1 Introduction
This work concerns the modular representation theory of finite groups and group schemes. A starting point for it is a duality theorem for finite groups due to Tate, that appears already in Cartan and Eilenberg [Reference Cartan and EilenbergCE56]. For our purposes it is useful to recast this theorem in terms of stable module categories. The stable module category of a finite group scheme
over a field
is the category obtained from the (abelian) category of finite-dimensional
-modules by annihilating morphisms that factor through a projective module; we denote it
, and write
for the morphisms in this category. The category
is triangulated with suspension
, and Tate duality translates to the statement that for all finite-dimensional
there are natural isomorphisms

is the modular character of
, described in Jantzen [Reference JantzenJan03, § I.8.8]; it is isomorphic to the trivial representation
is a finite group. Tate duality can be deduced from a formula of Auslander and Reiten [Reference AuslanderAus78] that applies to general associative algebras; see Theorem 4.2.
In the language introduced by Bondal and Kapranov [Reference Bondal and KapranovBK89] the isomorphism above says that
has Serre duality with Serre functor
$M\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}_{G}\otimes _{k}M$
. One of the main results of our work is that such a duality also holds locally.
The precise statement involves a natural action of the cohomology ring
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
on the graded abelian group

The ring
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
is graded commutative, and also finitely generated as a
-algebra, by a result of Friedlander and Suslin [Reference Friedlander and SuslinFS97]. Fix a homogeneous prime ideal
not containing
and consider the triangulated category
that is obtained from
by localising the graded morphisms at
and then taking the full subcategory of objects such that the graded endomorphisms are
-torsion; see § 7 for details. Our interest in the subcategories
stems from the fact that they are the building blocks of
and play a key role in the classification of its tensor ideal thick subcategories; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK15]. These subcategories may thus be viewed as analogues of the
-local spectra in stable homotopy theory that give the chromatic filtration of a spectrum; see [Reference RavenelRav92].
The following is our version of local Serre duality.
Theorem 1.1. Let
the Krull dimension of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
. For all
there are natural isomorphisms

is the injective hull of the graded
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
One corollary is that
has Auslander–Reiten (AR) triangles, so one can bring to bear the techniques of AR theory to the study of
-modules. These results are contained in Theorem 7.10.
We deduce Theorem 1.1 from a more general result concerning
, the stable category of all (including infinite dimensional)
-modules. Consider its subcategory
consisting of the
-torsion modules; in other words, the
-modules whose support is contained in
. This is a compactly generated triangulated category and the full subcategory of compact objects is equivalent, up to direct summands, to
; this is explained in Remark 7.2. There is an idempotent functor
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}:\mathsf{StMod}\,G\rightarrow \mathsf{StMod}\,G$
with image the
-torsion modules; see § 2 for details. The central result of this work is that
is a dualising object for
, in the following sense.
Theorem 1.2. For any
$i\in \mathbb{Z}$
there is a natural isomorphism

This result is proved in § 5. In the isomorphism, the vector space on the left is
. The statement is in terms of
to underscore its similarity to Serre duality on a nonsingular projective variety
of dimension

for any coherent sheave
; see, for example, Hartshorne [Reference HartshorneHar77].
is a finite group
is the Rickard idempotent module
, introduced by Benson, Carlson and Rickard [Reference Benson, Carlson and RickardBCR96], that is associated to the irreducible subvariety
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
defined by
. In this context, Theorem 1.2 was proved by Benson and Greenlees [Reference Benson and GreenleesBG08]; see the paragraph following Theorem 5.1 below for a detailed comparison with their work and that of Benson [Reference BensonBen08].
, the following consequences of Theorem 1.2 have been anticipated in [Reference BensonBen01] when
is a finite group.
Theorem 1.3. Assume
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}_{G}\cong k$
. The
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
$\widehat{\text{Ext}}_{G}^{\ast }(k,\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}(k))$
is injective and isomorphic to a twist of
. Also, there is an isomorphism of

$(-)^{\wedge }$
denotes completion with respect to the
-adic topology, and the
is pure injective.
Theorem 1.2 can be interpreted to mean that the category
is Gorenstein, for it is analogous to Grothendieck’s result that a commutative noetherian ring
is Gorenstein if, and only if,
is the injective hull of
, up to suspension, for each
. In § 6 we propose a general notion of a Gorenstein triangulated category, in an attempt to place these results in a common framework.
To prove Theorem 1.2 we use a technique from algebraic geometry in the tradition of Zariski and Weil; namely, the construction of generic points for algebraic varieties. Given a point
$\mathfrak{p}\subseteq H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, there is a purely transcendental extension
and a closed point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
lying above the point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. Here,
denotes the group scheme that is obtained from
by extending the field to
. The crux is that one can choose
such that the following statement holds.
Theorem 1.4. Restriction of scalars induces an exact functor

that is surjective on objects, up to isomorphism.
This result is proved in § 3, building on our work in [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18]. It gives a remarkable description of the compact objects in
: they are obtained from the finite-dimensional objects in
by restriction of scalars. This allows one to reduce the proof of Theorem 1.2 to the case of a closed point, where it is essentially equivalent to classical Tate duality. The theorem above has other consequences; for example, it implies that the compact objects in
are endofinite
-modules in the sense of Crawley-Boevey [Reference Crawley-BoeveyCra92]; see § 3.
2 Cohomology and localisation
In this section we recall basic notions concerning certain localisation functors on triangulated categories with ring actions. The material is needed to state and prove the results in this work. The main triangulated category of interest is the stable module category of a finite group scheme, but the general framework is needed in §§ 6 and 7. Primary references for the material presented here are [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK11a]; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18] for the special case of the stable module category.
Triangulated categories with central action
be a triangulated category with suspension
. For objects

Composition makes
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(X)$
a graded ring and
$\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(X,Y)$
a left-
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(Y)$
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(X)$
be a graded commutative noetherian ring. In what follows we will only be concerned with homogeneous elements and ideals in
. In this spirit, ‘localisation’ will mean homogeneous localisation, and
will denote the set of homogeneous prime ideals in
We say that a triangulated category
-linear if for each
there is a homomorphism of graded rings
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}_{X}:R\rightarrow \operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(X)$
such that the induced left and right actions of
$\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(X,Y)$
are compatible in the following sense: for any
$r\in R$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in \operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(X,Y)$
, one has

An exact functor
$F:\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \mathsf{U}$
-linear triangulated categories is
-linear if the induced map

of graded abelian groups is
-linear for all objects
In what follows, we fix a compactly generated
-linear triangulated category
and write
for its full subcategory of compact objects.
Fix an ideal
. An
-torsion if
for all
$\mathfrak{a}\not \subseteq \mathfrak{q}$
. Analogously, an object
-torsion if the
$\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(C,X)$
-torsion for all
$C\in \mathsf{T}^{\mathsf{c}}$
. The full subcategory of
-torsion objects

is localising and the inclusion
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{{\mathcal{V}}(\mathfrak{a})}\mathsf{T}\subseteq \mathsf{T}$
admits a right adjoint, denoted
Fix a
. An
-local if the localisation map
$M\rightarrow M_{\mathfrak{p}}$
is invertible, and an object
-local if the
$\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(C,X)$
-local for all
$C\in \mathsf{T}^{\mathsf{c}}$
. Consider the full subcategory of
-local objects

