1. Introduction
$\lambda = (\lambda _n)_{n=1}^\infty$
be an increasing sequence of real numbers. Often, for number-theoretic sequences
, the average gap
$\lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n$
is well-understood, while little is known about the distribution function of the gaps. Sometimes, however, statistical information about the collection of gaps
$\lambda _{n+k}-\lambda _n$
is of importance.
For example, letting
$(\gamma _n)_{n=1}^\infty$
denote the imaginary parts of the zeroes of the Riemann zeta function in the critical strip in increasing order, we know

$T \to \infty$
, and Montgomery’s pair-correlation conjecture predicts that

$T \to \infty$
, for any fixed
$0 \lt a \lt b$
, where
$\textrm{sinc}(x)\,:\!=\, \frac{\sin x}{x}$
Henceforth, let
$\lambda = (\lambda _n)_{n=1}^\infty$
denote an increasing sequence with average gap

With this normalization, we may define the pair correlation function

$I \subseteq{\mathbb{R}}$
is a bounded interval and
a positive integer.
For example, up to some normalization technicalities, Montgomery’s pair-correlation conjecture asserts that
$R_{(\gamma _n)_n}$
converges (in distribution) to a distribution with cumulative distribution function
$1-\textrm{sinc}^2(\pi t)$
Motivated by the fact that the pair correlation function of a random sequence generated by a Poisson point process converges in distribution to the uniform distribution, an increasing sequence of real numbers
$(\lambda _n)_{n=1}^\infty$
with average gap
is said to have Poisson pair correlations (PPC) if
$R_{(\lambda _n)_n}$
converges to the uniform distribution:

for all intervals
$I \subseteq{\mathbb{R}}$
, where
$|\cdot |$
denotes the Lebesgue measure.
Despite Montgomery’s pair-correlation conjecture concerning increasing sequences of real numbers, most research on properties of general sequences with Poisson pair correlation concerns sequences in the torus (see, for example, [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1–Reference Steinerberger12]), with little investigated about sequences of real numbers.
Some specific number-theoretic sequences of real numbers have been shown to have PPC. Sarnak [Reference Rudnick and Zaharescu10] showed that almost every positive definite binary quadratic form (in a suitable sense) gives rise to a sequence with PPC, by ordering the values it takes on (pairs of) positive integers and appropriately normalizing. Concretely, a consequence of the work of Eskin, Margulis, and Mozes [Reference Eskin, Margulis and Mozes4] is that the ordered sequence of values of
$x,y \in \mathbb{N}$
has PPC.
Aistleitner, Blomer, and Radziwiłł [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1] studied the related triple correlation function of certain number-theoretic sequences, while also initiating a study of general sequences of real numbers with Poisson pair (and triple) correlations. They asked the following.
$\lambda _1 \lt \lambda _2 \lt \dots$
be an increasing sequence of real numbers with average gap
and with Poisson pair correlations. How small can
$\limsup _{n \to \infty } \lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n$
Among increasing sequences of real numbers with average gap
and PPC, Aistleitner, Blomer, and Radziwiłł exhibited one with maximum gap
, and proved that any such sequence must have a gap of size at least
, for any
$\epsilon \gt 0$
. They asked in their paper [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1] as well as at Oberwolfach 2019 (communicated to the authors by Ben Green) to improve either bound. Our main theorem is an improved lower bound.
Theorem 1.1.
$\lambda _1 \lt \lambda _2 \lt \dots$
be an increasing sequence of real numbers with average gap
and Poisson pair correlations. Then
$\limsup _{n \to \infty } \lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n \gt \frac{3}{2}+10^{-9}$
We leave open the question of how small the largest gap can be; in light of Theorem 1.1, it lies between
, inclusive.
2. Motivation and proof sketch of Theorem 1.1
In this section we motivate the proof of Theorem 1.1, overlooking some technical complications and emphasizing the main ideas.
Let us begin by sketching the proof given in [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1] that any strictly increasing sequence of real numbers with mean gap
and PPC has a gap at least
, for any
$\epsilon \gt 0$
. An interested reader may wish to consult the proof sketch of this result in [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1, Section 1.5], or the proof itself in [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1, Section 7].
One begins by observing that for any sequence
$(\lambda _n)_n$
that has PPC, the distribution function of the gaps
$\lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n$
, which we will denote by
, can grow at most linearly (indeed, if it grows more than linearly in any small interval, say, this will contradict the PPC condition for this interval). Now, if
$\lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n \le 3/2-\epsilon$
for each
(that is,
$F(3/2-\epsilon ) = 1$
), then the linear growth condition implies that the distribution function, when plotted, lies on or above the straight line between
$(1/2-\epsilon, 0)$
$(3/2-\epsilon, 1)$
. This implies that that the mean gap size is strictly smaller than 1, a contradiction.
Next, running the same argument now for the situation when the maximum gap is equal to
yields that in this situation we must have

