1. Introduction
For optimal control problems of time-dependent differential equations, the exponential turnpike property states that the optimal solution remains (exponentially) close to a reference solution. Usually, this reference solution is taken as the optimal solution to the corresponding static problem. The concept of turnpike was first introduced for discrete-time optimal control problems [Reference Dorfman, Samuelson and Solow15, Reference Samuelson31]. Since then, many turnpike results have been established, and there has been recent interest in the mathematical community [Reference Damm, Grüne, Stieler and Worthmann14, Reference Grüne21–Reference Grüne and Stieler25, Reference Porretta and Zuazua29, Reference Trélat and Zhang34, Reference Trélat and Zuazua35].
In the present work, we focus on the exponential turnpike phenomenon for optimal control problems of a class of interacting particle systems and their mean-field limit equations. Important applications for these systems occur in the fields of swarm robotics [Reference Choi, Kalise, Peszek and Peters13], crowd dynamics [Reference Albi, Bongini, Cristiani and Kalise3], traffic management [Reference Tosin and Zanella32] or opinion dynamics [Reference Albi, Herty and Pareschi5], to name but a few.
The original formulation of the interacting particle system is usually at the so-called microscopic level and given by a coupled system of Ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Alternatively, one can also focus on the collective behaviour by considering the probability density distribution of the particles and investigating the corresponding McKean–Vlasov or mean-field equation (see, e.g. [Reference Albi, Bellomo and Fermo1, Reference Bellomo, Degond and Tadmor8, Reference Bellomo, Degond and Tadmor9] for results involving control actions). The control of large-scale interacting particle systems has gained recent interest (see, e.g. [Reference Albi, Herty and Pareschi5, Reference Bongini, Fornasier, Junge and Scharf10, Reference Caponigro, Fornasier, Piccoli and Trélat12]). The control of high-dimensional system is challenging, and current approaches resort to, for example, using Riccati-based [Reference Albi, Bicego and Kalise2, Reference Herty, Pareschi and Steffensen28], moment-driven control [Reference Albi, Herty, Kalise and Segala4] or model predictive control approaches [Reference Albi, Herty and Pareschi5, Reference Albi and Pareschi6, Reference Tosin and Zanella33]. Motivated by this, we aim to utilise the turnpike property to control those high-dimensional systems [Reference Anderson and Kokotovic7, Reference Sahlodin and Barton30, Reference Zaslavski37]. More precisely, we prove the exponential turnpike estimate for ODE systems with an arbitrary particle number and show that the property also holds in the mean-field limit. Here, we utilise the particular structure of interacting particle systems to derive the turnpike property.
The topic of turnpike property for mean-field optimal control problems has been studied recently in [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27]. At this point, we would compare [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27] with the present paper and point out our main contributions. (1) In [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27], the authors prove the turnpike property with interior decay [Reference Gugat26], which is a time integral property [Reference Faulwasser, Grüne, Humaloja and Schaller18]. In the present paper, under similar assumptions (with a minor modification), we present a point-wise exponential estimate, which is more quantitative. (2) In addition to the estimate of the optimal solution, we also prove the exponential decay for the optimal control.
As in [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27], our basic assumption is that the optimal control problems satisfy a strict dissipativity inequality. By considering a feedback control, we obtain the cheap control inequality. Then, we use this inequality iteratively to prove the exponential estimate for the optimal solution. This iteration technique has also been used to prove the turnpike property for other optimal control problems (see, e.g. [Reference Esteve-Yagüe, Geshkovski, Pighin and Zuazua16]). Note that all the estimates for particle systems are independent of the particle number
. Thus, all results are also expected in the mean-field level as
$N\rightarrow \infty$
. By using convergence in the Wasserstein distance and the lower semi-continuity of the cost function, we prove the corresponding exponential decay property for the solution of the mean-field optimal control problem. In order to establish the exponential decay for the optimal control, we design a specific feedback control (see also [Reference Esteve-Yagüe, Geshkovski, Pighin and Zuazua17]). In this way, the optimal control can be bounded by the optimal solution. Combining with the estimate for solutions, we also prove the exponential decay property for the optimal control with respect to time
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we state the problem and present some basic assumptions. In Section 3, we prove the cheap control property for the optimal control problem of the particle system. By considering the limit
$N\rightarrow \infty$
, we prove the same property in the mean-field level. Based on these results, we prove the exponential turnpike property for both the particle system and the mean-field problem in Section 4. At last, the auxiliary estimate in the Wasserstein distance is given in Appendix A. The main results are Theorem4.3 on the exponential turnpike property for the particle system and Theorems4.4–4.5 for the mean-field problem.
2. Preliminaries
Consider the optimal control problem
$\mathcal {Q}(0,T,\mu _0)$