and the full subcategory of
-local and
-torsion objects

Note that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}\mathsf{T}\subseteq \mathsf{T}_{\mathfrak{p}}\subseteq \mathsf{T}$
are localising subcategories. The inclusion
$\mathsf{T}_{\mathfrak{p}}\rightarrow \mathsf{T}$
admits a left adjoint
$X\mapsto X_{\mathfrak{p}}$
while the inclusion
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \mathsf{T}_{\mathfrak{p}}$
admits a right adjoint. We denote by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}:\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}\mathsf{T}$
the composition of those adjoints; it is the local cohomology functor with respect to
; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK11a] for the construction of this functor.
The following observation is clear.
Lemma 2.1. For any element
$R\setminus \mathfrak{p}$
, say of degree
, and
-local object
, the natural map
is an isomorphism.
The functor
commutes with exact functors preserving coproducts.
Lemma 2.2. Let
$F:\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \mathsf{U}$
be an exact functor between
-linear compactly generated triangulated categories such that
-linear and preserves coproducts. Suppose that the action of
factors through a homomorphism
$f:R\rightarrow S$
of graded commutative rings. For any ideal
there is a natural isomorphism

of functors
$\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \mathsf{U}$
, where
denotes the ideal of
that is generated by
Proof. The statement follows from an explicit description of
in terms of homotopy colimits; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK11a, Proposition 2.9].◻
Injective cohomology objects
Given an object
and an injective
, Brown representability yields an object
such that

This yields a functor

For each
, we write
for the injective hull of
and set

viewed as a functor
$\mathsf{T}^{\mathsf{c}}\rightarrow \mathsf{T}$
Tensor triangulated categories
$\mathsf{T}=(\mathsf{T},\otimes ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9})$
be a tensor triangulated category such that
acts on
via a homomorphism of graded rings
$R\rightarrow \operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9})$
. Brown representability yields functions objects
satisfying an adjunction isomorphism

$X^{\vee }:={\mathcal{H}}om(X,\unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9})$
for each
. It is part of our definition of a tensor triangulated category that the unit,
, is compact, and that compact objects are rigid: for all
compact the natural map

is an isomorphism; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, § 8] for details.
The functors
can be computed as follows:

Indeed, the first isomorphism is from [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, Corollary 8.3], while the second one holds because for each
$X\in \mathsf{T}$
and compact object
there are isomorphisms

The first and the fourth isomorphisms above hold because
is rigid; the second and the last one are adjunction isomorphisms; the third one is by the defining isomorphism (2.1).
We turn now to modules over finite group schemes, following the notation and terminology from [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18].
The stable module category
be a finite group scheme over a field
of positive characteristic. The coordinate ring and the group algebra of
are denoted
, respectively. These are finite-dimensional Hopf algebras over
that are dual to each other. We write
for the category of
-modules and
for its full subcategory consisting of finite-dimensional
-modules. We often identity
with the category of
-modules, which is justified by [Reference JantzenJan03, I.8.6].
We write
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
for the cohomology algebra,
$\operatorname{Ext}_{G}^{\ast }(k,k)$
, of
. This is a graded commutative
-algebra, because
is a Hopf algebra, and acts on
$\operatorname{Ext}_{G}^{\ast }(M,N)$
, for any
. Moreover, the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
is finitely generated, and, when
are finite dimensional,
$\operatorname{Ext}_{G}^{\ast }(M,N)$
is finitely generated over it; this is by a theorem of Friedlander and Suslin [Reference Friedlander and SuslinFS97].
The stable module category
is obtained from
by identifying two morphisms between
-modules when they factor through a projective
-module. An isomorphism in
will be called a stable isomorphism, to distinguish it from an isomorphism in
. In the same vein,
are said to be stably isomorphic if they are isomorphic in
; this is equivalent to the condition that
are isomorphic in
, up to projective summands.
The tensor product over
-modules passes to
and yields a tensor triangulated category with unit
and suspension
, the inverse of the syzygy functor. The category
is compactly generated and the subcategory of compact objects identifies with
, the stable module category of finite-dimensional
-modules. See Carlson [Reference CarlsonCar96, § 5] and Happel [Reference HappelHap88, ch. I] for details.
We use the notation
for the
-sets in
. The cohomology algebra
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
acts on
via a homomorphism of

Thus, the preceding discussion on localisation functors on triangulated categories applies to the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-linear category
Koszul objects
corresponds to a morphism
$k\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{-d}k$
; let
denote its mapping cone. This gives a morphism
$k\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{d}(k/\!\!/b)$
. For a sequence of elements
$\boldsymbol{b}:=b_{1},\ldots ,b_{n}$
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
and a
, we set

It is easy to check that for a
$s=\sum _{i}|b_{i}|$
, there is an isomorphism

be the ideal of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
generated by
. By abuse of notation we set
. If
$\boldsymbol{b}^{\prime }$
is a finite set of elements in
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
such that
$\sqrt{(\boldsymbol{b}^{\prime })}=\sqrt{(\boldsymbol{b})}$
, then, by [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK15, Proposition 3.10], for any
there is an equality

$\operatorname{Spec}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. We will repeatedly use the fact that
is generated as a triangulated category by the family of objects
; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK11a, Proposition 3.9]. In fact, if
denotes the direct sum of a representative set of simple
-modules, then there is an equality

It turns out that one has
, the ideal of elements of positive degree; see Lemma 2.5 below. For this reason, it is customary to focus on
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, the set of homogeneous prime ideals not containing
, when dealing with
Tate cohomology
By construction, the action of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
factors through
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G}^{\ast }(k,k)$
, the graded ring of endomorphisms of the identity. The latter ring is not noetherian in general, which is one reason to work with
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. In any case, there is little difference, vis-à-vis their action on
, as the next remarks should make clear.
Remark 2.3. Let
-modules. The map
$\operatorname{Hom}_{G}(M,N)\rightarrow \text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G}(M,N)$
induces a map
$\operatorname{Ext}_{G}^{\ast }(M,N)\rightarrow \text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G}^{\ast }(M,N)$
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-modules. This map is surjective in degree zero, with kernel
, the maps from
that factor through a projective
-module. It is bijective in positive degrees and hence one gets an exact sequence of graded
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$

$i\geqslant 0$
. For degree reasons, the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-torsion. Consequently, for
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
the induced localised map is an isomorphism:

More generally, for each
localisation induces an isomorphism

$H^{\ast }(G,k)_{r}$
-modules. This means that
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
has a finite cover by affine open sets on which ordinary cohomology and stable cohomology agree.
Given the finite generation result due to Friedlander and Suslin mentioned earlier, the next remark can be deduced from the exact sequence (2.6).
Remark 2.4. When
are finite-dimensional
is a finitely generated
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-module for any
$s\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Moreover the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)_{\mathfrak{p}}$

is finitely generated for each
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
Lemma 2.5. One has
, where
Proof. Given (2.5) it suffices to check that
, where
is the direct sum of representative set of simple
-modules. For any
, the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G}^{\ast }(M,S/\!\!/\mathfrak{m})$
-torsion; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, Lemma 5.11(1)]. Thus, when
is finite dimensional, the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-torsion and finitely generated, so it follows that
$i\gg 0$
, by Remark 2.4. This implies that
is projective, since
is self-injective.◻
To gain a better understanding of the discussion above, it helps to consider the homotopy category of
, the injective
The homotopy category of injectives
denote the homotopy category of
and the derived category of
, respectively. These are also
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-linear compactly generated tensor triangulated categories, with the tensor product over
. The unit of the tensor product on
is an injective resolution of the trivial
, while that of
. The canonical quotient functor
$\mathsf{K}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)\rightarrow \mathsf{D}(\mathsf{Mod}\,G)$
induces an equivalence of triangulated category
, where the target is the bounded derived category of
; see [Reference KrauseKra05, Proposition 2.3].
Taking Tate resolutions identifies
, the full subcategory of acyclic complexes in
. In detail, let
be a projective and an injective resolution of the trivial
, respectively, and let
be the mapping cone of the composed morphism
$\mathsf{p}k\rightarrow k\rightarrow \mathsf{i}k$
; this is a Tate resolution of
. Since projective and injective
-modules coincide, one gets the exact triangle