Our goal is to show that this is impossible (and to then obtain a small quantitative improvement over
). Suppose that (2) and (3) hold. Then (3) yields that
i.e., (1) for
$I = \big[\frac{1}{2},\frac{3}{2}\big]\big)$
is already satisfied by the single gaps
$\lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n$
, so there cannot be a nontrivial contribution coming from larger gaps
$\lambda _{n+m}-\lambda _n$
$m \ge 2$
. On the other hand, (2) implies that
must come entirely from a
density part of the sequence, and more specifically only from blocks
contained in that
density part. Furthermore, for the union of such blocks to nontrivially contribute to the
count, the length of the blocks must grow with
The natural question then is whether such blocks can satisfy the
condition on all subintervals of
. We show that the answer is no. The key is to establish a “bias near
” of the
count on long blocks whose total gap is at most
. A bit more precisely, if
$\lambda _1 \lt \dots \lt \lambda _k$
$\lambda _k -\lambda _1 \le 1/2$
, then
$\frac{1}{|J|}\sum _{1 \le i \lt j \le k} 1_{\lambda _j-\lambda _i \in J}$
is larger for intervals
$J \subseteq [0,1/2]$
concentrated near
, with the bias becoming more pronounced as
$k \to \infty$
. This would contradict the PPC condition on subintervals of
. A difficulty we encounter in the proof, however, is that the blocks forming the relevant
density part of the sequence need not have total gap at most
. We overcome this by suitably partitioning the
density part of the sequence. This is implemented in Section 4 where we use a suitable greedy algorithm to decompose.
3. Proof of Theorem 1.1
$\epsilon = 10^{-9}$
. For this section, we fix an increasing sequence of real numbers
$\lambda _1 \lt \lambda _2 \lt \dots$
with average gap
, that has
$\lambda _{n+1}-\lambda _n \le 3/2+\epsilon$
for sufficiently large
. By truncating the sequence, we may assume that

$g_n \le 3/2+\epsilon$
for each
$n \ge 1$
. As in Section 2, we write
to denote equation (1) for
$I = [a,b]$
. We note that a sequence satisfying the PPC condition for all such
necessarily satisfies the same condition for all open or indeed half-open intervals. We may therefore also use
to refer to equation (1) for the half-open interval
, for example.
Recall that the lower bound of
was established in [Reference Aistleitner, Blomer and Radziwiłł1], whose proof we sketched in Section 2. We start the proof of Theorem 1.1 by making these arguments quantitative.
We begin with a quantitative extension of equation (2), which said that if the maximum gap is
then, in the limit
$N\to \infty$
, the proportion of gaps of size at most
. We obtain the following when the maximum gap is of size at most
$3/2 + \epsilon$
Proposition 3.1.
For all
sufficiently large, we have

Proof. We begin by relating the mean gap size to the gap distribution function under the given restriction on the maximum gap size. To this end, note that

Now, we claim that

Indeed, the pointwise upper bound

together with the dominated convergence theorem and
$\text{PPC}\left(x, \frac{3}{2}+\epsilon \right)$
$x \in \left(\frac{1}{2}+\sqrt{\epsilon },\frac{3}{2}+\epsilon \right)$
, namely,

gives (5). That the average gap of
$(\lambda _n)_n$
corresponds to

Rearranging (4), taking
$N \to \infty$
, and using (5) and (6) gives

Thus, using the trivial

$x \in \left[\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}+\sqrt{\epsilon }\right]$
and the even more trivial lower bound of
$x \in \left[0,\frac{1}{2}\right]$
, yields

Dividing by
$\sqrt{\epsilon }$
, Proposition3.1 follows.
We now use the quantitative version of (3) to argue that the PPC(
) contribution comes nearly entirely from single gaps
Proposition 3.2.
For all
sufficiently large, we have

