Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 May 2009
The inactivation kinetics of CELO virus were studied in the presence of 1/4000 formaldehyde. Inactivation of the virus by formaldehyde at 4° C. was not complete after 14 days incubation. Formaldehyde inactivation at 36° C., however, was rapid and no virus was detected after 24 hr. incubation.
Neutralizing antibody to CELO virus was detected in 20–88% of sera tested from five flocks of hens. This suggested dissemination of the virus in England and Scotland. However, no CELO virus neutralizing antibody at a serum dilution of 1/8 was detected in 142 normal human sera or in 229 sera from persons who had been immunized with egg grown, inactivated influenza virus vaccine.
We would like to thank Professor C. H. Stuart-Harris and Drs J. E. Wilson, D. A. Martin and D. Breeze for their help and their criticisms of the manuscript.
Dr G. C. Schild kindly supplied a number of the human sera used in the study. The study was financed in part by the National Fund for Research in Poliomyelitis and other Crippling Diseases and by the British Empire Cancer Campaign.