Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 July 2007
The genus Gentianella in Nepal is revised and five species are recognized: G. angustiflora Harry Sm., G. azurea (Bunge) Holub, G. glanduligera Airy Shaw, G. lowndesii Harry Sm. and G. moorcroftiana (Wall. ex G.Don) Airy Shaw. Gentianella maddenii (C.B.Clarke) Airy Shaw, usually treated as a distinct species, is placed in synonymy of G. moorcroftiana. The genus Comastoma in Nepal is revised, four species are recognized and one new combination is made: C. falcatum (Turcz. ex Kar. & Kir.) Toyok., C. pedunculatum (D.Don) Holub, C. stellariifolium (Franch.) Holub and C. urnigerum (E.Aitken & D.G.Long) E.Aitken comb. nov. The genus Gentianopsis in Nepal is revised and three species are recognized: G. contorta (Royle) Ma, G. paludosa (Hook.) Ma and G. vvedenskyi (Grossh.) Pissjauk.