Proof. As in the proof of Proposition3.1,

which, by merely dropping a (negative) term, gives

We write

and use the same dominated convergence theorem argument as in the proof of Proposition3.1 to obtain, from (7), that

and thus

Dividing by
$\sqrt{\epsilon }$
, the proposition follows.
We now exploit the aforementioned “bias” towards
exhibited by large intervals with sum of gaps at most
. We will need a technical lemma, proven in the appendix but assumed for now.
Lemma 3.3.
For positive integers
$1 \le a \le b \le c \le L$
, we have

Lemma 3.3 allows us to show that, instead of getting the desired
$\frac{1}{4}+\frac{1}{8} = \frac{3}{8}$
, we get at least
$\frac{5}{12} = \frac{3}{8}+\frac{1}{24}$
, asymptotically for large intervals.
Proposition 3.4.
$L \ge 1$
be a positive integer and
$g_1,\dots, g_L$
be positive reals with
$\sum _{i=1}^L g_i \le \frac{1}{2}$
. Then,

Proof. By scaling, it suffices to prove the proposition when
$\sum _{i=1}^L g_i = \frac{1}{2}$
. Suppose
$\sum _{i=1}^L g_i = \frac{1}{2}$
. Let

and note

by doing casework in which intervals
lie (the different intervals are
). Similarly,


Lower bounding
, respectively, Lemma 3.3 finishes the proof of Proposition3.4, since
$\frac{5}{12}L^2+\frac{1}{6}L-\frac{7}{12} \ge \frac{5}{6}{\left(\begin{smallmatrix}L + 1\\2\end{smallmatrix}\right)}-\frac{5}{6}L$
$L \ge 1$
We now proceed to isolate the relevant “
density” parts of the sequence on which the gaps are at most
, in order to exploit the bias that Proposition3.4 illustrates.
Here and henceforth, we let
$[N]\,:\!=\,\{1,2,\ldots, N\}$
Definition 3.5.
For a nonempty interval
$J \subseteq [N]$
, let
denote the left and right endpoints of
, respectively, and let
$\textrm{sum}(J) = \sum _{n \in J} g_n$
Definition 3.6.
For a interval
$J \subseteq [N]$
, we denote

For intervals
$J_1, J_2 \subseteq [N]$
, with
$R(J_1) \lt L(J_2)$
, we denote

Take a large
. Let
denote the collection of all maximal intervals on which the gaps
are at most
. More formally, we define
to be the collection of all intervals
$I \subseteq [N]$
such that (1)
$g_n \le \frac{1}{2}$
for each
$n \in I$
, (2)
$L(I) = 1$
$g_{L(I)-1} \gt \frac{1}{2}$
, and (3)
$R(I) = N$
$g_{R(I)+1} \gt \frac{1}{2}$
We begin by noting the following.
Lemma 3.7.
For all large
, we have

Furthermore, as
$N \to \infty$
, we have

Proof. By definition we have

Proposition3.1 then gives the first inequality. For the second inequality, note, by the maximality of the intervals comprising
, that

We provide a quick remark on motivation.
Remark 3.8. Observe that, if it were the case that
$\textrm{sum}(I) \le \frac{1}{2}$
for each
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
, then we could conclude the proof of Theorem 1.1 as follows. By Proposition 3.4, one has

$N \to \infty$
, which would give our desired contradiction by taking
sufficiently large.
However, it need not be the case that
$\textrm{sum}(I) \le \frac{1}{2}$
for each
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
. In light of Remark 3.8, therefore, the strategy is to partition each
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
into subintervals
$\textrm{sum}\left(J_k^I\right) \leq 1/2$
for each
and such that, for all
$a\in (0,1/2]$
and all
, the contribution to PPC
from windows that overlap with
comes nearly entirely from windows that lie entirely inside
. The existence of such a partition is not at all immediate. We provide in Proposition3.9 below a precise statement of what is needed.
Proposition 3.9.
be as above. There exists a partition of each
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
into subintervals
such that the following two hold.
$\textrm{sum}\left(J_k^I\right)\leq \frac{1}{2}$ for each
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$ and
$k \in \{1,\dots, r_I\}$ , and
$\sum _{I \in \mathcal{I}^N}\sum _{k=1}^{r_I} \binom{|J^I_k|+1}{2} \geq \left(\frac{1}{2} - 4\sqrt{2}\epsilon ^{1/4}\right) N$ .
To quickly conclude the proof of Theorem 1.1, we postpone the proof of Proposition3.9 (and the description of the partition) to the following section, and assume it for now.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. We will proceed along the lines of Remark 3.8, but now use Proposition3.9 to partition into subintervals on which we can apply Proposition3.4. This yields the following computations, where Proposition3.4 is used in the penultimate line, and we use Lemma 3.7 in the final line:

Rearranging, dividing by
, and sending
$N \to \infty$
, we obtain

which is indeed false for
$\epsilon = 10^{-9}$
(but not for
$\epsilon = 10^{-8}$
). This gives the desired contradiction to our assumption that a sequence
$(\lambda _n)_n$
with PPC, average gap
, and maximum gap
4. Partitioning, and a proof of Proposition3.9
The following examples are helpful to keep in mind to explain the need for care when choosing the partition of a given
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
, and to help motivate the partition we will use.

The first example
shows that a “greedy division”, in which one goes from left to right, dividing immediately before the sum first exceeds
, will not work. Indeed, that division is

which is problematic as there will be much contribution to the PPC(
) count coming from different subintervals; specifically, any index besides the first in the first subinterval and any index in the second subinterval would prove a nontrivial contribution.
Similarly, another “greedy division” in which the largest numbers successively “claim” the largest subinterval they can, will not work. For the case of
, the division is

which has a large contribution to
coming from any index in the first subinterval besides the first and any index in the last subinterval besides the last. Note thus that even “non-adjacent” subintervals can cause issues.
A division that does work for

as there is only a minor contribution (namely, linear in the size of the interval rather than quadratic) coming from different subintervals.
, essentially any reasonable division is permissible, but we draw attention to it as it shows that sometimes the reason for negligible contribution from different subintervals are subintervals in between. For example, if we decompose as

then the reason that there is no contribution to
from the subintervals
$\{\frac{1}{4},0,0,\dots, 0,0\}$
$\{0,0,\dots, 0,0,\frac{1}{4}\}$
are the five subintervals
in between.
, any division will admit a large PPC contribution from different subintervals. This would of course be harmful, but we make use of the fact that it won’t exist often in our situation, since it provides a nontrivial contribution to
(which we already know comes nearly entirely from single gaps).
With the above examples in mind, we now choose the partition we use to prove Proposition3.9.
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
. In the following definition, ties may be broken arbitrarily. Let
be the largest subinterval of
$\textrm{sum}(J_1) \le \frac{1}{2}$
. With
$J_1,\dots, J_r$
already defined, if
$\cup _{k=1}^r J_k \not = I$
, let
be the largest subinterval of
$I\setminus \cup _{k=1}^r J_k$
$\textrm{sum}(J_{r+1}) \le \frac{1}{2}$
. Let
$J_1,\dots, J_s$
be all the subintervals resulting from this process. Of course
$s \le |I| \lt +\infty$
$I = \sqcup _{k=1}^s J_k$
$\textrm{sum}(J_k) \leq 1/2$
for each
, establishing the first requirement of Proposition3.9. We now begin to proceed to establish the second.
Hopefully not confusing the reader, we renumber now so that
is the leftmost interval, with
to the immediate right of
to the immediate right of
, etc.. For
$1 \le k \le s-1$
, let
$g_1(k) \in \{k,k+1\}$
$b_1(k) \in \{k,k+1\}\setminus \{g_1(k)\}$
be such that
was chosen before
. Note, in particular, that
$|J_{g_1(k)}| \ge |J_{b_1(k)}|$
We quickly pin down exactly which different subintervals need to be considered with regards to their contribution to
, for
$a \leq 1/2$
Definition 4.1.
$k \in [2,s-1]$
sandwiched if it was chosen after each of its neighbouring subintervals, i.e., if
$b_1(k-1) = k$
$b_1(k) = k$
. For a sandwiched
, let
$g_2(k) \in \{k-1,k+1\}$
$b_2(k) \in \{k-1,k+1\}\setminus \{g_2(k)\}$
be such that
was chosen before
. In particular,
$|J_{g_2(k)}| \ge |J_{b_2(k)}|$
Lemma 4.2.
$n \le n^{\prime} \in I$
$g_n+\dots +g_{n^{\prime}} \le \frac{1}{2}$
, then either
$(n,n^{\prime}) \in J_k\times J_k$ for some
$k$ ,
$(n,n^{\prime}) \in J_k\times J_{k+1}$ for some
$k$ , or
$(n,n^{\prime}) \in J_{k-1}\times J_{k+1}$ for some sandwiched
$k$ .
Proof. First note that if
$n \in J_k$
$n^{\prime} \in \cup _{\Delta \ge 3} J_{k+\Delta }$
, then
$g_n+\dots +g_{n^{\prime}} \gt \frac{1}{2}$
, since
$\textrm{sum}(J_{k+1}\cup J_{k+2}) \gt \frac{1}{2}$
(for otherwise whichever of
was chosen first would have “engulfed” the other). Now suppose
$n \in J_{k-1}$
$n^{\prime} \in J_{k+1}$
for some
. If
$b_1(k-1) = k-1$
, then
$\textrm{sum}(R(J_{k-1})\cup J_k) \gt \frac{1}{2}$
, so
$g_n+\dots +g_{n^{\prime}} \gt \frac{1}{2}$
. Similarly, if
$b_1(k) = k+1$
, then
$\textrm{sum}(J_k\cup L(J_{k+1})) \gt \frac{1}{2}$
also yields
$g_n+\dots +g_{n^{\prime}} \gt \frac{1}{2}$
. Hence,
is sandwiched.
We now proceed to argue that the PPC
contribution coming from cases (2) or (3) in Lemma 4.2 is small. We begin with case (2).
We shall argue that the
contribution coming from adjacent subintervals
is small by arguing that
is (usually) small. We do this by arguing that we would otherwise have too large of a contribution to
coming from gaps
$\lambda _{n+m}-\lambda _n$
$m \ge 2$
(contradicting Proposition3.2).
Proposition 4.3.
For any
$k \in [s-1]$
, one has

