the
$(\varepsilon, d)$
-reduced oriented graph.
3.5. Embedding small trees in antiwalks
We now show how to embed a small tree into an antiwalk of the reduced oriented graph. This will be useful for embedding the first levels of a piece
of the decomposition of our antitree
into an antiwalk leading to a suitable edge
of the connected antimatching. The edge
will accommodate the rest of
We start with a convenient definition, expressing that the orientations of the small tree
and the antiwalk coincide.
Definition 3.8 (Consistent antiwalk and antitree). Let
be a non-trivial antiwalk and let
be a rooted antitree. We say
are consistent if one of the following holds:
$r(T)\in V_{\text{out}}(T)$ and
$P$ starts with an out-edge, or
$r(T)\in V_{\text{in}}(T)$ and
$P$ starts with an in-edge.
Now we embed an antitree into a consistent antiwalk of a reduced digraph. A very similar result for undirected graphs was proved in [Reference Besomi, Pavez-Signé and Stein6].
Lemma 3.9.
$\varepsilon \in (0, \frac{1}{4})$
$m,h\in \mathbb{N}$
. Let
$P=Q_0 \ldots Q_{h-1}Q_{h}$
be an antiwalk in an
$(\varepsilon, 2\sqrt{\varepsilon })$
-reduced oriented graph
of an oriented graph
, where clusters have size
. For
$0\leq i\leq h$
, let
$Z_i\subseteq Q_i$
be such that
$|Z_i|\geq 3\sqrt{\varepsilon } m$
$i\neq 0$
$|Z_0|\geq 3{\varepsilon } m$
. For
$i=h-1, h$
, let
$X_{i}\subseteq Q_{i}\setminus Z_{i}$
$|X_i|\gt 3\sqrt \varepsilon m$
. Let
be a rooted antitree with
$|S|\lt \frac \varepsilon{10} m$
such that
are consistent. Then there is an embedding
such that
(a) for each
$i\le h$ , and for each
$v$ from the
$i$ th level of
$S$ ,
$\varphi (v)\in Z_i$ and
$\varphi (v)$ is typical with respect to
$Z_{i+1}$ (or with respect to
$Z_{i-1}$ if
$i=h$ ), and
(b) for each
$i\gt h$ , and for each
$v$ from the
$i$ th level of
$S$ ,
$\varphi (v)\in X_{h-1}$ is typical with respect to
$X_{h}$ if
$i-h$ is odd, and
$\varphi (v)\in X_{h}$ is typical with respect to
$X_{h-1}$ if
$i-h$ is even.
Proof. Let
be the root of
and denote the embedding by
$\phi\; :\; V(S) \longrightarrow \cup _{i=0}^{h} Q_i$
. Suppose that
$Q_0Q_1\in E(R)$
, and
$r(S)\in V_{\text{out}}(S)$
, the other case is analogous.
We embed
in a typical vertex of
with respect to
, and then embed successively, for
$i\lt h$
, the vertices from the
th level into vertices from
that are typical to
. (This is possible since we embed at most
$|S|\lt \frac \varepsilon{10} m$
vertices in total, and since
$|Z_i|\geq 3\sqrt{\varepsilon }m$
for all
, while there are less than
$\varepsilon m$
atypical vertices in each
.) For the vertices from the
th level we take care that their images are typical with respect to both
. The vertices from later levels are embedded alternatingly into
, and we take care that their images are typical with respect to both
, or both
, respectively.
4. Connected antimatchings
In this section we introduce the concept of a connected antimatching, which is central to our proof. We also prove two lemmas (Lemmas 4.6 and 4.8) relating the minimum semidegree of an oriented graph
to the existence and size of a connected antimatching in
, whose edges are not too distant from each other.
Before we can introduce the notion of a connected antimatching, we need some preliminary definitions.
Definition 4.1 (in-vertex and out-vertex of an antiwalk). Let
be an antiwalk, and let
$v\in V(P)$
. We call
an out-vertex of
has one or more edges of the form
. We call
an in-vertex of
has one or more edges of the form
Note that also in non-trivial walks a vertex can be both an in- and an out-vertex.
Definition 4.2 (out-walk; out-in-walk; out-out-walk). Let
be an oriented graph with
$a,z\in V(C)$
. A non-trivial antiwalk
starting in
and ending in
whose first edge is directed away from
is called an out-walk from
. Call
an out-in-walk if its last edge is directed towards
, and an out-out-walk otherwise. Also call a trivial walk an out-out-walk.
Definition 4.3 (
). Let
be an oriented graph with
$a\in V(C)$
. Then
is the set of all
$z\in V(C)$
such that there is an out-in-walk from
, and
is the set of all
$z\in V(C)$
such that there is an out-out-walk from
Observe that
are not necessarily disjoint.
Definition 4.4 (anticonnected oriented graph). Let
be an oriented graph with
$a\in V(C)$
. We say
is anticonnected if
$V(C)=\textrm{In}(C,a) \cup \textrm{Out}(C,a)$
Definition 4.5 (connected antimatching). Call
$M=\{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq m}$
a connected antimatching of size
in an oriented graph
is a matching in the underlying graph of
and if
$a_i\in \textrm{Out}(D,a_1)$
for every
$1\leq i\leq m$
. We write
for the set of all vertices covered by
Our first lemma of this section links the size of a connected antimatching in an oriented graph with its minimum semidegree. We can even choose a vertex to be included in the antimatching, as an outvertex of a matching edge (of course, by inverting all direction we could also choose it as an invertex).
Lemma 4.6.
$t\in \mathbb N^+$
, let
be an oriented graph with
$\delta ^0(D) \geq t$
, and let
$w\in V(D)$
. Then
has a connected antimatching
$M=\{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq t}$
of size
, with
Proof. Let
$M=\{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq m}$
be a connected antimatching of maximum size in
with the property that
. Note that
$m \geq 1$
, because any single edge constitutes a connected antimatching. For contradiction, we assume that
$m \lt t$
. Let
be the largest induced subdigraph of
such that
$M\subseteq E(C)$
$a_i\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$ for every
$1\leq i\leq m$ and
$(C, a_1)$ is anticonnected.
We claim that

