Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 August 2012
Let A and B be two affinely generating sets of ℤ2n. As usual, we denote their Minkowski sum by A+B. How small can A+B be, given the cardinalities of A and B? We give a tight answer to this question. Our bound is attained when both A and B are unions of cosets of a certain subgroup of ℤ2n. These cosets are arranged as Hamming balls, the smaller of which has radius 1.
By similar methods, we re-prove the Freiman–Ruzsa theorem in ℤ2n, with an optimal upper bound. Denote by F(K) the maximal spanning constant |〈 A 〉|/|A| over all subsets A ⊆ ℤ2n with doubling constant |A+A|/|A| ≤ K. We explicitly calculate F(K), and in particular show that 4K/4K ≤ F(K)⋅(1+o(1)) ≤ 4K/2K. This improves the estimate F(K) = poly(K)4K, found recently by Green and Tao [17] and by Konyagin [23].