An epidemiological and microbiological investigation of a cluster of eight cases of
Legionnaires' disease in Los Angeles County in November 1997 yielded conflicting results. The
epidemiological part of the investigation implicated one of several mobile cooling towers used
by a film studio in the centre of the outbreak area. However, water sampled from these cooling
towers contained L. pneumophila serogroup 1 of another subtype than the strain that was
recovered from case-patients in the outbreak. Samples from two cooling towers located
downwind from all of the case-patients contained a Legionella strain that was indistinguishable
from the outbreak strain by four subtyping techniques (AP-PCR, PFGE, MAb, and MLEE). It
is unlikely that these cooling towers were the source of infection for all the case-patients, and
they were not associated with risk of disease in the case-control study. The outbreak strain also
was not distinguishable, by three subtyping techniques (AP-PCR, PFGE, and MAb), from a
L. pneumophila strain that had caused an outbreak in Providence, RI, in 1993. Laboratory
cross-contamination was unlikely because the initial subtyping was done in different
In this investigation, microbiology was helpful for distinguishing the outbreak cluster from
unrelated cases of Legionnaires' disease occurring elsewhere. However, multiple subtyping
techniques failed to distinguish environmental sources that were probably not associated with
the outbreak. Persons investigating Legionnaires' disease outbreaks should be aware that
microbiological subtyping does not always identify a source with absolute certainty.