Indeed, let
$v\in \textrm{In}(C,a_1)$
and suppose that there is a vertex
$x\in N^-(v)\setminus V(C)$
. By definition of
, the digraph
contains an out-in-walk
. Then
and the edge
form an out-out-walk from
. Thus, adding the vertex
and the edge
, we obtain a subdigraph
that is larger than
and fulfils (i)-(iii), a contradiction. The proof for
$v\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$
is analogous. This proves (5).
Now, we show that

In order to see (6), let
$v\in \textrm{In}(C,a_1)\setminus V(M)$
, and let
$x\in N^-(v)$
. By (5), we know that
$x\in V(C)$
. For contradiction, assume
$x\notin V(M)$
. Define
$a_{m+1} \;:\!=\; x$
$b_{m+1} \;:\!=\; v$
and set
$M'\;:\!=\;\{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq m+1}$
. Consider an out-in-walk from
and add the edge
at the end to see that
$x\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$
. So
is a connected antimatching of size
, with
, a contradiction to the choice of
. We can proceed similarly for
$v\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)\setminus V(M)$
. This proves (6).
Next, we claim that

To prove (7) by contradiction, we start by considering a vertex
$V(C)\setminus V(M)$
. Since
$\delta ^0(D) \geq t$
and because of (6), we know that if
$u\in \textrm{In}(C,a_1)$
, then
has at least
in-neighbours in
, and if
$u\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$
, then
at least
out-neighbours in
. Now suppose there are two distinct vertices in
$V(C)\setminus V(M)$
. Since we assume that
$|M|\lt t$
, there are distinct
$u_1,u_2\in V(C)\setminus V(M)$
, edges
$e_1, e_2\in E(C)$
, an index
$j\le t-1$
and an edge
$v_1v_2\;:\!=\;a_jb_j\in M$
such that for each
one of the following holds:
$u_i\in \textrm{In}(C,a_1)$ and
$e_i=v_iu_i$ , or
$u_i\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$ and
$e_i=u_iv_i$ , or
If possible, choose
$j\neq 1$
, and if that is not possible try to choose
in a way that
by adding
and removing
. Note that for
, if
$u_i\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$
, and furthermore, if
$u_i\in \textrm{In}(C,a_1)$
, which means that
is reachable by an out-in-walk from
, to which we can add the edge
to obtain an out-out-walk from
, implying that
$v_i\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$
. So, in the case that
$j\neq 1$
, and in the case that
, we know that
is a connected antimatching which is larger than
, with
being the outvertex of a matching edge we can call
. This is a contradiction to the choice of
. Thus
Note that the fact that
implies that both
have only
out- or in-neighbours in
$V(M)\setminus \{a_1, b_1\}$
, where we count out-neighbours for
$u_i\in \textrm{Out}(C,a_1)$
and in-neighbours otherwise. Thus both are connected by edges to both of
$a_1, b_1$
. Since we would have chosen
if that was possible for a choice of
, we know that both
are in-neighbours of
, in fact,
has no out-neighbours outside
. So, because of our bound on the minimum semidegree,
has at least
out-neighbours in
$V(M)\setminus \{a_1, b_1\}$
. As the outdegree of
$V(M)\setminus \{a_1, b_1\}$
is at least
, we find an edge
$a_jb_j\in M$
, with
$j\neq 1$
, such that
$a_1a_j, u_1b_j\in E(D)$
$a_1b_j, u_1a_j\in E(D)$
. Adding these two edges and
while deleting
gives a connected antimatching
, which is larger than
, and where
(choosing the corresponding edge as
). Therefore, inequality (7) holds.
By (7), and since we assume
to have at most
edges, we see that

