Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 November 1999
Assemblies are decomposable combinatorial objects characterized by a sequence mi that counts the number of possible components of size i. Permutations on n elements, mappings from a set containing n elements into itself, 2-regular graphs on n vertices, and set partitions on a set of size n are all assemblies with natural decompositions. Logarithmic assemblies are characterized by constants θ > 0 and κ0 > 0 such that miκi0/ (i−1)! → θ. Random mappings, permutations and 2-regular graphs are all logarithmic assemblies, but set partitions are not.
Given a logarithmic assembly, all representatives having total size n are chosen uniformly and a component counting process C(n) = (C1(n), C2(n), …, Cn(n)) is defined, where Ci(n) is the number of components of size i. Our results also apply to C(n) distributed as the Ewens sampling formula with parameter θ. Denote the component counting process up to size at most b by Cb(n) = (C1(n), C2(n), …, Cb(n)). It is natural to approximate Cb by Zb = (Z1, Z2, …, Zb), the b-dimensional process of independent Poisson variables Zi for which the ith variable has expectation [ ]Zi = miκi0 exp((1−θ)i/n)/i!. We find asymptotics for the total variation distance between Cb(n) and Zb.