1 Introduction
It was pointed out to us by Zheng that the proof of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Theorem 6.1] is invalid. The problem is in the final step of the proof on p. 237, where we showed that there was an exact sequence

and claimed to deduce $\ell$-independence of
$H_{\ell }^{i}(X)$ from
$\ell$-independence of all the other terms
$H_{\ell }^{i+n}(X_{n})$. Of course, this deduction does not work, since there might be infinitely many such other terms.
In their paper [Reference Lu and ZhengLZ19], Lu and Zheng provide (amongst other things) an alternative proof of this $\ell$-independence result, at least for
$\ell \neq p$, see Theorem 1.4(2). In this corrigendum we will explain how to fix the proof of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Theorem 6.1] by instead proving a stronger version of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Corollary 5.5] where the semistable hypothesis is removed. In particular, this includes the case
$\ell =p$.
Notation and conventions
We will use notation from [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18] freely.
2 Log structures
We begin with a general result on semistable reduction and log schemes. Let $R$ be a complete discrete valuation ring (DVR) with perfect residue field
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}$ a uniformiser for
$R$, and let
${\mathcal{X}}\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R)$ be a strictly semistable scheme. That is,
${\mathcal{X}}$ is Zariski locally étale over
$R[x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}]/(x_{1}\cdots x_{r}-\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B})$ for some
$n,r$. There is a natural log structure
${\mathcal{M}}_{{\mathcal{X}}}$ on
${\mathcal{X}}$ given by functions invertible outside the special fibre
$X$, and we let
${\mathcal{M}}_{X}$ denote the pull-back of this log structure to
$X$. We will also write
$X_{i}$ for the reduction of
${\mathcal{X}}$ modulo
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{i+1}$, and
$k^{\times }$ for
$k$ equipped with the log structure pulled back from the canonical log structure
$R^{\times }$ on
Proposition 2.1 (Illusie, Nakayama [Reference NakayamaNak98, Appendix A.4]).
If ${\mathcal{X}},{\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }$ are strictly semistable schemes over
$R$, and
$g:X_{1}\rightarrow X_{1}^{\prime }$ is an isomorphism between their mod
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{2}$-reductions, then
$g$ induces a canonical isomorphism
$g:(X,{\mathcal{M}}_{X})\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }(X^{\prime },{\mathcal{M}}_{X^{\prime }})$ of log schemes over
$k^{\times }$.
Sketch of proof.
Use $g$ to identify
$X_{1}$ and
$X_{1}^{\prime }$, and thus
$X$ and
$X^{\prime }$. Let
${\mathcal{M}}_{X}$ and
${\mathcal{M}}_{X}^{\prime }$ be the log structures on
$X$ coming from
${\mathcal{X}}$ and
${\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }$ respectively.
Near a closed point of $X$ let
$X^{(1)},\ldots ,X^{(r)}$ be the irreducible components of
$X$, and pick
$x_{1},\ldots ,x_{r}\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{X}}}$ such that
$X^{(i)}=V(x_{i})$. Similarly pick
$x_{1}^{\prime },\ldots ,x_{r}^{\prime }\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }}$ such that
$X^{(i)}=V(x_{i}^{\prime })$. Let
$v\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{X}}}^{\ast }$ and
$v^{\prime }\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }}^{\ast }$ be such that
$x_{1}\cdots x_{r}=v\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}$ and
$x_{1}^{\prime }\cdots x_{r}^{\prime }=v^{\prime }\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}$. Then in a neighbourhood of
$p$ the morphisms
$({\mathcal{X}},{\mathcal{M}}_{{\mathcal{X}}})\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R^{\times })$ and
$({\mathcal{X}}^{\prime },{\mathcal{M}}_{{\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }})\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R^{\times })$ can be described by the following diagrams:

Pulling back to $k$, we see that the morphisms
$(X,{\mathcal{M}}_{X})\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k^{\times })$ and
$(X,{\mathcal{M}}_{X}^{\prime })\rightarrow \text{Spec}(k^{\times })$ can be described by the diagrams


respectively, again in a neighbourhood of $p$. Since
$V(x_{i})=V(x_{i}^{\prime })$ inside
$X_{1}$, we must have
$x_{i}=u_{i}x_{i}^{\prime }$ for some
$u_{i}\in {\mathcal{O}}_{X_{1}}^{\ast }$, and so we can define an isomorphism