. For a
, the complex
$M\otimes _{k}\mathsf{t}k$
is a Tate resolution of
and the assignment
$M\mapsto M\otimes _{k}\mathsf{t}k$
induces an equivalence of categories

with quasi-inverse
$X\mapsto Z^{0}(X)$
, the submodule of cycles in degree 0. Assigning
$X\otimes _{k}\mathsf{t}k$
is a left adjoint of the inclusion
$\mathsf{K}_{\text{ac}}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)\rightarrow \mathsf{K}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)$
. These results are contained in [Reference KrauseKra05, Theorem 8.2]. Consider the composed functor

A straightforward verification yields that these functors are
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-linear. The result below is the categorical underpinning of Remark 2.3 and Lemma 2.5.
Lemma 2.6. There is a natural isomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{m}}X\cong X\otimes _{k}\mathsf{p}k$
$X\in \mathsf{K}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)$
. For each
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, the functor
induces triangle equivalences

Proof. We identify
. This entails
, by Lemma 2.5. It is easy to check that
-torsion, and hence so is
, for it is in the localising subcategory generated by
, and the class of
-torsion objects in
is a tensor ideal localising subcategory; see, for instance, [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, § 8]. Thus, applying
to the exact triangle (2.8) yields
$\mathsf{p}k\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{m}}(\mathsf{i}k)$
. It then follows from (2.2) that
$X\otimes _{k}\mathsf{p}k\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{m}}X$
for any
From the construction of
and (2.8), the kernel of
is the subcategory

These are precisely the
-torsion objects in
, by the already established part of the result. Said otherwise,
$X\in \mathsf{K}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)$
is acyclic if and only if
. It follows that
contains the subcategory
-local objects, for each
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. On the other hand, the inclusion
$\mathsf{K}_{\text{ac}}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)\subseteq \mathsf{K}(\mathsf{Inj}\,G)$
preserves coproducts, so its left adjoint
preserves compactness of objects and all compacts of
are in the image of
. Given this a simple calculation shows that
. Thus
3 Passage to closed points
be a finite group scheme over a field
of positive characteristic. In this section we describe a technique that relates the
-torsion objects in
, for a point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, to the corresponding modules at a closed point defined over a field extension of
. Recall that a point
is closed when it is maximal with respect to inclusion:
$\mathfrak{m}\subseteq \mathfrak{q}$
for all
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. In what follows,
denotes the graded residue field of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
For a field extension
extension of scalars and restriction give exact functors

The functors form an adjoint pair, with the left adjoint
$K\otimes _{k}(-)$
and respecting tensor products, so one has a well-known projection formula:

for a
; see [Reference Balmer, Dell’Ambrogio and SandersBDS16, (2.16)] or [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP17, Lemma 2.2].
The functor
$K\otimes _{k}(-)$
yields a homomorphism
$H^{\ast }(G,k)\rightarrow H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
of rings. There is a natural isomorphism
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)\xrightarrow[{}]{{\sim}}K\otimes _{k}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-algebras, so the preceding map above is just extension of scalars. There is an induced map

mapping to
$\mathfrak{p}:=\mathfrak{q}\cap H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. We say that
lies over
to indicate this.
The main objective of this section is the proof of the following result. We say a functor is dense if it is surjective on objects, up to isomorphism.
Theorem 3.1. Fix
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
a purely transcendental extension of degree
$\dim (H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p})-1$
. There exists a closed point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
lying over
$k(\mathfrak{m})\cong k(\mathfrak{p})$
such that the functor
$(-)\downarrow _{G}$
restricts to functors

that are dense.
The proof of the theorem yields more: there is a subcategory of
on which
$(-)\downarrow _{G}$
is full and dense; ditto for the category of compact objects. However, the functor need not be full on all of
; see Example 3.7.
Here is one consequence of Theorem 3.1.
Corollary 3.2. The compact objects in
are, up to isomorphism, the restrictions of finite-dimensional
-modules in
Proof. By [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08, Theorem 6.4], for any ideal
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, we have

Applying this observation to the ideal
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
and noting that
, since
is a closed point, the desired result follows from Theorem 3.1.◻
The closed point in Theorem 3.1 depends on the choice of a Noether normalisation of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
as is explained in the construction below, from [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, § 7].
Construction 3.3. Fix
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
; the following construction is relevant only when
is not a closed point. Choose elements
$\boldsymbol{a}:=a_{0},\ldots ,a_{d-1}$
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
of the same degree such that their image in
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
is algebraically independent over
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
is finitely generated as a module over the subalgebra
. Thus the Krull dimension of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
. Set
$K:=k(t_{1},\ldots ,t_{d-1})$
, the field of rational functions in indeterminates
$t_{1},\ldots ,t_{d-1}$

viewed as elements in
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
. Let
$\mathfrak{p}^{\prime }$
be the extension of
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$

It is proved as part of [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, Theorem 7.7] that the ideal
is a closed point in
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
with the property that
$\mathfrak{m}\cap H^{\ast }(G,k)=\mathfrak{p}$
. What is more, it follows from the construction (see in particular [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, Lemmas 7.6, and (7.2)]) that the induced extension of fields is an isomorphism

The sequence of elements
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
yields a morphism
$K\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{s}(K/\!\!/\boldsymbol{b})$
, where
$s=\sum _{i}|b_{i}|$
, and composing its restriction to
with the canonical morphism
$k\rightarrow K\downarrow _{G}$
gives in
a morphism

Since the
are not in
, Lemma 2.1 yields a natural stable isomorphism

for any
. This remark will be used often in the sequel.
The result below extends [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, Theorem 8.8]; the latter is the case
Theorem 3.4. For any
, the morphism
$M\otimes _{k}f$
induces a natural stable isomorphism of

-torsion, these induce natural stable isomorphisms

Proof. We begin by verifying the second set of isomorphisms. As
-torsion so is
and then it is clear that the natural map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}M=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{{\mathcal{V}}(\mathfrak{p})}M_{\mathfrak{p}}\rightarrow M_{\mathfrak{p}}$
is an isomorphism. The third of the desired isomorphisms follows from (3.1). It thus remains to check that
$M\otimes _{k}f$
induces an isomorphism

It is easy to verify that the modules
having this property form a tensor ideal localising subcategory of
. Keeping in mind (3.2), from [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, Theorem 8.8] one obtains that this subcategory contains
. The desired assertion follows since the
-torsion modules form a tensor ideal localising subcategory of
that is generated by
; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK11a, Proposition 2.7].
Now we turn to the first set of isomorphisms. There the second one holds by (3.1), so we focus on the first. Let
be an arbitrary
-module, and let
$\mathfrak{p}^{\prime }$
be as in Construction 3.3. Since
-torsion, the already established isomorphism yields the second one below:

The third one holds by Lemma 2.2, applied to the functor
$K\otimes _{k}(-)$
. The next one is standard, the penultimate one holds as
-torsion, and the last follows from
$\sqrt{\mathfrak{p}^{\prime }+(\boldsymbol{b})}=\mathfrak{m}$
. This completes the proof.◻
In the next remark we recast part of Theorem 3.4.
Remark 3.5. Fix a point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, and let
be as in Construction 3.3. Consider the following adjoint pair of functors.

