Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 July 2012
The 119 subsolids (marked ss) and the 244 unsolids (marked us), of these unifilars are here arranged in lists according to their flaps. Fe is the number of flaps of e loops upon a knot; and the headings of the lists, as, e.g.10I, F2 = 1, F1 = 3, describe so far all the knots in the lists. Thus in 10I each has one 2-ple flap and three single ones. After the number in the list comes always the base on which the knot is constructed by the rules of my paper, XVII. in vol. xxxii. part ii. of the Trans. R. S. E.; and the reader who has that paper before him will find it easy to draw any knot on its base, nearly always there figured, by the first given flap, which is the leading one of the knot described; thus in 10I the first written flap is the double one, and in 10P, F3 = 1, F1 = 2, it is the triple one. The leading flap of a subsolid is always followed by a colon.