of log structures by mapping

This is checked to be a morphism of log structures over $k^{\times }$ by using the above local descriptions. Note that any other choice
$u_{i}^{\prime }$ must satisfy
$(u_{i}-u_{i}^{\prime })x_{i}^{\prime }=0$ in
${\mathcal{O}}_{X_{1}}$, and hence we must have
$u_{i}-u_{i}^{\prime }\in (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B})$. In particular, the above isomorphism does not depend on the choice of
$u_{i}$. By a similar argument, neither does it depend on the choice of
$x_{i}$ and
$x_{i}^{\prime }$, and so it glues to give a global isomorphism
$(X,{\mathcal{M}}_{X})\cong (X,{\mathcal{M}}_{X}^{\prime })$ of log schemes over
$k^{\times }$.◻
We will need to extend this result to cover morphisms between strictly semistable schemes over different bases. So suppose that $R\rightarrow S$ is a finite morphism of complete DVRs, with induced residue field extension
$k\rightarrow k_{S}$. Let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{S}$ be a uniformiser for
$S$, and let
$e=v_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{S}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B})$. We do not assume that the induced extension
$Q(R)\rightarrow Q(S)$ of fraction fields is separable.
Suppose that we have strictly semistable schemes ${\mathcal{X}},{\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }$ over
$R$ and
${\mathcal{Y}},{\mathcal{Y}}^{\prime }$ over
$S$, and a pair of commutative diagrams

As before, let us write $Y_{j}$ for the reduction of
${\mathcal{Y}}$ modulo
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{S}^{j+1}$. Suppose that we have isomorphisms

of $S$- and
$R$-schemes respectively such that the diagram

commutes. Then by Proposition 2.1 we obtain isomorphisms

of log schemes over $k_{S}^{\times }$, as well as

of log schemes over $k^{\times }$. The above commutative diagrams of strictly semistable schemes induce commutative diagrams

of log schemes. Note that the morphism of punctured points along the bottom of each square is given by

where $u\in S^{\ast }$ is such that
Proposition 2.2. The diagram

of log schemes commutes.
Proof. Let us use $g$ to identify
$Y_{e}=Y_{e}^{\prime }$ and
$Y=Y^{\prime }$, and let
${\mathcal{M}}_{Y}$ and
${\mathcal{M}}_{Y}^{\prime }$ be the log structures on
$Y$ coming from
${\mathcal{Y}}$ and
${\mathcal{Y}}^{\prime }$ respectively. Similarly identify
$X_{1}=X_{1}^{\prime }$ and
$X=X^{\prime }$, and let
${\mathcal{M}}_{X}$ and
${\mathcal{M}}_{X}^{\prime }$ be the log structures on
$X$ coming from
${\mathcal{X}}$ and
${\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }$ respectively.
Locally on $X$ and
$Y$, choose functions
$y_{1},\ldots ,y_{s}\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{Y}}}$,
$y_{1}^{\prime },\ldots ,y_{s}^{\prime }\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{Y}}^{\prime }}$ cutting out the irreducible components of
$Y$, and functions
$x_{1},\ldots ,x_{r}\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{X}}}$ and
$x_{1}^{\prime },\ldots ,x_{r}^{\prime }\in {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{X}}^{\prime }}$ cutting out the irreducible components of
$X$. Write

since both $d_{ij}$ and
$d_{ij}^{\prime }$ are given by the multiplicity of the
$j$th irreducible component of
$Y$ in the scheme theoretic preimage of the
$i$th irreducible component of
$X$ inside
$Y_{e}$, we must have
$d_{ij}=d_{ij}^{\prime }$. Moreover, since
$V(f^{\ast }(x_{i}))\subset V(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{S}^{e})=V(y_{1}^{e}\cdots y_{s}^{e})$ we must have
$d_{ij}\leqslant e$ for all
Now choose $u_{i}\in {\mathcal{O}}_{X_{1}}^{\ast }$ such that
$x_{i}=u_{i}x_{i}^{\prime }$, and
$v_{j}\in {\mathcal{O}}_{Y_{e}}^{\ast }$ such that
$y_{j}=v_{j}y_{j}^{\prime }$. Then the isomorphisms of log structures induced by
$g_{Y}$ and
$g_{X}$ are given by


respectively, and the morphisms ${\mathcal{M}}_{X}\rightarrow {\mathcal{M}}_{Y}$ and
${\mathcal{M}}_{X}^{\prime }\rightarrow {\mathcal{M}}_{Y}^{\prime }$ are defined by