Now, by (5), the out-neighbourhood of
is contained in
and thus is a subset of
. Similarly, the in-neighbourhood of
is a subset of
. Considering the minimum semidegree of
, we deduce that

By (8), we conclude
$\textrm{In}(C,a_1) \cap \textrm{Out}(C,a_1) \neq \emptyset$
and thus contains a vertex
. Because of (5), both the in-neighbourhood and the out-neighbourhood of
are contained in
. As each of these two disjoint sets has at least
has at least
vertices, a contradiction to (8).
For the next lemma, we need another definition.
Definition 4.7 (out-out-distance
; out-in-distance
). In an oriented graph
, the out-out-distance
between two vertices
$a, a'\in V(D)$
is the length of the shortest out-out-walk from
, if such a walk exists. Otherwise
Similarly, the out-in-distance
between two vertices
$a, a'\in V(D)$
is the length of the shortest out-in-walk from
, if such a walk exists, and otherwise
Observe that
and for edges
of a connected antimatching,
is finite by definition. For use in the proof of the following lemma, we define
$\textrm{ood}(M)=\sum _{i=2}^{d} \textrm{ood}(a_1, a_i)$
, where
$M = \{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq t}$
is a connected antimatching.
Lemma 4.8.
$t\in \mathbb N$
and let
be an oriented graph with
$\delta ^0(D)\geq t$
. Let
$w\in V(D)$
. Then
contains a connected antimatching
$M = \{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq t}$
, with
, and such that for every
$1\leq i\leq t$
$\textrm{ood}(a_1, a_i) \leq 8t$
Proof. By Lemma 4.6, we know that
contains a connected antimatching
$M'=\{a^{\prime}_ib^{\prime}_i\}_{1\leq i\leq t}$
. Among all such antimatchings choose
$M=\{a_ib_i\}_{1\leq i\leq t}$
such that
is minimised. For the sake of contradiction, suppose there exists
$2\le k\le t$
such that
$\textrm{ood}(a_1, a_k)\gt 8d$
. Let
be a shortest out-out-walk from
. We claim that

Indeed, suppose vertex
appears at least twice as an in-vertex on
. Then there are distinct vertices
$x,y\in V(D)$
such that
(where the each of paths
is allowed to be empty). The antiwalk
is shorter than
, a contradiction to the choice of
. We can argue similarly if
appears twice on
as an out-vertex. This proves (9).
From (9) it follows that
does not repeat edges. Therefore, and since we assumed that
has length greater than
, we know that

By (9), every
is incident to at most 4 edges in
. The same holds for every
. So at most
edges have one of their extremes on
, and hence, by (10), there is an edge
such that
$x,y\notin V(M)$
. Replacing
, we obtain a connected antimatching
of size
$\textrm{ood}(M')\lt \textrm{ood}(M)$
, a contradiction to the choice of
5. Antitrees: The proof of Theorem 1.2
Instead of Theorem 1.2, we will prove a slightly stronger result, namely Theorem 5.2 below. The additional properties of Theorem 5.2 will be necessary for the proof of Theorem 1.9.
Let us define the following shorthand notation.
Definition 5.1.
For digraphs
, we write
$A\subseteq _\gamma D$
if for each set
$V^*\subseteq V(D)$
of size at least
$\gamma |V(D)|$
and for each
$x\in V(A)$
, there is an embedding of
mapped to
Here is the result that immediately implies Theorem 1.2.
Theorem 5.2.
For all
$\eta \in (0,1)$
$c\in \mathbb N$
there is
such that for all
$n\geq n_0$
$k\geq \eta n$
the following holds for every oriented graph
vertices and every balanced antidirected tree
edges. If
$\delta ^0 (D)\gt (1 + \eta )\frac k2$
$\Delta (T)\leq (\!\log (n))^c$
, then
$T\subseteq _\eta D$
In the remainder of this section, we prove Theorem 5.2.
Proof of Theorem
. We will first define our constants, then prepare the given digraph
and the antitree
and finally proceed to embed
Setting the constants. We define our constants
$\varepsilon, \beta$
so that