Proof. Without loss of generality, by symmetry we may assume
$b_1(k) = k+1$
$y \in J_{k+1}$
$x \in J_k$
, if
$y-x+1 \gt |J_k|$
, then
$g_x+\dots +g_y \gt \frac{1}{2}$
, since otherwise
would have been chosen as
(in the greedy process defining the partition) instead of
. Therefore,

with the last equality using
$R(J_k) = L(J_{k+1})-1$
Next we proceed to bound the contribution from intervals
sandwiched. For such
, we argue that
is (usually) small.
Proposition 4.4.
For a sandwiched
, one has

Proof. Without loss of generality, by symmetry we may assume
$b_2(k) = k+1$
$y \in J_{k+1}$
$x \in J_{k-1}$
, if
$y-x+1 \gt |J_{k-1}|$
, then
$g_x+\dots +g_y \gt \frac{1}{2}$
, since otherwise
would have been chosen instead of
was also chosen after
, since
is sandwiched). Therefore,

$R(J_{k+1})-|J_{k-1}| \le R(J_{k-1})$
, then we obtain

and conclude by observing that
$|J_k| \ge 0$
$\frac{|J_{k+1}|-1}{2}+1 \ge \frac{1}{2}|J_{k+1}|$
If, instead,
$R(J_{k+1})-|J_{k-1}| \ge R(J_{k-1})$
, we obtain

The first double sum on the RHS of (8) is equal to

while the second double sum is equal to

Adding these two sums and simplifying we obtain,

Now recall that we have
$|J_k| \leq |J_{k+1}| \leq |J_{k-1}|$
and furthermore, by our assumption in the second case, we have
$|J_{k-1}| \leq |J_k| + |J_{k+1}|$
. Thus we may obtain

This completes the proof.
We now cease referring to a specific
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
. To denote dependence on
$I \in \mathcal{I}^N$
, we denote
$I = \sqcup _{k=1}^r J_k^I$
its decomposition.
Proposition 4.5.
For any
$a \in \left(0,\frac{1}{2}\right)$
, it holds that


Proof. By trivially bounding
$\text{PPC}^{J_k^I,J_{k+1}^I}(0,a) \le |J_{g_1(k)}^I|\hspace{1mm} |J_{b_1(k)}^I|$
and Cauchy-Schwarz,

where the last inequality used Proposition4.3 together with the fact that
$\textrm{sum}\left(J_k^I \cup J_{k+1}^I\right) \le 1 \le \frac{3}{2}$
. Now just observe

which, by Proposition3.2, is at most
$4\sqrt{\epsilon } N$
. The first inequality of the lemma follows.
For the second inequality of the lemma, we argue as above, except this time using Proposition4.4:

where the last inequality used
$\textrm{sum}(J_{k-1}\cup J_k\cup J_{k+1}) \le \frac{3}{2}$
. Now just observe

which, by Proposition3.2, is at most
$4\sqrt{\epsilon } N$
. The second inequality of the lemma follows.
We are ready to complete the proof of Proposition3.9.
Proposition 4.6.
For all

