Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 June 2009
Fifty years ago the dreadful slaughter of Verdun and the Somme revealed to the still unsuspecting nations of Europe that the applied science of the machine gun, barbed wire and heavy artillery had changed the nature of warfare. Later on, when writers as different as Winston Churchill, Field-Marshall Lord French, Herbert Read and William Faulkner attempted to explain the general sense of stupefaction at the unprecedented massacres of the First World War, they pointed to a catastrophic gap between what had been expected and what came to pass. According to Winston Churchill, “for a year after the war had begun hardly anyone understood how terrific, how almost inexhaustible were the resources in force, in substance, in virtue, behind every one of the combatants” The military explanation came from the Commander-in-Chief of the British forces: “No previous experience, no conclusion I had been able to draw from campaigns in which I had taken part, or from a close study of the new conditions in which the war of today is waged, had led me to anticipate a war of positions. All my thoughts, all my prospective plans, all my possible alternatives of action, were concentrated upon a war of movement and manoeuvre.”.
1 Churchill, Winston S., The World Crisis, 1911–1914 (London, 1923), I, p. 11.Google Scholar
2 French, Lord, 1914 (London, 1919), p. 11.Google Scholar
3 Wordsworth, William, “Anticipation. October 1803” The Poetical Register, 1803, iii, p. 340.Google Scholar
4 Black and White, 2 January 1892, p. 2.Google Scholar
5 Le Monde Ilustré, No. 2241. 10 March 1900, p. 146.Google Scholar
6 The European recollection of the Battle of Dorking remained very vivid, certainly up to the end of the century. For example, in 1882 the editor of the Bibliothèque populaire de la Suisse Romande introduced a story of a future war with a direct reference to Chesney: “La fameuse Bataille de Dorking, dont l'apparition il y a une dizaine d'années, fit tant de bruit en Angleterre, a eu de nombreuses imitations plus ou moins originales, plus ou moins spirituelles.” (Ire Année, November 1882, p. 265.) On another occasion a French translator introduced his version of The Battle of Port Said as “la description d'un combat naval imaginaire, sorte de Dorking maritime” (Garcon, A., Le Combat Naval de Port Said, Paris, 1883, p. 3Google Scholar). For a study of Chesney's achievement see: Clarke, I. F., “The Battle of Dorking” Victorian Studies, June 1965, pp. 308–328.Google Scholar
7 Read, Herbert, Annals of Innocence and Experience (London, 1946), p. 118Google Scholar. A similar view appears in: Wrench, E., Struggle, 1914–1920 (London, 1935), pp. 112–113Google Scholar. He writes: “My ideas of European wars were derived from panoramas of the Franco-Prussian conflict to be seen in continental cities. It was the war of tradition. Cavalry charged at the foe. When death came, it was a heroic death brought about by heroes on the other side.” Theodore Ropp – War in the Modern World (Durham, N.C., 1959), p. 187 – makes a similar point: “Consequently and unconsciously, the men in the ranks in 1914 had been led to believe that the coming war would be short and glorious. The resulting shock was to be one factor in the appearance of the greatest war literature in history.”Google Scholar
8 Hugo, Victor, Les Misérables. Translated by Wilbour, Charles E. (London, 1959), I, pp. 309–310. Italics as in text.Google Scholar
9 Thackeray, W. M., Vanity Fair (London, 1956), p. 256Google Scholar. It is relevant to note here the comment Arthur Waugh makes on Victorian poetry: “The Victorian poets wrote of war as though it were something splendid and ennobling; but as a matter of fact they knew nothing whatever about it.” Tradition and Change (London, 1919), p. 150. One thinks of the lines on the Crimean War in Tennyson's Maud”. They begin: “And hail once more to the banner of battle unroll'd!” (Part III, IV).Google Scholar
10 Voltaire, Candide. Translated by Butt, John (Penguin Books, 1952), p. 26.Google Scholar
11 Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver's Travels (Oxford, 1949), p. 294.Google Scholar
12 Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1848–1888, ed. Russell, George W. E. (London, 1895), I, p. 109.Google Scholar
13 Ruskin, John, Lecture III, The Crown of Wild Olive (London, 1895), pp. 123–124.Google Scholar
14 On War. Translated by Graham, Colonel J. J.. New and revised edition with Introduction and Notes by MaudeColonel F, N. Colonel F, N. (London, 1908), I, p. 121,Google Scholar