More precisely, given
, we set
$\varepsilon \;:\!=\; \frac{\eta ^2}{10^5}$
. Lemma 3.6 with input
$m_0\;:\!=\;\lceil \frac 1\varepsilon \rceil$
gives constants
such that we can apply the lemma to digraphs on
$n\geq n^{\prime}_0$
vertices. Set
$\beta \;:\!=\;\frac{\varepsilon }{100 M_0}$
, and choose
$n_0\ge n^{\prime}_0$
such that

Finally, let
$n\geq n_0$
and let
$k\geq \eta n$
Objective. Let
be an oriented graph
vertices, with
$\delta ^0 (D)\gt (1 + \eta )\frac k2$
. Let
be a balanced antidirected tree
edges, with
$\Delta (T)\leq (\!\log (n))^c$
. We need to show that for every
$V^*\subseteq V(D)$
$|V^*|\ge \eta n$
, the antitree
can be embedded in
, with
embedded in
So let such
$V^*\subseteq V(D)$
$x\in V(T)$
be given. Note that we can assume that
$x\in V_{\text{out}}(T)$
, as otherwise we could switch the orientations of
and of
, which would move
. Once
is embedded, we switch all orientations back to normal.
Preparing the oriented graph
. We apply Lemma 3.6 with
$d=2\sqrt{\varepsilon }$
to obtain
, a digraph with
$r\leq M_0$
$C_1, \ldots, C_r$
of the same size
, and with
$\delta ^0(D') \gt (1+\frac \eta 2)\frac k2$
. We divide each cluster of
into two slices,
of sizes

Note that at least one of the clusters
contains at least
$\eta |C_i|$
vertices from
. Let
be such a cluster.
be the reduced oriented graph of
given by Lemma 3.7, on vertices
$C_1, \ldots, C_r$
, of minimum semidegree greater than

By Lemma 4.8,
has a connected antimatching
such that

and such that
, where here and later we write
) for the cluster corresponding to
) in our reduced oriented graph
, for every antimatching edge
$a_ib_i\in M$
Preparing the antitree
. Note that because of (11), and since we assume that
$\Delta (T)\le \log n$

We root
at the
. By Lemma 3.2, there is a
of the underlying undirected tree of
, with
$|W|\lt \frac 1\beta + 2\le \frac 2\beta$
. Let
denote the set of oriented subtrees of
corresponding to
. For each
$S\in \mathcal{T}$
, we define

We claim that the family
$(p_S, q_S)_{S\in \mathcal{T}}$
satisfies the conditions of Lemma 3.5 with
$\sqrt{\varepsilon }$
playing the role of
. Indeed, Lemma 3.5
holds by Lemma 3.4, because of (14), and since
$t\ge M_0$
. As
is a
-decomposition, and by our choice of
, we know that

for each
$S\in \mathcal T$
, and thus, Lemma 3.5
holds. Finally Lemma 3.5
is true because
is balanced, and thus, by our choice of
, and since
$|W|\ge 1$