Proof. Using Lemma 4.2 we have that

Invoking Proposition4.5 in the first line we have:


we see

which yields (after a little computation)
$\delta \le 4\sqrt{2}\epsilon ^{1/4}$
large enough.
5. Appendix: proof of Lemma 3.3
We restate Lemma 3.3 for the reader’s convenience.
Lemma 3.3 (Lemma 3.3). For positive integers
$1 \le a \le b \le c \le L$
, we have

Proof. Fix
$L \ge 1$
. It clearly suffices to prove the inequality for all real numbers
$1 \le a \le b \le c \le L$
. By compactness, we may work with a triple
that achieves the minimum value of the left hand side (which we denote
) minus the right hand side (which we denote
). We divide into three cases.
Case 1:
As one may compute,
$\frac{\partial }{\partial c}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] = -a+2c-L = L-a$
Subcase 1:
. Then
, which gives
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = \frac{28L^2-51L+28}{48}$
, which is non-negative, since it is equal to
and has derivative
, which is positive for
$L \ge 1$
Subcase 2:
$a \not = L$
. Then
$\frac{\partial }{\partial c}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] \gt 0$
, so since
is a minimizer, we must have
, for otherwise we can decrease
a bit to decrease
. Thus,
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = a^2-(L+1)a+\frac{28L^2-3L+28}{48}$
, which has minimum occurring at
$a = \frac{L+1}{2}$
, which gives
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = \frac{1}{3}L^2-\frac{9}{16}L+\frac{1}{3}$
, which is always non-negative, since it is at
and the derivative is
, which is non-negative for
$L \ge 1$
Case 2:
$c \not = L$
$b = c$
$c \not = L$
is a minimizer, we must have
$\frac{\partial }{\partial c}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] \ge 0$
, for otherwise we could increase
a bit to decrease
. Recall
$\frac{\partial }{\partial c}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] = -a+2c-L$
; so,
$2c-L \ge a$
Subcase 1:
. In this case,
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = 2c^2-(2L+2)c+\frac{7L^2+10L+7}{12}$
, which has minimum at
$c = \frac{L+1}{2}$
, which yields
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = \frac{(L-1)^2}{12}$
, which is non-negative.
Subcase 2:
$a \not = b$
. In this case, we must have
$\frac{\partial }{\partial b}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] \le 0$
, since otherwise we could decrease
a bit to decrease
. Note
$\frac{\partial }{\partial b}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] = -1+2b-L$
, so since
$2b-L \ge a$
, we must have
$2b-L = 1$
. So, we have
, which indeed has
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} \ge 0$
Case 3:
$c \not = L$
$b \not = c$
In this case,
$\frac{\partial }{\partial c}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}]$
must be
, for otherwise we could perturb
a bit to decrease
. So,
$-a+2c-L = 0$
Subcase 1:
$a = 1$
. Having
, i.e.,
$c = \frac{L+1}{2}$
, yields
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = \frac{1}{4}[4b^2-4(L+1)b+3L^2+2L-1]$
, which is minimized as
$b = \frac{L+1}{2}$
, which was dealt with in Subcase 2 of Case 2.
Subcase 2:
$a = b$
. Then,
$48(\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}) = 84b^2-(72L+96)b+16L^2+45L+28$
, which has minimum at
$b = \frac{72L+96}{84}$
, which gives
$48(\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}) = 16L^2+45L+28$
, which is clearly non-negative.
Subcase 3:
$a \not \in \{1,b\}$
. Then
$\frac{\partial }{\partial a}[\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS}] = 0$
, for otherwise we could perturb
a bit to decrease
. So,
$-1+2a-c = 0$
. Together with
$-a+2c-L = 0$
$a = \frac{L+2}{3}, c = \frac{2L+1}{3}$
, which yields
$\textrm{LHS}-\textrm{RHS} = b^2-(L+1)b+\frac{12L^2+29L+12}{48}$
, which is minimized at
$b = \frac{L+1}{2}$
, which yields
, which is clearly non-negative.
We would like to thank our advisor Ben Green for suggesting this problem to us. We would also like to thank Zach Hunter for providing feedback on an earlier version of this document.