It is easy to check that this induces an adjoint pair

Theorem 3.4 implies that
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}M)\downarrow _{G}\cong M$
for any
Proof of Theorem 3.1.
, and
be as in Construction 3.3. As noted there,
is a closed point in
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
lying over
$k(\mathfrak{m})\cong k(\mathfrak{p})$
. The modules in
are precisely those with support contained in
. It then follows from [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, Proposition 6.2] that
$(-)\downarrow _{G}$
restricts to a functor

This functor is dense because for any
that is
-local and
-torsion one has
$M\cong (\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}M)\downarrow _{G}$
is the functor from Remark 3.5.
Consider the restriction of
$(-)\downarrow _{G}$
to compact objects in
. First we verify that its image is contained in the compact objects of
. To this end, it suffices to check that there exists a generator of
, as a thick subcategory, whose restriction is in
be the direct sum of a representative set of simple
-modules. Each simple
-module is (isomorphic to) a direct summand of
, so from (2.5) one gets the first equality below:

The second one holds by (2.4), since
. From Theorem 3.4 one gets isomorphisms of

It remains to note that
is in
, again by (2.5).
The last item to verify is that restriction is dense also on compacts. Since
is compact, the functor
from Remark 3.5 preserves coproducts, and hence its left adjoint
preserves compactness. Thus Theorem 3.4 gives the desired result.◻
Theorem 3.4 yields that
$f\cong (f_{K})\downarrow _{G}$
for any morphism
; in particular, the restriction functor is full and dense on the subcategory of
consisting of objects of the form
, where
is a
-module. It need not be full on the entire category, or even on its subcategory of compact objects; see Example 3.7, modelled on the following example from commutative algebra.
Example 3.6. Let
be a field and
the polynomial ring in an indeterminate
. Let
denote its derived category; it is
-linear in an obvious way. For the prime
-torsion subcategory
is naturally identified with the derived category of
, the field of rational functions in
denoting the field of rational functions in an indeterminate
, the maximal ideal
lies over the prime ideal
. The inclusion
$k[a]\subset k(t)[a]$
induces an isomorphism
$k(a)\cong k(t)[a]/\mathfrak{m}\cong k(t)$
. The analogue of Theorem 3.4 is that restriction of scalars along the inclusion
$k[a]\subset k(t)[a]$
induces a dense functor

This property can be checked directly: the
-torsion module
restricts to
, and each object in
is a direct sum of shifts of
. This functor is, however, not full: for
$n\geqslant 1$
, the
-torsion, and satisfies

stands for the appropriate derived category. In particular, if
$n\geqslant 2$
, the canonical map
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{D}}(L)\rightarrow \operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{D}}(L\downarrow _{k[a]})$
is not surjective.
Indeed, the module of endomorphisms of

In particular, it has rank
as an
-vector space. On the other hand, restricted to
, the
is isomorphic to
. It then follows from the exact sequences

-modules that
restricts to a direct sum of
copies of
, so that

In particular, this has rank
as a
-vector space.
Example 3.7. Let
$V=\mathbb{Z}/2\times \mathbb{Z}/2$
a field of characteristic two. As
-algebras, one has
$H^{\ast }(V,k)\cong k[a,b]$
, where
are indeterminates of degree one. For the prime ideal
, Construction 3.3 leads to the field extension
, and the closed point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(V_{K},K)$
; this is the component in degree
of the graded field
and can be identified with
; see Construction 3.3.
Fix an integer
$n\geqslant 1$
and set
. This is a finite-dimensional
-module and hence compact in
. We claim that

and hence that the map
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{End}}_{V_{K}}(N)\rightarrow \text{}\underline{\operatorname{End}}_{V}(N\downarrow _{V})$
is not surjective when
$n\geqslant 3$
The claim can be checked as follows. Set
$S:=\text{}\underline{\operatorname{End}}_{V_{K}}^{\ast }(K)_{\mathfrak{m}}\cong K[a,b]_{\mathfrak{m}}$
. Since
is not a zero divisor on
, applying
to the exact triangle

one gets that
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{V_{K}}^{\ast }(K,N)$
is isomorphic to
, as an
-module; in particular
annihilates it. Given this, applying
to the exact triangle above yields that the rank of
, as an
-vector space, is
As to the claim about
$N\downarrow _{V}$
: the category
is semi-simple for its generator
has the property that
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{End}}_{V}^{\ast }(k_{\mathfrak{p}})$
is a graded field. It thus suffices to verify that
$N\downarrow _{V}\cong k_{\mathfrak{p}}^{n}$
; equivalently, that
$\operatorname{rank}_{F}\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{V}(k_{\mathfrak{p}},N\downarrow _{V})=n$
. This follows from the isomorphisms

The first isomorphism holds because
$N\downarrow _{V}$
-local, the second one holds by adjunction.
There is a close connection between this example and Example 3.6. Namely, the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand (BGG) correspondence sets up an equivalence between
and the derived category of dg modules over
, viewed as a dg algebra with zero differential, modulo the subcategory of
-torsion dg modules; see [Reference Bernstein, Gelfand and GelfandBGG78] and also [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK12, § 5.2.2]. The BGG correspondence induces the equivalences in the following commutative diagram of categories:

denotes the derived category of dg modules. The functor on the right is restriction of scalars along the homomorphism of rings
$R_{\mathfrak{p}}\rightarrow S$
, which is induced by the inclusion
$R=k[a,b]\subset K[a,b]$
. Under the BGG equivalence, the
corresponds to
, viewed as dg
-module with zero differential. Since
is a graded field, isomorphic to
$K[a^{\pm 1}]$
, each dg
-module is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of
. Arguing as in Example 3.6 one can verify that the dg
restricts to a direct sum of
copies of
. This is another way to compute the endomorphism rings in question.
The remainder of this section is devoted to a further discussion of the compact objects in
. This is not needed subsequently.
Following Crawley-Boevey [Reference Crawley-BoeveyCra91, Reference Crawley-BoeveyCra92], a module
over an associative ring
is endofinite if
has finite length as a module over
An object
of a compactly generated triangulated category
is endofinite if the
has finite length for all
$C\in \mathsf{T}^{\mathsf{c}}$
; see [Reference Krause and ReichenbachKR00].
be a self-injective algebra, finite dimensional over some field. Then an
-module is endofinite if and only if it is endofinite as an object of
. This follows from the fact
is an endofinite
-module if and only if the
has finite length for every finite-dimensional
Lemma 3.8. Let
$F:\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \mathsf{U}$
be a functor between compactly generated triangulated categories that preserves products and coproducts. Let
be an object in
. If
is endofinite, then so is
and the converse holds when
is fully faithful.
Proof. By Brown representability,
has a left adjoint, say
$F^{\prime }$
. It preserves compactness, as
preserves coproducts. For
$X\in \mathsf{T}$
$C\in \mathsf{U}^{\mathsf{c}}$
, there is an isomorphism