So Lemma 3.5, gives a partition
, such that for every
$j\in [t]$

For convenience, let us also define, for each
$S\in \mathcal T$
, the set
. This set contains all vertices from
whose path to
passes through
before passing through any other
$S'\in \mathcal T$
. That is,
contains all children of
, as well as their children in
, etcetera. Similarly, we define
as the set of all vertices from
whose path to
does not meet any tree from
$\mathcal T$
Idea of the embedding procedure. The process starts with embedding
. Then we embed the vertices from
$C_{a_1}^1\cup C_{b_1}^1$
After that, in every step of the process, we will embed some
$S\in \mathcal{T}$
, say with
$S\in P_j$
, together with the set
. We choose
such that the parent of its root
is already embedded, say in cluster
. As
itself or a neighbouring cluster
lies at out-out-distance at most
, there is a short antiwalk
or from
. We embed the first
levels of
$T[S\cup W_S]$
into the
-slices of clusters
, and the rest into
$C_{a_j}^2, C_{b_j}^2$
The bound on the maximum degree of
ensures that only few vertices in total go to clusters from connecting antiwalks
. Therefore,
will be mainly embedded into the edges from
, where we have control on how space is allocated.
The embedding. Let us make this sketch more precise. Let
$V_1 = \bigcup _{i=1}^r C_i^1$
$V_2 = \bigcup _{i=1}^r C_i^2$
. Embed
in a vertex of
$C^*\cap W=C_{a_1}\cap W$
that is typical to
. We next embed all of
$C_{a_1}^1\cup C_{b_1}^1$
. This can be done levelwise, in each step choosing vertices that are typical with respect to
, respectively. As
has at most
$\frac 2\beta$
vertices, we can embed all of
without a problem.
We now go through the antitrees
$S\in \mathcal{T}$
and embed
together with
$ W$
. We do this in an ordered way, so that when starting to work with
, the parent of
is already embedded. We will show that at every step of the process, that is, for each
$S\in \mathcal{T}$
, the following conditions are met:
$Lev_{16t+2}(T[S\cup W_S])$ is embedded into
$V_1$ , and the rest of
$T[S\cup W_S]$ is embedded into
$V_2$ ,
(b) if
$S\in P_j$ , then
$V_{\text{out}}(T[S\cup W_S])\setminus Lev_{16t+2}(T[S\cup W_S])$ is embedded into
$C_{a_j}^2$ and
$V_{\text{in}}(T[S\cup W_S])\setminus Lev_{16t+2}(T[S\cup W_S])$ is embedded into
$C_{b_j}^2$ ,
(c) every vertex in
$V_{\text{out}}(T[S\cup W_S])$ is embedded in a cluster
$C_v$ corresponding to a vertex
$v$ with
$\textrm{ood} (a_1,v)\le 8t$ ,
(d) every vertex in
$V_{\text{in}}(T[S\cup W_S])$ is embedded in a cluster
$C_v$ corresponding to a vertex
$v$ with
$\textrm{oid} (a_1,v)\le 8t$ , and
(e) for every
$w\in W$ , if the image of
$w$ lies in cluster
$C$ then it is typical with respect to
$(C')^1$ for some neighbour
$C'$ of
$C$ .
Assume now we are in a step of the process and about to embed
$T[S\cup W_S]$
for some
$S\in \mathcal{T}$
. Let
$j\in [t]$
be such that
$S\in P_j$
. Observe that the parent of
is already embedded in a vertex
of a cluster
so that
is typical to
for some neighbour
of cluster
, by (e).
First assume that
$r(S)\in V_{\text{out}}(S)$
. Then the parent of
is an in-neighbour of
. Because of (c) and (13), there is an out-out-walk
of (even) length at most
starting at
and ending at
. We add the cluster
at the end and the cluster
at the beginning to obtain an antiwalk
of length at most
. We obtain an antiwalk
of length exactly
by repeating two subsequent vertices of
an appropriate number of times. Note that
$T[S\cup W_S]$
are consistent.
Now, if
$r(S)\in V_{\text{in}}(S)$
, we proceed analogously, only that here,
is an in-in-walk of length at most
, and when constructing
, we add the antiwalk
at the end. That gives an in-out-walk
of length exactly
that is consistent with
$T[S\cup W_S]$
Observe that
$|S\cup W|\lt \frac \varepsilon{10} m$
. Set
, and let
be the sets of all unoccupied vertices of the last two clusters on
. By (a), the only vertices embedded in
$C_{a_j}^2\cup C_{b_j}^2$
are vertices from
and antitrees from
without their first
levels. By (12) and (15), we conclude that

We will use Lemma 3.9 to embed
$T[S\cup W_S]$
. For this, let
be the set of all unused out-neighbours (if
$r(S)\in V_{\text{out}}(S)$
) or in-neighbours (if
$r(S)\in V_{\text{out}}(S)$
) of
. For
$1\le i\leq h$
, let
be the set of all unused vertices of
, where
is the
th vertex on
. By (a), any used vertex in
lies in
$L_{16t+2}(T)\cup W$
, and this set contains at most

vertices, where we used (14) for the third inequality. So, since by (12), the neighbourhood of
is at least
$d\cdot |(C')^1|\ge 2\sqrt \varepsilon \cdot 9\sqrt \varepsilon |C'| \ge 18 \varepsilon m$
, we conclude that
$|Z_1|\gt 3{\varepsilon }m$
and similarly, we see that
$|Z_i|\gt 3\sqrt{\varepsilon }m$
$1\le i\leq h$
. Thus, we can apply Lemma 3.9 to embed
$T[S\cup W_S]$
. Observe that conditions (a)–(e) are satisfied after embedding
After embedding
$T[S\cup W_S]$
for each
$S\in \mathcal T$
in this way, we have embedded all of
, with
embedded in
, which finishes the proof.
6. Antisubdivisions of
: The proof of Theorem 1.7
The proof of Theorem 1.7 is similar to the proof of Theorem 1.2, with the difference that we only need the connected antimatching in the reduced oriented graph, and then do the embedding ‘by hand’.
6.1. Preparation
We choose our constants as in the proof of Theorem 1.2, in particular ensuring that
$n_0\ge 100\varepsilon ^{-1}M_0^3$
. In addition, we set