15 Ibid., I, xxiii.
16 Foch, Marshal, The Principles of War (London, 1918), p. 35.Google Scholar
17 Quoted in Davis, H. W. C., The Political Thought of Heinrich von Treitschke (London, 1914), p. 179.Google Scholar
18 Ibid., p. 155.
19 SirNewbolt, Henry, My World as in my Time (London, 1932), p. 40.Google Scholar
20 Newbolt, Henry, Collected Poems, 1897–1907 (London, 1907), p. 132.Google Scholar
21 My World, p. 186.Google Scholar
22 Collected Poems, p. 16.Google Scholar
23 Shaw, George Bernard, Arms and the Man (London, 1930), VIII, p. 4.Google Scholar
24 Ibid., p. xvii.
25 von Suttner, Bertha, Lay down your Arms! (London, 1892), p. 92.Google Scholar
26 Letters on Cavalry (London, 1892), p. 32.Google Scholar
27 Letters, II, pp. 47–48.Google Scholar
28 “Memorandum by Lord Wolseley, June 1882” quoted in Knowles, J., The Channel Tunnel and Public Opinion (London, 1883), pp. 75–76.Google Scholar
29 Forth, C., The Surprise of the Channel Tunnel (London, 1883), p. 4.Google Scholar
30 Der grosse Krieg von 189–. Ein Zukunftsbild … übersetzt von Witte, E. A. (Berlin, 1894), p. 2.Google Scholar
31 The Times, 23 April, 1885, p. 8.Google Scholar
32 Angell, Norman, After All (London, 1950), p. 120.Google Scholar
33 Jones, Kennedy, Fleet Street and Downing Street (London, 1920), p. 198.Google Scholar
34 Fyfe, Hamilton, Northcliffe (London, 1930), p. 90.Google Scholar
35 The Mail, Portsmouth, , 15 June 1895.Google Scholar
36 Danrit, Capitaine, La Guerre en rase campagne (Paris, 1891), I, p. ii.Google Scholar
37 Engineering, 6 07 1883, XXXVI, p. 1Google Scholar. For a comparable French study of the effect of armaments on the conduct of a future war see Nigote, C., La Bataille de la Vesles (Paris, 1894). The author, Chef de Bataillon au 119e Régiment d'Infanterie, points out the rapid changes in equipment since 1870: the artillery model has been changed three times, and after three successive types of rifle the latest model would have to be improved. And then, “cette amélioration à peine opérée, nous nous trouverons, sans doute, en présence d'une de ces inventions surprenantes, comme nous en voyons apparaître dans notre siècle” (p. 2).Google Scholar
38 Rear-Admiral Colomb, P. and others, The Great War of 189– (London, 1893), p. 185.Google Scholar
39 Ibid., pp. 187–188.
40 Wells, H. G., Anticipations (London, 1902), p. 204.Google Scholar
41 Bloch, I. S., Modern Weapons and Modern Warfare (London, 1900), p. xGoogle Scholar. The British military expert, Major-General J. F. C. Fuller, wrote of the period before 1914: “Among the many military theorists who appeared during these years, one was outstanding, namely I. S. Bloch … His description of the modern battle is exact, for it is exactly as it was fought 17 years later. And his prediction of the war is no less accurate.” The Decisive Battles of the Western World (London, 1956), III, pp. 182–183. Fuller goes on to say: “Few soldiers and sailors were as clear-sighted as he, and those who did see clearly, like him, failed to see that industry and science had already placed in their hands weapons of such power that if rightly combined they could prevent a war of attrition” (p. 185).Google Scholar
42 Luvaas, Jay, “European Military Thought and Doctrine” The Theory and Practice of War, Howard, Michael, ed. (London, 1965), p. 91.Google Scholar
43 Bloch, I. S., p. xxvii.Google Scholar
44 There were two books: Siwinna, Carl, Vademecum für Phantasiestrategen (Leipzig, 1906)Google Scholar and Louis C Fictions guerrières anglaises (Paris, 1910Google Scholar). Other major studies include: “Die Invasion Englands in englischer Beleuchtung” Marine Rundschau, 1908, pp. 1246–1258; Lowe, Charles, “About German Spies” Contemporary Review, 1910, pp. 42–56Google Scholar; Hurd, A., “England's Peril” Contemporary Review, 1910, pp. 250–276.Google Scholar