respectively. Hence in the diagram

the composite $f\circ g_{X}$ is given by

and the composite $g_{Y}\circ f$ is given by

We thus need to show that $\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{i}^{\prime }f^{\ast }(u_{i})=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{i}v_{1}^{d_{i1}}\cdots v_{s}^{d_{is}}$ in
${\mathcal{O}}_{Y}^{\ast }$ for all
$i$. But now we write

in ${\mathcal{O}}_{Y_{e}}$ and so deduce that

We deduce that the difference $\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}_{i}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{i}^{\prime }f^{\ast }(u_{i})-\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{i}v_{1}^{d_{i1}}\cdots v_{s}^{d_{is}}$ annihilates
${y_{1}^{\prime }}^{d_{i1}}\cdots {y_{s}^{\prime }}^{d_{is}}$ inside
${\mathcal{O}}_{Y_{e}}$, and since each
$d_{ij}\leqslant e$ we deduce that in fact
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}_{i}$ annihilates
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{S}^{e}$, and therefore must lie in
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{S})$. Hence
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}_{i}=0$ in
${\mathcal{O}}_{Y}$ and the proof is complete.◻
3 Functoriality of comparison isomorphisms
We will also need to know that the comparison isomorphisms [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Propositions 5.3, 5.4] are compatible with morphisms of semistable schemes over different bases. So let us suppose that we are again in the above set-up, where we have a commutative diagram

of strictly semistable schemes ${\mathcal{Y}}$ and
${\mathcal{X}}$ over
$S$ and
$R$ respectively, with
$S$ the integral closure of
$R$ in some finite extension of its fraction field. Let us assume that
$R$, and hence
$S$, is of equicharacteristic
$p>0$, with fraction fields
$F$ and
$F_{S}$ respectively, whose absolute Galois groups we will denote by
$G_{F}$ and
$G_{F_{S}}$. Fix an embedding
$F^{\text{sep}}{\hookrightarrow}F_{S}^{\text{sep}}$ of separable closures; note that this sends
$F^{\text{tame}}$ into
$F_{S}^{\text{tame}}$ and induces an injective homomorphism
$G_{F_{S}}\rightarrow G_{F}$ with finite cokernel.
Let ${\mathcal{X}}^{\times }$ and
${\mathcal{Y}}^{\times }$ denote these semistable schemes endowed with their canonical log structures, and
$X^{\times }$ and
$Y^{\times }$ the corresponding log special fibres. We therefore have a commutative diagram

of log schemes. For every finite subextension $F\subset L\subset F^{\text{tame}}$, let
$X_{L}^{\times }$ denote the corresponding base change of
$X^{\times }$, and
$X^{\times ,\text{tame}}$ the inverse limit of the étale topoi of all such
$X_{L}^{\times }$; we have
$Y^{\times ,\text{tame}}$ defined entirely similarly. Via the embedding
$F^{\text{tame}}{\hookrightarrow}F_{S}^{\text{tame}}$ this induces a
$G_{F_{S}}$-equivariant morphism of topoi

and hence a $G_{F_{S}}$-equivariant morphism

in cohomology, for any $\ell \neq p$. On the other hand we have a natural
$G_{F_{S}}$-equivariant map

and by [Reference NakayamaNak98, Proposition 4.2] equivariant isomorphisms

Proposition 3.1. The diagram

Proof. Consider the commutative diagram

of topoi as in [Reference NakayamaNak98, §3], where ${\mathcal{Y}}^{\times ,\text{tame}}$ and
${\mathcal{X}}^{\times ,\text{tame}}$ are defined by ‘base change’ along
$F_{S}\rightarrow F_{S}^{\text{tame}}$ and
$F\rightarrow F^{\text{tame}}$ respectively. Then the isomorphism