We now prepare the oriented graph in the same way as for Theorem 1.2. In the reduced oriented graph of
, we use Lemma 4.6 to find a connected antimatching
$M=\{a_ib_i\}_{1\le i\le t}$
of convenient size
. We split each cluster
into two slices
, where
only contains about a
$10\sqrt \varepsilon$
portion of the vertices of
Let a long
-edge antisubdivision
be given, that is, a set
$X=x_1,\ldots, x_h$
of vertices, and antipaths
, for each
$1\le i\lt j\le h$
. For each two-edge path
we add the middle vertex
. Call the obtained set
. By assumption,
induces a forest in
. Choose a subset of

so that together with
, they induce a tree in
. For all other paths
we choose a subpath
$Q_{i,j}\subseteq P_{i,j}$
of length
. Let
$\mathcal Q$
be the set of all such paths
, and let
be the set of their endvertices. Note that
$T=K_h-(\bigcup _{Q_{i,j}\in \mathcal Q}V(Q_{i,j})\setminus Y)$
is an antitree. We root
be the set of all vertices on paths in
between vertices of
$X\cup Y$
that have length at most
. Set
$W=X'\cup Y\cup Z$
, and note that
naturally partitions into two sets:
$W_{out}=W\cap V_{\text{out}}(H)$
. Observe that there are at most
of length at least
, and thus

Also note that each component of
$T- W$
is a long path (longer than
). Let
$\mathcal P$
be the set of all these components.
6.2. Embedding of
We first give quick overview of the embedding of
, the details are given further below. First, we embed the root
$C_{a_1}\cup C_{b_1}$
. Then at each step, we embed either a vertex from
or a path from
$\mathcal P$
whose parent is already embedded. All vertices of
are embedded into
$C_{a_1}^1\cup C_{b_1}^1$
, and the paths from
$\mathcal P$
are embedded mainly into the
-slices of clusters corresponding to edges of
. For this, we use the edges of the antimatching
although this is not crucial) in an ordered way, and when one edge is sufficiently used, we go to the next edge of
. For the connections between
$C_{a_i}\cup C_{b_i}$
$C_{a_j}\cup C_{b_j}$
we use the slices
. At all times, vertices are embedded into typical vertices with respect to the unused part of the slice
to be used in the next step, or with respect to the slice
to be used in the future for children. The details of the embedding of
are given in the next paragraph, and the details for the paths from
$\mathcal P$
are given in the subsequent paragraph.
The vertices of
are embedded into
$C_{a_1}^1\cup C_{b_1}^1$
, as mentioned above. Namely, each
$w\in W$
(in particular
) is embedded into
$w\in W_{out}$
is embedded into
$w\in W_{in}$
. Every time we embed a vertex from
, we make sure its image is typical with respect to
, and every time we embed a vertex from
, we make sure its image is typical with respect to
. By (17), the set
is small enough to easily fit into
$C_{a_1}^1\cup C_{b_1}^1$
. It is also much smaller than a typical neighbourhood in
or in
, and therefore, it is not a problem if a vertex from
is embedded much earlier than some of its children (as long as we ensure the children are embedded into
-slices). For a more precise analysis, see below.
Let us now turn to the paths from
$\mathcal P$
. As mentioned above, these paths are embedded mainly into the
-slices of clusters corresponding to edges of the antimatching
. However, the first vertex
of such a path
goes to either
(depending on the image of its parent), and we choose for the image of
a vertex that is typical with respect to
is the first cluster on a path
, or from
, to the clusters
we plan to use for
. We embed the next vertices of
, always into
-slices, always typical to the next slice until we reach
$C_{a_j}\cup C_{b_j}$
(after at most
steps). Then we switch to the slices
. Now, every vertex is embedded into a typical vertex with respect to the unused part of
or of
. If necessary, we move from
$C_{a_j}\cup C_{b_j}$
$C_{a_{j+1}}\cup C_{b_{j+1}}$
(using at most
vertices which are embedded into
-slices on a suitable path). We keep moving to subsequent
$C_{a_i}\cup C_{b_i}$
’s if necessary. When we reach the last vertices on
, we start moving back to
$C_{a_1}\cup C_{b_1}$
, through the
-slices on a path of length at most
. We reach
$C_{a_1}\cup C_{b_1}$
and embed the last vertex of
into a typical vertex with respect to
or to
. If
has a child in
, this child can be embedded now, or later in the process.
Let us analyse the embedding procedure to see that
can indeed be embedded in this way. First, we note that the size of
is sufficient, and the
-slices are large enough so that all the paths from
$\mathcal P$
can be embedded without a problem. Second, we observe that we used the
-slices exclusively for
, for the first
$\le M_0$
and last
$\le M_0$
vertices on a long path, and for moving from one edge
to the next edge
. So the number of vertices embedded into the
-slices is at most
$|W|+2M_0\cdot h^2+M_0\cdot t$
. Because of (17) and since
$t\le M_0$
, this number is bounded from above by