-modules. Thus if
is endofinite, then
is a module of finite length over
, and therefore also over
. For the converse, observe that each compact object in
is isomorphic to a direct summand of an object of the form
$F^{\prime }C$
for some
$C\in \mathsf{U}^{\mathsf{c}}$
Proposition 3.9. Let
be a point in
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-module that is compact in
. Then
is endofinite both in
and in
Proof. By Corollary 3.2, the module
is of the form
$N\downarrow _{G}$
for a finite-dimensional
. Clearly,
is endofinite in
$(-)\downarrow _{G}$
preserves products and coproducts, so it follows by Lemma 3.8 that
is endofinite in
. By the same token, as the inclusion
$(\mathsf{StMod}\,G)_{\mathfrak{p}}\rightarrow \mathsf{StMod}\,G$
preserves products and coproducts,
is endofinite in
as well. Finally, the functor
is a right adjoint to the inclusion
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}(\mathsf{StMod}\,G)\rightarrow (\mathsf{StMod}\,G)_{\mathfrak{p}}$
. It preserves products, being a right adjoint, and also coproducts. Thus
is endofinite in
, again by Lemma 3.8.◻
-modules and Tate duality
Now we turn to various dualities for modules over finite group schemes. We begin by recalling the construction of the transpose and the dual of a module over a finite group scheme, and certain functors associated with them. Our basic reference for this material is Skowroński and Yamagata [Reference Skowroński and YamagataSY11, ch. III].
will be a finite group scheme over
. We write
$(-)^{\vee }=\operatorname{Hom}_{k}(-,k)$
Transpose and dual
be the opposite group scheme of
; it can be realised as the group scheme associated to the cocommutative Hopf algebra
. Since
is a
-bimodule, the assignment
$M\mapsto \operatorname{Hom}_{G}(M,kG)$
defines a functor

be a finite-dimensional
-module and
$P_{1}\xrightarrow[{}]{f}P_{0}\rightarrow M$
a minimal projective presentation. The transpose of
is the
. By construction, there is an exact sequence of

are projective
-modules, so this yields an isomorphism of

Given a
, the
-vector space
has a natural structure of a
-module, and the assignment
$N\mapsto \operatorname{Hom}_{k}(N,k)$
yields a functor

The Auslander–Reiten translate
In what follows we write
for the Auslander–Reiten translate of

Given an extension of fields
, for any finite-dimensional
there is a stable isomorphism of

Nakayama functor
The Nakayama functor

is given by the assignment

is the modular character of
; see [Reference JantzenJan03, I.8.8]. Since the group of characters of
is finite, by [Reference WaterhouseWat79, §§ 2.1 and 2.2], there exists a positive integer
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}_{G}^{\otimes d}\cong k$
and hence as functors on
there is an equality

is a finite-dimensional
-module, there are natural stable isomorphisms

When in addition
is projective, one has

be an extension of fields. For any
there is a natural isomorphism of

This is clear for

and the general case follows by taking a free presentation of
Remark 4.1. A finite group scheme is unimodular if the character
is trivial; equivalently, when
is symmetric. Examples include finite groups, unipotent groups schemes, and Frobenius kernels of reductive groups; see [Reference JantzenJan03, I.8.9, II.3.4(a)]. Group schemes that are not unimodular also abound.
Frobenius kernels of Borel subgroups of reductive groups are not unimodular for
$p\geqslant 3$
; see [Reference JantzenJan03, II.3.4(c)]. The finite group scheme associated to a Lie algebra is unimodular if and only if
for any
in the Lie algebra; see [Reference JantzenJan03, I.9.7]. This condition fails for the upper triangular matrices inside
$p\geqslant 3$
Tate duality
For finite groups, the duality theorem below is classical and due to Tate [Reference Cartan and EilenbergCE56, ch. XII, Theorem 6.4]. A proof of the extension to finite group schemes was sketched in [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP17, § 2], and is reproduced here for readers convenience.
Theorem 4.2. Let
be a finite group scheme over a field
. For any
finite dimensional, there are natural isomorphisms

Proof. A formula of Auslander and Reiten [Reference AuslanderAus78, Proposition I.3.4], see also [Reference KrauseKra03, Corollary p. 269], yields the first isomorphism below

The second isomorphism is standard. It remains to recall that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}M\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{2}\unicode[STIX]{x1D708}M$
Restricted to finite-dimensional
-modules, Tate duality is the statement that the
-linear category
has Serre duality, with Serre functor
. A refinement of this Serre duality will be proved in § 7.
5 Local cohomology versus injective cohomology
be a field and
a finite group scheme over
. In this section we establish the main result of this work; it identifies for a prime ideal
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, up to some twist and some suspension, the local cohomology object
with the injective cohomology object
Theorem 5.1. Fix a point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
and let
be the Krull dimension of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
. There is a stable isomorphism of

equivalently, for any
there is a natural isomorphism

is the group scheme arising from a finite group the modular character
is trivial, and the result above was proved by Benson and Greenlees [Reference Benson and GreenleesBG08, Theorem 2.4] using Gorenstein duality for cochains on the classifying space of
. Benson [Reference BensonBen08, Theorem 2] gave a different proof by embedding
into a general linear group and exploiting the fact that its cohomology ring is a polynomial ring, as was proved by Quillen. These results have been extended to compact Lie groups; see [Reference Benson and GreenleesBG14, Theorem 6.10], and work of Barthel, Heard and Valenzuela [Reference Barthel, Heard and ValenzuelaBHV18, Proposition 4.33].
Theorem 5.1 is established using (by necessity) completely different arguments, thereby giving yet another proof in the case of finite groups that is, in a sense, more elementary than the other ones for it is based on classical Tate duality.
A caveat: in [Reference BensonBen08, Reference Benson and GreenleesBG08] it is asserted that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}(k)\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{d}T_{\mathfrak{p}}(k)$
. However, this is incorrect and the correct shift is the one in the preceding theorem. We illustrate this by computing these modules directly for the quaternions.
Example 5.2. Let
, the quaternions, viewed as a group scheme over a field
of characteristic
. In this case
, the trivial character. The cohomology algebra of

; see, for instance, [Reference BensonBen84, p. 186]. Thus
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
consists of a single point, namely
. In particular,
, in
Next we compute
as a module over
$H^{\ast }(G,k)_{\mathfrak{m}}\cong k[z^{\pm 1}]\otimes _{k}B$
, using Lemma A.3. The extension
$k[z^{\pm 1}]\subseteq k[z^{\pm 1}]\otimes _{k}B$
is evidently finite (and hence also residually finite). Since
$\mathfrak{m}\cap k[z^{\pm 1}]=(0)$
$k[z^{\pm 1}]$
is a graded field, from Lemma A.3 one gets an isomorphism of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)_{\mathfrak{m}}$

This yields the first isomorphism below of

and the second one holds because
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{4}k\cong k$
In the proof of Theorem 5.1 the following simple observation will be used repeatedly; it is a direct consequence of Yoneda’s lemma.
Lemma 5.3. Let
-modules that are
-local and
-torsion. There is an isomorphism
$X\cong Y$
if and only if there is a natural isomorphism

for all
-local and
-torsion (equivalently, for all)
Proof of Theorem 5.1.
-local and
-torsion; see, for example, [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK11b, Lemma 11.10]. This fact will be used in the sequel, without comment.
The first isomorphism of the theorem is equivalent to the second: by (2.7) for any
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
there is an isomorphism

Consequently, one can rephrase the defining isomorphism (2.1) for the object
as a natural isomorphism

The desired equivalence is then a consequence of Lemma 5.3.
The main task is to prove that there is a stable isomorphism:

Recall that
We first verify the isomorphism above for closed points of
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
and then use a reduction to closed points.
The desired isomorphism holds when
is a closed point of
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
$A:=H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. The injective hull,
, of the
is the same as that of the
, viewed as an
-module via restriction of scalars along the localisation map
$A\rightarrow R$
. Thus
is the module
described in Lemma A.2; this is where the fact that
is closed is used.
be a
-module that is
-local and
-torsion. Given Lemma 5.3, the claim is a consequence of the following computation:

The first isomorphism holds because
-torsion; the second is Tate duality, Theorem 4.2, and the next one holds by Lemma A.2, which applies because
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G}^{\ast }(k,M)$
-local and
-torsion as an
-module. The penultimate one holds because the
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G}^{\ast }(k,M)$
-local, and the last one is by definition (2.1).
be a point in
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
that is not closed, and let
, and
be as in Construction 3.3. Recall that
is a closed point in
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
lying over
There is a stable isomorphism of

is the Krull dimension of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
be a
-module that is
-local and
-torsion. Then Theorem 3.4 applies and yields isomorphisms of

This gives the sixth isomorphism below:

The first and the fifth isomorphisms are true by adjunction. The second isomorphism is easily verified by a direct computation using (2.3) and (3.2). The next isomorphism is by definition and the fourth one holds by Lemma A.3 applied to the canonical homomorphism
$H^{\ast }(G,k)\rightarrow H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
; note that the
$H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
$\text{}\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{G_{K}}^{\ast }(K,M_{K}/\!\!/\boldsymbol{b})$
-torsion. The desired isomorphism (5.1) holds by Lemma 5.3, because both modules in question are
-torsion; for the one on the left, see [Reference Benson, Iyengar, Krause and PevtsovaBIKP18, Proposition 6.2].
We are now ready to wrap up the proof of the theorem. Since
is a closed point in
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G_{K},K)$
, the first claim yields that the
are isomorphic. This then gives an isomorphism of

Restricting to
and applying (5.1) gives the last of the following isomorphisms of

The first one holds by Theorem 3.4 and the second by (4.2). ◻
The following consequence of Theorem 5.1 was anticipated in [Reference BensonBen01, p. 203]. It concerns the Tate cohomology of a
, namely the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$

For a graded module
$N=\bigoplus _{p\in \mathbb{Z}}N^{p}$
$i\in \mathbb{Z}$
the twist
is the graded module with
Corollary 5.4. Fix
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. With
the Krull dimension of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
there are isomorphisms of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$


$(-)^{\wedge }$
denotes completion with respect to the
-adic topology.
Proof. Set
$R=H^{\ast }(G,k)$
. The first of the stated isomorphisms is a composition of the following isomorphisms of

The second isomorphism holds by Theorem 5.1, the one after is standard, while the last one is by the definition of
In the same vein, one has the following chain of isomorphisms:

The second isomorphism holds by Theorem 5.1 and the rest are standard. ◻
Remark 5.5. Another consequence of Theorem 5.1 is that
, and hence also
, is an indecomposable pure injective object in
; see [Reference Benson and KrauseBK02, Theorem 5.1].
6 The Gorenstein property
In this section we introduce a notion of a Gorenstein triangulated category and reinterpret Theorem 5.1 to mean that
has this property. The definition is justified by its consequences for modular representations; it yields duality results which will be discussed in the subsequent § 7.
be a graded commutative noetherian ring and
a compactly generated
-linear triangulated category. The support of
is by definition the set

Definition 6.1. We say that
-Gorenstein (or simply Gorenstein when the action of
is clear) if there is an
-linear triangle equivalence

and for every
there is an integer
and a natural isomorphism

of functors
$\mathsf{T}^{\mathsf{c}}\rightarrow \mathsf{T}$
In this context we call
a global Serre functor, because in Proposition 7.3 we show that localising at
induces a functor
which is an analogue of a Serre functor in the sense of Bondal and Kapranov [Reference Bondal and KapranovBK89].
We have not as yet explored fully the dependence of the Gorenstein property of
on the ring
; a beginning has been made in the work of Yuliawan [Reference YuliawanYul17].
$\mathsf{T}=(\mathsf{T},\otimes ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9})$
be a tensor triangulated category such that
acts on
via a homomorphism of graded rings
$R\rightarrow \operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{T}}^{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9})$
. We assume that
is compact and that each compact object is rigid; see § 2 for details. The Gorenstein property is implied by the existence of a dualising object in
, as explained below.
Lemma 6.2. Let
be a tensor triangulated category with an
-action. Suppose that there exists a compact object
with the following properties.
(i) There is a compact object
$W^{-1}$ such that
$W\otimes W^{-1}\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9}$ .
(ii) For each
$\mathfrak{p}$ in
$\operatorname{supp}_{R}(\mathsf{T})$ there exists an integer
$d(\mathfrak{p})$ and an isomorphism
$$\begin{eqnarray}\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}W\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}^{d(\mathfrak{p})}T_{\mathfrak{ p}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D7D9}).\end{eqnarray}$$
-Gorenstein, with global Serre functor
$F:=W\otimes -$
Proof. Since
is compact, so is
$W\otimes C$
for any compact object
. Thus
induces a functor on compact objects. It is an equivalence of categories with quasi-inverse
$W^{-1}\otimes -$
, by condition (i). Moreover for any compact object
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{supp}_{R}(\mathsf{T})$
one has isomorphisms

where the first and the last one are consequences of (2.2), and the middle one is by (ii). ◻
The example below justifies the language of Gorenstein triangulated categories.
Example 6.3. Let
be a commutative noetherian ring and
the derived category of
-modules. This is an
-linear compactly generated tensor triangulated category, with compact objects the perfect complexes of
-modules, that is to say, complexes quasi-isomorphic to bounded complexes of finitely generated projective
Recall that the ring
is Gorenstein if for each
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}A$
the injective dimension of
, as a module over itself, is finite; see [Reference Bruns and HerzogBH98, 3.1]. By Grothendieck’s local duality theorem [Reference Bruns and HerzogBH98, § 3.5], this is equivalent to an isomorphism of

is Gorenstein with dualising object
; see Lemma 6.2. Conversely, it is not difficult to check that
is Gorenstein only if
is Gorenstein.
For a finite group scheme
over a field
, the Gorenstein property for
is basically a reformulation of Theorem 5.1.
Corollary 6.4. As an
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-linear triangulated category,
is Gorenstein, with
$F=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}_{G}\otimes _{k}-$
the Nakayama functor and
$d(\mathfrak{p})=\dim H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
for each
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
Next we discuss the Gorenstein property for
for a finite group scheme
. To this end observe that the assignment
$X\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}X$
induces triangle equivalences

We are ready to establish the Gorenstein property for
Theorem 6.5. Let
be a finite group scheme over a field
. Then
is Gorenstein as an
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-linear triangulated, with
induced by the Nakayama functor and
$d(\mathfrak{p})=\dim H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
for each
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
Proof. Set
$R:=H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, the maximal ideal of
. It is easy to verify that
is the injective hull of
as an
-module and hence that
on the category of graded
-modules; see [Reference Bruns and HerzogBH98, Proposition 3.6.16]. This observation is used in the first isomorphism below.
be a projective resolution of the trivial representation. For any
the complex
$\mathsf{p}X:=\mathsf{p}k\otimes _{k}X$
is a projective resolution of
is compact in
; one may assume
$n\ll 0$
and that
is finitely generated for all
and equal to
$n\gg 0$
; see [Reference KrauseKra05, Proposition 2.3(2)]. Then, for each
from [Reference Krause and LeKL06, Theorem 3.4] one gets the first of the following natural isomorphisms:

The second one holds by the definition of the modular character, and the last one is immediate from the definition of
and the commutativity of tensor products. Since
$\mathsf{p}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}_{G}\otimes _{k}X)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{m}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FF}_{G}\otimes _{k}X)$
, by Lemma 2.6, it follows that
$T_{\mathfrak{m}}\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{m}}\circ F$
For a prime ideal
$\mathfrak{p}\neq \mathfrak{m}$
, the assertion follows from Theorem 5.1, for localisation at
yields a triangle equivalence
by Lemma 2.6.◻
Remark 6.6. There are extensions of the Gorenstein property to differential graded algebras, see [Reference Frankild, Iyengar and JørgensenFIJ03] and [Reference Dwyer, Greenlees and IyengarDGI06], for instance, and a natural question is how these relate to the Gorenstein property, in the sense of Definition 6.1, of the associated derived categories. We defer exploring these connections to another occasion.
Balmer, Dell’Ambrogio and Sanders [Reference Balmer, Dell’Ambrogio and SandersBDS16] have introduced a categorical framework extending the duality theory for schemes due to Grothendieck and Neeman. The relationship to our work might be explained thus: a commutative noetherian ring
is Gorenstein precisely when it has an invertible dualising complex. The framework in [Reference Balmer, Dell’Ambrogio and SandersBDS16] captures the relative version (dealing with a morphism of rings, or schemes) of the Gorenstein property and its characterisation in terms of the relative dualising complex. We are interested in the characterisation of the Gorenstein property in terms of local cohomology, and in the fact that when
is Gorenstein, so is
for each prime
. Theorem 5.1 may be seen as an analogue of these results for modular representations.
7 Local Serre duality
In this section we introduce a notion of local Serre duality for an essentially small
-linear triangulated category and link it to the Gorenstein property from § 6. We use the concept of a Serre functor for a triangulated category which is due to Bondal and Kapranov [Reference Bondal and KapranovBK89]; this provides a conceptual way to formulate classical Serre duality and Grothendieck’s local duality in a triangulated setting.
In the second part of this section we discuss the existence of AR-triangles. These were introduced by Happel for derived categories of finite-dimensional algebras [Reference HappelHap88], and in [Reference HappelHap91] he established the connection with the Gorenstein property, while Reiten and Van den Bergh [Reference Reiten and Van den BerghRV02] discovered the connection between AR-triangles and the existence of a Serre functor.
Small triangulated categories with central action
be an essentially small
-linear triangulated category. Fix
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
and let
denote the triangulated category obtained from
by keeping the objects of
and setting

is an
-linear triangulated category and localising the morphisms induces an exact functor
$\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{C}_{\mathfrak{p}}$
; see [Reference BalmerBal10, Theorem 3.6] or [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK15, Lemma 3.5].
be the full subcategory of
-torsion objects in
, namely

This is a thick subcategory of
; see [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK15, p. 458f]. In [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK15] this category is denoted
. The notation has been changed to avoid confusion.
Remark 7.1. Let
$F:\mathsf{C}\rightarrow \mathsf{C}$
be an
-linear equivalence. It is straightforward to check that this induces triangle equivalences
making the following diagram commutative.

Remark 7.2. Let
be a compactly generated
-linear triangulated category. Set
and fix
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
. The triangulated categories
are compactly generated. The left adjoint of the inclusion
$\mathsf{T}_{\mathfrak{p}}\rightarrow \mathsf{T}$
induces (up to direct summands) a triangle equivalence
and restricts to a triangle equivalence

This follows from the fact that the localisation functor
$\mathsf{T}\rightarrow \mathsf{T}_{\mathfrak{p}}$
preserves compactness and that for compact objects

For details we refer to [Reference Benson, Iyengar and KrauseBIK08].
Local Serre duality
be a graded commutative ring that is local; thus there is a unique homogeneous maximal ideal, say
. Extrapolating from Bondal and Kapranov [Reference Bondal and KapranovBK89, § 3], we call an
-linear triangle equivalence
a Serre functor if for all objects
there is a natural isomorphism

The situation when
is a field was the one considered in [Reference Bondal and KapranovBK89]. For a general ring
, the appearance of
$\operatorname{Hom}_{R}^{\ast }(-,I(\mathfrak{m}))$
, which is the Matlis duality functor, is natural for it is an extension of vector-space duality; see also Lemma A.2. The definition proposed above is not the only possible extension to the general context, but it is well suited for our purposes.
For an arbitrary graded commutative ring
, we say that an
-linear triangulated category
satisfies local Serre duality if there exists an
-linear triangle equivalence
such that for every
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
and some integer
the induced functor
is a Serre functor for the
-linear category
. Thus for all objects
there is a natural isomorphism

For a compactly generated triangulated category, the Gorenstein property 6.1 is linked to local Serre duality for the subcategory of compact objects.
Proposition 7.3. Let
be a graded commutative noetherian ring and
a compactly generated
-linear triangulated category. Suppose that
is Gorenstein, with global Serre functor
and shifts
. Then for each
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{supp}_{R}(\mathsf{T})$
, object
$X\in (\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{\mathfrak{p}}\mathsf{T})^{\mathsf{c}}$
$Y\in \mathsf{T}_{\mathfrak{p}}$
there is a natural isomorphism

Proof. Given Remark 7.2 we can assume
for a
-torsion compact object
. The desired isomorphism is a concatenation of the following natural ones:

In this chain, the first map is induced by the localisation
$C\mapsto C_{\mathfrak{p}}$
and is an isomorphism because
-local. The second one is by the definition of
; the third is by the Gorenstein property of
; the fourth is by the definition of
; the last two are explained by Remark 7.2, where for the last one uses also the fact that
, and hence also
, is
Corollary 7.4. Let
be a graded commutative noetherian ring and
a compactly generated
-linear triangulated category. If
is Gorenstein, then
satisfies local Serre duality.
Example 7.5. In the notation of Example 6.3, when
is a (commutative noetherian) Gorenstein ring, local Serre duality reads: For each
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}A$
and integer
there are natural isomorphisms

is a perfect complexes of
-modules with finite length cohomology, and
is a complex of
Auslander–Reiten triangles
be an essentially small triangulated category. Following Happel [Reference HappelHap88], an exact triangle
is an Auslander–Reiten triangle if:
(i) any morphism
$X\rightarrow X^{\prime }$ that is not a split monomorphism factors through
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}$ ;
(ii) any morphism
$Z^{\prime }\rightarrow Z$ that is not a split epimorphism factors through
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}$ ;
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}\neq 0$ .
In this case, the endomorphism rings of
are local, and in particular the objects are indecomposable. Moreover, each of
determines the AR-triangle up to isomorphism. Assuming conditions (ii) and (iii), the condition (i) is equivalent to the following.
(i′) The endomorphism ring of
$X$ is local.
See [Reference KrauseKra00, § 2] for details.
be a Krull–Schmidt category, that is, each object decomposes into a finite direct sum of objects with local endomorphism rings. We say that
has AR-triangles if for every indecomposable object
there are AR-triangles

The next proposition establishes the existence of AR-triangles; it is the analogue of a result of Reiten and Van den Bergh [Reference Reiten and Van den BerghRV02, I.2] for triangulated categories that are Hom-finite over a field.
Proposition 7.6. Let
be a graded commutative ring that is local, and let
be an essentially small
-linear triangulated category that is Krull–Schmidt. If
has a Serre functor, then it has AR-triangles.
Proof. Let
be a Serre functor for
an indecomposable object in
. The ring
is thus local; let
be its maximal ideal and
the right ideal of
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X)$
that it generates. One has
, by Remark 7.7, so
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X)/I$
is nonzero. Choose a nonzero morphism
$\operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X)/I\rightarrow I(\mathfrak{m})$
and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}:X\rightarrow FX$
be the corresponding morphism in
provided by Serre duality (7.1). We claim that the induced exact triangle