is given as the composite

using the proper base change theorem in log-étale cohomology [Reference NakayamaNak97, Theorem 5.1], and there is a similar statement for ${\mathcal{X}}$. The claim then follows simply from commutativity of the above diagram of log schemes.◻
We will also need a version of this result for $p$-adic cohomology. Write
$W_{S}=W(k_{S})$, let
$K_{S}=W_{S}[1/p]$, and let
${\mathcal{R}}_{K}\supset {\mathcal{E}}_{K}^{\dagger }\subset {\mathcal{E}}_{K}$, and
${\mathcal{R}}_{K_{S}}\supset {\mathcal{E}}_{K_{S}}^{\dagger }\subset {\mathcal{E}}_{K_{S}}$ denote copies of the Robba ring, the bounded Robba ring and the Amice ring over
$K$ and
$K_{S}$ respectively. Lift the extension
$F\rightarrow F_{S}$ to a finite flat morphism
${\mathcal{E}}_{K}^{\dagger }\rightarrow {\mathcal{E}}_{K_{S}}^{\dagger }$ which extends to finite flat morphisms
${\mathcal{R}}_{K}\rightarrow {\mathcal{R}}_{K_{S}}$ and
${\mathcal{E}}_{K}\rightarrow {\mathcal{E}}_{K_{S}}$. Then, as above, the morphism of log schemes
$Y^{\times }\rightarrow X^{\times }$ induces a morphism

in log crystalline cohomology, and the morphism ${\mathcal{Y}}_{F_{S}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{X}}_{F}$ induces a morphism

in Robba-ring valued rigid cohomology. Then following [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Proposition 5.4] we can construct isomorphisms

as follows. Let $t$ denote a co-ordinate on
${\mathcal{E}}_{K}^{\dagger }$ and
$t_{S}$ a co-ordinate on
${\mathcal{E}}_{K_{S}}^{\dagger }$ such that
$t\in W_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$. Write
$S_{K}=K\otimes W\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$ and
$S_{K_{S}}=K_{S}\otimes W_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$. Equip
$W\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$ (respectively
$W_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$) with the log structure defined by the ideal
$(t)\subset W\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$ (respectively
$(t_{S})\subset W\unicode[STIX]{x27E6}t_{S}\unicode[STIX]{x27E7}$) and define the log-crystalline cohomology groups

these are naturally endowed with the extra structure of $\text{log}\text{-}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D711},\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB})$-modules over
$S_{K}$ and
$S_{K_{S}}$ respectively. Moreover, we have isomorphisms of

by smooth and proper base change in log-crystalline cohomology, as well as isomorphisms of $(\unicode[STIX]{x1D711},\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB})$-modules

by [Reference Lazda and PálLP16, Proposition 5.45]. It therefore follows from the logarithmic form of Dwork’s trick [Reference KedlayaKed10, Corollary 17.2.4] that the $(\unicode[STIX]{x1D711},\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB})$-modules
$H_{\text{rig}}^{i}({\mathcal{X}}_{F}/{\mathcal{R}}_{K})$ and
$H_{\text{rig}}^{i}({\mathcal{Y}}_{F_{S}}/{\mathcal{R}}_{K_{S}})$ are unipotent, that there are isomorphisms

and moreover the connection $\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB}$ on the rigid cohomology groups appearing on the left-hand side can be completely recovered from the monodromy operator
$N$ on the right-hand side. This allows us to construct isomorphisms of

where the left-hand side is endowed a natural connection coming from $N$; for more details see, for example, [Reference MarmoraMar08, §3.2].
Proposition 3.2. The diagram

Proof. Given the construction of the horizontal isomorphisms outlined above, it suffices to show that the diagram

of log-crystalline cohomology groups commutes, which as in Proposition 3.1 simply follows from functoriality of log-crystalline cohomology. ◻
4 Cohomology and global approximations
Now suppose that $k$ is a finite field,
$F=k(\!(t)\!)$, and
$X/F$ is a smooth and proper variety.
Definition 4.1. We say that $X$ is globally defined if there exist a smooth curve
$C/k$, a
$k$-valued point
$c\in C(k)$, a smooth and proper morphism
$\mathbf{X}\rightarrow (C\setminus \{c\})$ and an isomorphism
$F\cong \widehat{k(C)}_{c}$ such that
$\mathbf{X}_{F}\cong X$.
We will prove the following strengthened version of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Corollary 5.5].
Theorem 4.2. For any smooth and proper variety $X/F$ there exists a globally defined smooth and proper variety
$Z/F$ such that