So, whenever are about to embed a vertex into a
-slice, it is enough to know that the image of its parent was chosen typical with respect to the whole slice (as a typical neighbourhood in the slice has at least
$18\varepsilon m$
vertices). We can thus embed all of
6.3. Embedding interior vertices on paths from
$\mathcal Q$
It only remains to embed the two middle vertices
of the paths
, which we do successively, in any order. Say the neighbour of
was embedded in
$v\in C^1_{a_1}$
, and the neighbour of
was embedded in
$v'\in C^1_{b_1}$
. We consider the neighbourhood
of the image of
in the unused part of
and the neighbourhood
of the image of
in the unused part of
. Since at most
$ \frac \varepsilon 2 m+h^2\le \varepsilon |C^1_{a_1}|$
vertices of
have been used so far, we know that
are sufficiently large to ensure that there is an edge
we can use. We complete the embedding by mapping
7. Edge density: The proof of Theorem 1.9
In order to prove Theorem 1.9 we will need a lemma that allows us to rewrite the condition on the edge density as a condition on a parameter that is very similar to the semidegree, and which we will call the minimum pseudo-semidegree. Define the minimum pseudo-semidegree
$\bar \delta ^0(D)$
of a digraph
with at least one edge as the minimum
such that for each vertex
$v\in V(D)$
we have
$\delta ^+(v), \delta ^-(v)\in \{0\}\cup [d,\infty )$
. The minimum pseudo-semidegree of an empty digraph is
Lemma 7.1.
$k\in \mathbb N^+$
. If a digraph
has more than
edges, then it contains a digraph
$\bar \delta ^0(D')\ge \frac k2$
Proof. Note that the vertices of
have, on average, in-degree greater than
and out-degree greater than
. Consider the following folklore construction of an auxiliary bipartite graph
associated to the digraph
: first, divide each vertex
$v\in V(D)$
into two vertices
, letting
be adjacent to all edges ending at
, and letting
be adjacent to all edges starting at
; second, omit all directions on edges.
Then the average degree of
is greater than
, and a standard argument shows that
has a non-empty subgraph
of minimum degree at least
(for this, it suffices to successively delete edges of degree at most
and to calculate that we have not deleted the entire graph). Translating
back to the digraph setting, we see that
has a subdigraph
, such that
minimum pseudo-semidegree at least
, which is as desired.
The next auxiliary result states that the minimum semidegree and the minimum pseudo-semidegree are practically equivalent for the purposes of finding antidirected subgraphs
in oriented graphs
, if there is some control over the placement of
Say an oriented graph is weakly connected if its underlying graph is connected. Recall that the notation
$\subseteq _\gamma$
is given Definition 5.1.
Lemma 7.2.
For any weakly connected antidirected graph
and for any
$\ell, n_0\in \mathbb N$
, the following holds. If for each oriented graph
on at least
vertices with
$\delta ^0(D)\ge \ell$
we have
$A\subseteq _{1/8} D$
, then each oriented graph
on at least
vertices with
$\bar \delta ^0(D')\ge \ell$
Proof. Given
, and
, let
be an oriented graph on at least
vertices with
$\bar \delta ^0(D')\ge \ell$
. Assume that
$|V_{\text{out}}(D')|\ge |{V_{\text{in}}}(D')|$
(the other case is analogous). Then

We will construct an auxiliary oriented graph
to which the hypothesis of the lemma can be applied. Take four copies
$D_1, D_2, D_3, D_4$
. Let
$i=1,\ldots 4$
. For
, identify the vertices of
with the vertices of
, and the vertices of
with the vertices of
(addition modulo
). Finally, reverse all directions on edges in copies
. For an illustration, see Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Construction of
in the proof of Lemma 7.2.
Note that the obtained digraph
is an oriented graph and has more than
vertices. Also note that
$\delta ^0(D)\ge \ell$
, since all vertices in
$D_i\setminus (A_i\cup B_i)$
maintain their semidegree, the vertices in
have at least
out-neighbours in
and at least
in-neighbours in
, for
, and a similar statement holds for the vertices in the sets
We choose
as the set of all vertices in
$V(D_1)\setminus B_1$
. Note that
$|V^*|\ge \frac{|V(D_1)|}2$
and therefore
$|V^*|\ge \frac{|V(D)|}8$
. We let
be any edge of
(directed from
). By the hypothesis of the lemma, we find an embedding of
, with
embedded into some vertex
$v^*\in V^*$
We claim that