is an AR-triangle. Indeed, by construction, if
$X^{\prime }\rightarrow X$
is not a split epimorphism, then the composition
$\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X,X^{\prime })\rightarrow \operatorname{End}_{\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X)/I\rightarrow I(\mathfrak{m})$
is zero, and therefore the naturality of (7.1) yields that the composition
$X^{\prime }\rightarrow X\xrightarrow[{}]{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}}FX$
is zero. Moreover as
is indecomposable so is
Applying this construction to
yields an AR-triangle starting at
The following observations about graded rings has been, and will again be, used.
Remark 7.7. Let
be a graded ring. For any
a right ideal in
, the right ideal
it generates satisfies
$JE\cap E^{0}=J$
; this can be verified directly, or by noting that
is a direct summand of
, as right
-modules. It follows that if
is artinian than so is
: any descending chain of ideals in
stabilises, because the chain of ideals in
that they generate stabilises; cf. the proof of [Reference Bruns and HerzogBH98, Theorem 1.5.5].
be a graded commutative ring. An
-linear triangulated category
is noetherian if the
$\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X,Y)$
is noetherian for all
Lemma 7.8. Let
be a graded commutative ring and
an essentially small, noetherian,
-linear triangulated category. For each
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
, the idempotent completion of
is a Krull–Schmidt category.
Proof. The noetherian property implies that for any object
$E:=\operatorname{End}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}_{\mathfrak{ p}}\mathsf{C}}^{\ast }(X)$
is of finite length. The graded ring
is thus artinian, and then so is the ring
, by Remark 7.7. Artinian rings are semi-perfect, so the idempotent completion of
is a Krull–Schmidt category; see [Reference KrauseKra15, Corollary 4.4].◻
Corollary 7.9. Let
be a compactly generated
-linear triangulated category with
noetherian. If
is Gorenstein, then
has AR-triangles for
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}R$
Proof. Set
; this is an idempotent complete, essentially small,
-linear triangulated category. Since
is noetherian, it follows from Remark 7.2 and Lemma 7.8, that
is a Krull–Schmidt category. The Gorenstein hypothesis implies that the
-linear category
has a Serre functor, by Proposition 7.3, and then Proposition 7.6 yields the existence of AR-triangles.◻
Next we consider local Serre duality for
. Recall from Lemma 2.6 that localisation at
$\mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
induces a triangle equivalence
. Using Remark 7.2, this yields (up to direct summands) triangle equivalences

The result below contains Theorem 1.1 in the introduction.
Theorem 7.10. Let
be a finite group scheme over a field
. Then the
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
-linear triangulated category
satisfies local Serre duality. Said otherwise, given
and with
the Krull dimension of
$H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
, for each
, there are natural isomorphisms

In particular,
has AR-triangles.
AR-components and periodicity
The existence of AR-triangles for a triangulated category
gives rise to an AR-quiver; see for example [Reference Happel, Preiser and RingelHPR82, Reference LiuLiu10]. The vertices are given by the isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects in
and an arrow
$[X]\rightarrow [Y]$
exists if there is an irreducible morphism
$X\rightarrow Y$
In the context of
, one can describe part of the structure of the AR-quiver of the
-torsion objects as the Serre functor is periodic.
Proposition 7.11. Let
be a finite group scheme over a field
. Fix a point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
and set
$d=\dim H^{\ast }(G,k)/\mathfrak{p}$
. Then the Serre functor

is periodic, that is,
for some positive integer
Proof. Lemma 2.1 and (4.1) provide an integer
$r\geqslant 0$
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D708}^{r}M\cong M$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}^{r}M\cong M$
. Thus
, since
This has the following consequence.
Corollary 7.12. Every connected component of the AR-quiver of
is a stable tube in case it is infinite; and otherwise, it is of the form
, where
is a quiver of Dynkin type and
is a group of automorphisms of
Proof. Since the Serre functor on
is periodic, the desired result follows from [Reference LiuLiu10, Theorem 5.5]; see also [Reference Happel, Preiser and RingelHPR82].◻
The preceding result may be seen as a first step in the direction of extending the results of Farnsteiner’s [Reference FarnsteinerFar07, § 3] concerning
for a general (meaning, not necessarily closed) point
$\operatorname{Proj}H^{\ast }(G,k)$
It is a pleasure to thank Tobias Barthel, and a referee, for detailed comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
Appendix A Injective modules at closed points
In this section we collect some remarks concerning injective hulls over graded rings, for use in § 5. Throughout
will be a field and
$A:=\bigoplus _{i\geqslant 0}A^{i}$
a finitely generated graded commutative
-algebra with
; we have in mind
$H^{\ast }(G,k)$
, for a finite group scheme
As usual
denotes the homogeneous prime ideals in
that do not contain the ideal
. Given a point
, we write
for the graded residue field at
; this is the homogeneous field of fractions of the graded domain
. Observe that
is a field extension of
is of the form
$k(\mathfrak{p})^{0}[t^{\pm 1}]$
for some indeterminate
; see, for example, [Reference Bruns and HerzogBH98, Lemma 1.5.7].
Lemma A.1. The degree of
is finite for any closed point
Proof. One way to verify the lemma is as follows. The Krull dimension of
is one so, by noetherian normalisation, there exists a subalgebra
is an indeterminate over
and the
is finitely generated
-module. Thus, inverting
, one gets that
is a finitely generated module over the graded field
$k[t^{\pm 1}]$
, and hence isomorphic to
. The finiteness of the extension
$k(\mathfrak{m})/k[t^{\pm 1}]$
implies that the extension
of fields is finite.◻
The result below is familiar; cf. [Reference Bruns and HerzogBH98, Proposition 3.6.16].
Lemma A.2. Let
be as above, let
be a closed point in
and set
. The
$I:=\bigcup _{i\geqslant 0}\operatorname{Hom}_{k}^{\ast }(R/\mathfrak{m}^{i},k)$
$\operatorname{Hom}_{k}^{\ast }(R,k)$
is the injective hull of
, and for any
, there is a natural isomorphism

Proof. Set
and recall that
$k(\mathfrak{m})=K[t^{\pm 1}]$
, for some indeterminate
. Thus, one has isomorphisms of graded

The first isomorphism is adjunction, the second holds because
is finite, by Lemma A.1, and the last one is a direct verification.
$\operatorname{Hom}_{k}^{\ast }(R,k)$
is injective and hence so is its
-torsion submodule

This is precisely the
, by standard adjunction. Thus
must be a direct sum of shifts of injective hulls of
. It remains to verify that
is in fact just the injective hull of
. To this end, note that for any
, one has isomorphisms of graded

This settles the last assertion in the desired result and also yields the first isomorphism below of graded

The second one holds by (A.1). It follows that
is the injective hull of
The next result, whose proof is rather similar to the one above, gives yet another way to get to the injective hull at a closed point of
Recall that
denotes the injective hull of
for any
Lemma A.3. Let
$A\rightarrow B$
be a homomorphism of graded commutative algebras, let
be a closed point in
, and set
$\mathfrak{p}:=\mathfrak{m}\cap A$
. If the extension of residue fields
$k(\mathfrak{p})\subseteq k(\mathfrak{m})$
is finite, then the
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{{\mathcal{V}}(\mathfrak{m})}\operatorname{Hom}_{A}^{\ast }(B,I(\mathfrak{p}))$
is the injective hull of
, and, for any
, adjunction induces an isomorphism

Proof. The
$I:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{{\mathcal{V}}(\mathfrak{m})}\operatorname{Hom}_{A}^{\ast }(B,I(\mathfrak{p}))$
is injective, for it is the
-torsion submodule of the injective
$\operatorname{Hom}_{A}^{\ast }(B,I(\mathfrak{p}))$
. As
is a closed point,
is a direct sum of shifts of copies of
. It remains to make the computation below:

These are all isomorphisms of
-modules. The last one is where the hypothesis that
is finite is required. This implies that
$I\cong I(\mathfrak{m})$
. Given this, the last isomorphism follows by standard adjunction.◻