for all $\ell$ (including
$\ell =p$).
Once we have shown this, the proof of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Theorem 6.1] can then be completed using [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Proposition 5.8], exactly as in the proof of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Theorem 5.1].
To prove Theorem 4.2, first of all choose a proper and flat model ${\mathcal{X}}$ for
$X$ over the ring of integers
${\mathcal{O}}_{F}$. By [Reference de JongdJ96, Theorem 6.5] we may choose an alteration
${\mathcal{X}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{X}}$ and a finite extension
$F_{0}/F$ such that
${\mathcal{X}}_{0}$ is strictly semistable over
Next, we take the fibre product ${\mathcal{X}}_{0}\times _{{\mathcal{X}}}{\mathcal{X}}_{0}$, and let
${\mathcal{X}}_{1}^{\prime }$ denote the disjoint union of the reduced, irreducible components of
${\mathcal{X}}_{0}\times _{{\mathcal{X}}}{\mathcal{X}}_{0}$ which are flat over
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}$, or equivalently which map surjectively to
$\text{Spec}({\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}})$. Once more applying [Reference de JongdJ96, Theorem 6.5] to each of the connected components of
${\mathcal{X}}_{1}^{\prime }$ in turn enables us to produce:
– a 2-truncated augmented simplicial scheme
which is a proper hypercover after base changing to$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{X}}_{1}\rightrightarrows {\mathcal{X}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{X}}\end{eqnarray}$$
– a collection
$F_{1,1},\ldots ,F_{1,s}$ of finite field extensions of
such that ${\mathcal{X}}_{1}$ is a disjoint union of schemes
${\mathcal{X}}_{1,j}$, for
$1\leqslant j\leqslant s$, proper and strictly semistable over
Let $k_{0}$ denote the residue field of
$k_{1,j}$ the residue field of
$F_{1,j}$, and consider the intermediate extensions

where $F_{0}^{\text{un}}/F$ and
$F_{1,j}^{\text{un}}/F_{0}$ are separable and unramified,
$F_{0}^{s}/F_{0}^{\text{un}}$ and
$F_{1,j}^{s}/F_{1,j}^{\text{un}}$ are separable and totally ramified, and
$F_{0}/F_{0}^{s}$ and
$F_{1,j}/F_{1,j}^{s}$ are totally inseparable, of degree
$p^{d_{0}}$ and
$p^{d_{1,j}}$ respectively. Let
$t$ denote a uniformiser for
$t_{0}$ one for
$F_{0}^{s}$, and let
$P_{0}$ be the minimal polynomial of
$t_{0}$ over
$F_{0}^{\text{un}}$. Then
$t_{0}^{\prime }:=t_{0}^{1/p^{d_{0}}}$ is a uniformiser for
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}$. Similarly, let
$t_{1,j}$ be a uniformiser for
$F_{1,j}^{s}$, and
$P_{1,j}$ the minimal polynomial of
$t_{1,j}$ over
$F_{1,j}^{\text{un}}$. Then
$t_{1,j}^{\prime }:=t_{1,j}^{1/p^{d_{1,j}}}$ is a uniformiser for
Now choose a finitely generated sub-$k$-algebra
$R\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{F}$, containing
$t$, such that there exists a proper, flat scheme
${\mathcal{Y}}\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R)$ whose base change to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F}$ is exactly
${\mathcal{X}}$. By [Reference SpivakovskySpi99, Theorem 10.1], we may at any point increase
$R$ to ensure that it is in fact smooth over
$k$. Next, enlarge
$R$ so that
$R_{0}^{\text{un}}:=R\,\otimes _{k}\,k_{0}\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{\text{un}}}$ contains all the coefficients of the minimal (Eisenstein) polynomial
$P_{0}$ of
$t_{0}$, and let
$R_{0}^{s}$ denote the corresponding finite flat extension
$R_{0}^{\text{un}}[x]/(P_{0})$ of
$R_{0}^{\text{un}}$. We can thus consider
$R_{0}^{s}\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{s}}$ as a subring containing
$t_{0}$, and we set
$R_{0}=R_{0}^{s}[t_{0}^{\prime }]$. Hence we have
$R_{0}\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}$ such that

Note also that $R_{0}$ is finite and flat over
$R$; after localising
$R$ within
${\mathcal{O}}_{F}$ we may in fact assume that
$R_{0}$ is finite free over
Next we enlarge $R$ so that there exists a proper and flat morphism
${\mathcal{Y}}_{0}\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R_{0})$ whose base change to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}$ is
${\mathcal{X}}_{0}$. Again, by further enlarging
$R$ we may in addition assume that the map
${\mathcal{X}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{X}}$ arises from a proper surjective map

of $R$-schemes, and moreover that there exists an open cover of
${\mathcal{Y}}_{0}$ by schemes which are étale over
$R_{0}[x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}]/(x_{1}\cdots x_{r}-t_{0}^{\prime })$ for some
$n,r$. In other words,
${\mathcal{Y}}_{0}$ is ‘strictly
$t_{0}^{\prime }$-semistable’.
We now repeat this process to produce further finite free extensions $R_{0}\rightarrow R_{1,j}^{\text{un}}\rightarrow R_{1,j}^{s}\rightarrow R_{1,j}$ for all
$j$, and an injection
$R_{1,j}\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{F_{1,j}}$ containing the image of
$t_{1,j}^{\prime }$ such that