Then, as
is a copy of
(with the original directions on the edges), we can conclude that
is a subdigraph of
So all that remains is to prove (18). Proceeding by contradiction, we assume otherwise, that is, we assume there is a vertex
$z\in V(A)$
whose image does not lie in
. Then the underlying graph of
, which is connected by assumption, contains a path from
. So
, which is antidirected, contains an antipath
$xy_1y_2\ldots y_hz$
. Since
is an edge of
, we know that the edge
is directed from
Recall that
is embedded in
$v^*\in V^*=V(D_1)\setminus B_1$
. This location of
ensures that all out-neighbours of
are in
. More specifically, by the definition of
, all out-neighbours of
are in
$D_1\setminus A_1$
. In particular,
is embedded in a vertex
$D_1\setminus A_1$
. This in turn ensures that all in-neighbours of
are in
$D_1\setminus B_1$
. In particular,
is embedded in a vertex
$D_1\setminus B_1$
. Continuing to argue in this manner, we see that all
and also
are embedded in
. This proves (18), and thus completes the proof of the lemma.
Remark 7.3.
We remark that Lemma 7.2 also holds if both
are directed graphs instead of oriented graphs. However, since Theorem
only holds for oriented graphs of high minimum semidegree, we need the lemma in the form it is written.
Remark 7.4.
Observe that in Lemma 7.2 it is essential to require that a vertex of
can be mapped to a specific set in
: If we left out this requirement, then we might find a copy of
instead of in
. Thus in
we would only get a copy of
with all directions reversed.
We are ready to prove Theorem 1.9.
Proof of Theorem
. Given
from Theorem 1.9, we note that we may assume that
$\eta \le 1/8$
. Let
be given by Theorem 5.2 for input
Now, let
$n\ge n_0$
$k\ge \eta n$
, and let
be an oriented graph on
vertices with
$|E(D)|\gt (1+\eta )(k-1)|V(D)|$
. Let
be a balanced antitree with
edges and
$\Delta (T)\le (\!\log n)^c$
. We need to show that
$T\subseteq D$
Apply Lemma 7.1 to
to obtain an oriented graph
$D'\subseteq D$
$\bar \delta ^0(D)\ge (1+\eta )\frac k2$
. Use Lemma 7.2 and Theorem 5.2 to see that
can be embedded in
. As
$D'\subseteq D$
, we see that
$T\subseteq D$
8. Conclusion
8.1. Oriented trees in digraphs
Any digraph
with a minimum semidegree of at least
contains every orientation of every tree with
edges, by a greedy embedding argument. This bound cannot be lowered, not even if we are only looking for oriented paths, as the disjoint union of complete digraphs of order
has minimum semidegree
but no
-edge oriented path. Perhaps an additional condition, for instance on the maximum semidegree of
, or requiring
to be weakly connected and sufficiently large, combined with a lower bound on the semidegree of
could give a variant of Corollary 1.3 for digraphs.
8.2. Oriented trees in oriented graphs
In the introduction, we saw the example of a
-edge star with all edges directed outwards, which is not contained in, for instance, the
-blow-up of the directed triangle, although this graph has minimum semidegree
. We overcame this difficulty in Theorem 1.2 by concentrating on balanced antitrees. Another possibility, which was suggested in [Reference Stein, Raigoroskii and Rassias29], could be to add an extra condition on the oriented graph
, for instance a condition on the maximum semidegree of
, with the hope of guaranteeing all
-edge antitrees, or even all
-edge oriented trees. Such a condition has been successfully used in the undirected graph setting (see e.g. [Reference Besomi, Pavez-Signé and Stein5]).
8.3. Oriented subdivisions
Perhaps Theorem 1.7 extends to other orientations of subdivisions of the complete graph. For instance, one could ask whether there is a function
such that every oriented graph of minimum semidegree at least
contains an orientation of a subdivision of
, where each path changes directions only a bounded number of times. This would be implied by Conjecture 1.6.
The first author would like to thank Matthias Kriesell for pointing out Conjecture 1.5, and suggesting it might be possible to prove a result along the lines of Theorem 1.7.
MS acknowledges support by ANID Fondecyt RegularGrant 1221905, by FAPESP-ANID Investigación Conjunta grant 2019/13364-7, by RandNET (RISEproject H2020-EU.1.3.3) and by ANID PIA CMM FB210005.
CZG acknowledges support by the Universityof Birmingham, by RandNET (RISE project H2020-EU.1.3.3) and by ANID PIA CMM FB210005.