doi:10.1017/S1478570610000424, Published by Cambridge University Press, 11 March 2011.
Two slips – one of them my doing – mar my essay ‘Blinding Us with Science? Man, Machine and the Mass in B Minor’ as it appeared in Eighteenth-Century Music 8/1 (2011), 77–91. In note 3 a cross-reference failed to get inserted; for ‘page ooo’ readers should substitute ‘pages 88–89’. In Example 1 the first note in each of the first two staves should read c♮2 rather than b♯1, as some will have no doubt recognized from Figures 3–6; I provide an amended version below. For the record, both items appear correctly in the online reprint of the article in Understanding Bach 5 (2010), 49–63 <>.
I hope readers find these errors less painful than I do.

Example 1 ‘Confiteor’, bars 138–140, tenor
(a) Source B
(b) Source C
(c) Sources A (bottom of page), F, G, H, I