We can also find proper, strictly $t_{1,j}^{\prime }$-semistable schemes
${\mathcal{Y}}_{1,j}\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R_{1,j})$ whose base change to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{1,j}}$ is
${\mathcal{X}}_{1,j}$, so that setting
${\mathcal{Y}}_{1}:=\coprod _{j}{\mathcal{Y}}_{1,j}$ (and again, possibly increasing
$R$), we obtain a 2-truncated augmented simplicial scheme

which becomes a proper hypercover over a dense open subscheme of $\text{Spec}(R)$, and whose base change to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F}$ is exactly our original 2-truncated augmented simplicial scheme

Let $\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}:R{\hookrightarrow}{\mathcal{O}}_{F}$ denote the canonical inclusion, and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}^{\ast }:\text{Spec}({\mathcal{O}}_{F})\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R)$ the induced morphism of schemes. Note that since
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}^{\ast }$ maps the generic point of
$\text{Spec}({\mathcal{O}}_{F})$ to that of
$\text{Spec}(R)$, the map
${\mathcal{Y}}\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R)$ is generically smooth. We may thus choose an open subset
$U\subset \text{Spec}(R)$ such that
${\mathcal{Y}}_{U}\rightarrow U$ is smooth, and such that the base change of
$[{\mathcal{Y}}_{1}\rightrightarrows {\mathcal{Y}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{Y}}]$ to
$U$ is a proper hypercover.
Lemma 4.3. For any $n\geqslant 0$ there exists a smooth curve
$C/k$, a rational point
$c\in C(k)$, a uniformiser
$t_{c}$ at
$c$, and a locally closed immersion
$C\rightarrow \text{Spec}(R)$ such that
$C\setminus \{c\}\subset U$, and the induced map

agrees with the modulo $t^{n}$-reduction of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}^{\ast }$ via the isomorphism

sending $t_{c}$ to
Proof. Since $R$ is smooth, we may choose étale co-ordinates around the image
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}^{\ast }(s)$ of the closed point of
$\text{Spec}({\mathcal{O}}_{F})$ under
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}^{\ast }$. This induces an étale map
$\text{Spec}(R)\rightarrow \mathbb{A}_{k}^{n}$ for some
$n$, and it is a simple exercise to prove the corresponding claim for
$\mathbb{A}_{k}^{n}$. We then just take the pull-back to
The canonical inclusion $\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}$ induces similar inclusions

for $\#\in \{\text{un},s,\emptyset \}$, as well as

for all $j$, and again for
$\#\in \{\text{un},s,\emptyset \}$. We will need the following form of Krasner’s lemma [Sta18,
Lemma 4.4. Let $K$ be a local field, with ring of integers
${\mathcal{O}}_{K}$, and let
$P(x)$ be an Eisenstein polynomial over
${\mathcal{O}}_{K}$. Let
$L$ be the corresponding finite totally ramified extension, and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}$ be a root of
$P$ in
$L$. Then for any
$m\geqslant 1$ there exists an
$n\geqslant 2$ such that any
$Q(x)\in {\mathcal{O}}_{K}[x]$ congruent to
$P$ modulo
$\mathfrak{m}_{K}^{n}$ is Eisenstein, and
$L$ contains a root
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}$ of
$Q$ such that
$L=K(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD})$ and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\equiv \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}$ modulo
We will use this as follows: given $n_{1}\geqslant \max _{j}\{[F_{1,j}:F]\}$ Lemma 4.4 shows that there exists some
$n_{0}\geqslant \max \left\{2,[F_{0}:F]\right\}$ such that any polynomial
$Q_{1,j}$ with coefficients in
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{1,j}^{\text{un}}}$ which agrees with the minimal polynomial
$P_{1,j}$ of
$t_{1,j}$ modulo
$(t_{0}^{\prime })^{n_{0}}$ is Eisenstein, and has a root in
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{1,j}^{s}}$ which agrees with
$t_{1,j}$ modulo
$t_{1,j}^{n_{1}}$. Applying the lemma again shows the existence of some
$n\geqslant 2$ such that any polynomial
$Q_{0}$ with coefficients in
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{\text{un}}}$ which agrees with
$P_{0}$ modulo
$t^{n}$ is Eisenstein, and has a root in
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{s}}$ which agrees with
$t_{0}$ modulo
$t_{0}^{n_{0}}$. Now choose a
$k$-algebra homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}:R\rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_{F}$ as provided by Lemma 4.3, that is, factoring through the local ring of some smooth point on a curve inside
$\text{Spec}(R)$ and agreeing with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}$ modulo
Since $\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}$ is a
$k$-algebra homomorphism, we have a canonical isomorphism
$R_{0}^{\text{un}}\otimes _{R,\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}{\mathcal{O}}_{F}\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }{\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{\text{un}}}$, which therefore induces a homomorphism

extending $\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}$ and which agrees with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{0}^{\text{un}}$ modulo
$t^{n}$. Now let
$Q_{0}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}^{\text{un}}(P_{0})$ denote the image under
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}^{\text{un}}$ of the minimal polynomial
$P_{0}$ of
$t_{0}$; this is therefore a monic polynomial with coefficients in
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{\text{un}}}$, which agrees with
$P_{0}$ modulo
$t^{n}$. Thus it is also Eisenstein, and by the choice of
$n$ we know that
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{s}}$ contains a root of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}^{\text{un}}(P_{0})$ which is congruent to
$t_{0}$ modulo
$t_{0}^{n_{0}}$ and generates
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{s}}$ as an
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{\text{un}}}$-algebra. This then allows us to extend
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}^{\text{un}}$ to a homomorphism

which agrees with $\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{0}^{s}$ modulo
$t_{0}^{n_{0}}$, and since
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}^{s}(t_{0})$ generates
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{s}}$ as an
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}^{\text{un}}}$-algebra, we deduce that the diagram

is coCartesian. We can then extend this to a homomorphism

agreeing with $\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{0}$ modulo
$(t_{0}^{\prime })^{n_{0}}$, and forming a similar coCartesian diagram to
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}^{s}$. We now play exactly the same game for all of the
$R_{1,j}$, to produce
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{1,j}:R_{1,j}\rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_{F_{1,j}}$ extending all other
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{0}$ and all previous
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{1,j}^{\#}$, which agree with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{1,j}$ modulo
$(t_{1,j}^{\prime })^{n_{1,j}}$, and which form coCartesian diagrams

Now let ${\mathcal{Z}}$ be the base change of
${\mathcal{Y}}$ to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F}$ via
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}$; note that the generic fibre
${\mathcal{Z}}_{F}$ is globally defined by construction. Similarly define
${\mathcal{Z}}_{0}$ to be the base change of
${\mathcal{Y}}_{0}$ to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}$ via
${\mathcal{Z}}_{1,j}$ the base change of
${\mathcal{Y}}_{1,j}$ to
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{1,j}}$ via
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{1,j}$, and
${\mathcal{Z}}_{1}:=\coprod _{j}{\mathcal{Z}}_{1,j}$, so we have a 2-truncated augmented simplicial scheme

over ${\mathcal{O}}_{F}$, which gives a proper hypercover after base changing to
$F$. For any
$m\geqslant 2$ we can therefore take
$n_{1}\geqslant m\max _{j}\{[F_{1,j}:F]\}$ to ensure:
${\mathcal{Z}}_{0}$ is a proper and strictly semistable scheme over
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}$, and each
${\mathcal{Z}}_{1,j}$ is a proper and strictly semistable scheme over
– there is an isomorphism
of 2-truncated simplicial schemes, such that$$\begin{eqnarray}\left[{\mathcal{X}}_{1}\rightrightarrows {\mathcal{X}}_{0}\right]\otimes _{{\mathcal{O}}_{F}}{\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }\left[{\mathcal{Z}}_{1}\rightrightarrows {\mathcal{Z}}_{0}\right]\otimes _{{\mathcal{O}}_{F}}{\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\end{eqnarray}$$
is in fact an isomorphism of$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{X}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }{\mathcal{Z}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\end{eqnarray}$$
${\mathcal{O}}_{F_{0}}/(t^{m})$-schemes, and
is obtained as a disjoint union of isomorphisms$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{X}}_{1}\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }{\mathcal{Z}}_{1}\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\end{eqnarray}$$
of$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{X}}_{1,j}\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }{\mathcal{Z}}_{1,j}\otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{F}/t^{m}\end{eqnarray}$$
Thus if we let ${\mathcal{X}}_{0,s}^{\times }$ and
${\mathcal{Z}}_{0,s}^{\times }$ denote the log schemes over
$k_{0}^{\times }$ given by the special fibres of
${\mathcal{X}}_{0}$ and
${\mathcal{Z}}_{0}$, and
${\mathcal{X}}_{1,s}^{\times }$ and
${\mathcal{Z}}_{1,s}^{\times }$ the log schemes over
$\coprod _{j=1}^{s}\text{Spec}(k_{1,j}^{\times })$ given by the special fibres of
${\mathcal{X}}_{1}$ and
${\mathcal{Z}}_{1}$, then by Proposition 2.2 there is an isomorphism

of 2-truncated simplicial log schemes over $k^{\times }$. Now by [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Propositions 5.3, 5.4] there are isomorphisms

between the cohomology of the generic fibres of ${\mathcal{X}}_{0},{\mathcal{X}}_{1,j}$ and
${\mathcal{Z}}_{0},{\mathcal{Z}}_{1,j}$, as Weil–Deligne representations over
$F_{0}$ and
$F_{1,j}$ respectively. If we define the category

of Weil–Deligne representations over $F_{1}:=\prod _{j}F_{1,j}$ to be the product of the categories of Weil–Deligne representations over each
$F_{1,j}$, then by Propositions 3.1 and 3.2, the diagram

(with horizontal arrows given by the differences of the two pullback maps) commutes via the restriction functor from Weil–Deligne representations over $F_{0}$ to Weil–Deligne representations over
Let $\text{Ind}_{F_{i}}^{F}$ denote a right adjoint to the restriction functor from Weil–Deligne representations over
$F$ to those over
$F_{i}$: on the separable part this is the normal induction of representations, on the inseparable part it is a quasi-inverse to Frobenius pull-back, and
$\text{Ind}_{F_{1}}^{F}=\bigoplus _{j}\text{Ind}_{F_{1,j}}^{F}$. We therefore have a commutative diagram

and, in particular, the kernels of both horizontal maps are isomorphic as Weil–Deligne representations over $F$. The proof of Theorem 4.2 now boils down to the following claim.
Proposition 4.5. Let $X_{1}\rightrightarrows X_{0}\rightarrow X$ be a 2-truncated semisimplicial proper hypercover of a smooth and proper
$X$, such that there exist finite field extensions
$F_{0}/F$ and
$F_{1,j}/F_{0}$ for
$1\leqslant j\leqslant s$, with
$X_{0}$ smooth over
$F_{0}$, and
$X_{1}=\coprod _{j}X_{1,j}$ with
$X_{1,j}$ smooth over
$F_{1,j}$. If we set
$F_{1}=\prod _{j=1}^{s}F_{1,j}$, then

for all primes $\ell$.
Proof. By taking $\widetilde{F}_{1}/F$ a sufficiently large finite extension such that all of the
$F_{1,j}$ embed into
$\widetilde{F}_{1}$ and applying [Reference de JongdJ96, Theorem 4.1], we can extend
$X_{1}\rightrightarrows X_{0}\rightarrow X$ to a full proper hypercover
$X_{\bullet }\rightarrow X$ such that for
$n\geqslant 2$ there exists a finite extension
$F_{n}/\widetilde{F}_{1}$ with
$X_{n}$ smooth over
$F_{n}$. Now applying [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Lemma 6.4] we can see that the terms in
$i$th column of the resulting spectral sequence have to be ‘quasi-pure’ of weight
$i$. Therefore the spectral sequence degenerates exactly as in the proof of [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18, Theorem 6.1], and the proposition follows.◻
We now deduce from the proposition that $H_{\ell }^{i}(X)\cong H_{\ell }^{i}({\mathcal{Z}}_{F})$ as Weil–Deligne representations for all
$i,\ell$, and by construction
${\mathcal{Z}}_{F}$ is globally defined. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.2
Remark 4.6. Note the use of the finite field hypothesis (via a weight argument) in the proof of Proposition 4.5. It might be possible to relax the assumption to $k$ perfect using a more sophisticated argument.
Both authors would like to thank W. Zheng for pointing out the error in [Reference Chiarellotto and LazdaCL18], as well as L. Illusie for useful discussions concerning log structures, in particular the proof of Proposition 2.1. We would also like to thank the anonymous referee for a careful reading of an earlier version of the manuscript, in particular for correcting a mistake in our use of alterations.