$\mu (t,\cdot )\in P_2\!\left(\mathbb {R}^d \right)$
is a probability measure on
$\mathbb {R}^d$
defined for
$t\in [0, T]$
, and it satisfies the following equation in a distributional sense:

$P(x)\in \mathbb {R}^d$
is a vector-valued function and

As that in [Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20], we take the control
$u(t,x)\in \mathcal {F}$
Definition 2.1.
Fix a control bound
$0\lt C_B\lt \infty$
. Then
$u(t,x)\in \mathcal {F}$
if and only if
$u\,:\,[0, T] \times \mathbb {R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb {R}^d$ is a Carathéodory function.
$u(t,\cdot )\in W^{1,\infty }_{loc}(\mathbb {R}^d)$ for almost every
$t \in [0, T]$ .
$|u(t,0)| + Lip(u(t,\cdot ),\mathbb {R}^d) \leq C_B$ for almost every
$t \in [0, T]$ . Here,
$Lip(u(t,\cdot ),\mathbb {R}^d)$ is the Lipschitz constant for
$u(t,\cdot )$ such that
$|u(t,x)-u(t,y)|\leq Lip(u(t,\cdot ),\mathbb {R}^d) |x-y|$ for all
$x,y\in \mathbb {R}^d$ .
Remark 2.1. In [Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20], the control bound can be chosen as an integrable function
$l(t)\in L^q(0,T)$
$1\leq q \lt \infty$
. For simplicity, we take the bound to be constant.
Next, we show assumptions for the optimal control problem (2.2).
Assumption 2.1.
The cost function
satisfies the following assumptions:
(i) Strict dissipativity: there exists a constant
$C_D$ such that for any
$b\geq a\geq 0$ and any pairs
$(\mu (t,x),u(t,x))\in P_2(\mathbb {R}^d)\times \mathcal {F}$ , the following inequality holds
\begin{align*} \int _a^b f(\mu (t,x),u(t,x)) dt \geq C_D \int _a^b \int _{\mathbb {R}^d}\Big (|x-\bar {x}|^2 +|u(t,x)|^2 \Big ) d\mu (t,x)dt . \end{align*}
(ii) There exists a constant
$C_{L}$ such that
$L(x)\leq C_L |x-\bar {x}|^2$ for all
$x\in B(\bar {x}, R) \,:\!=\, \{x \in \mathbb {R}^d \,:\, |x-\bar {x}| \lt R\}$ . Moreover, there exists a constant
$C_{\Psi }$ such that
$\Psi (u)\leq C_{\Psi }|u|^2$ for all
$u\in B(0,R)= \{u \in \mathbb {R}^d \,:\, |u| \lt R\}$ .
(iii) The interaction function
$P(x)$ satisfies
$P(0)=0$ and the following Lipschitz property:
(2.3)with\begin{equation} |P(x)-P(y)|\leq C_p|x-y|,\qquad \forall \,x\in \mathbb {R}^d \end{equation}
$C_P\gt 0$ a constant.
Remark 2.2. These assumptions are also used in [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27] except for condition (ii). Here, we need to assume that both
can be bounded by quadratic functions. Note that this assumption is also satisfied for the example of [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27].
For further discussion of the optimal control problem, we consider the empirical measure on
$[0,T] \times \mathbb {R}^d$

$(i=1,2,\ldots, N)$
is the solution to the optimal control problem
$\mathcal {Q}_N(0,T,x_0)$

$x(t)=(x_1(t),x_2(t),\ldots, x_N(t))$
$x_0=(x_{10},x_{20},\ldots, x_{N0})$
is the initial data and
is the control. We use the subscript
to emphasise the dependence of the optimal control
of (2.5) on the number of particles
Remark 2.3. Problem
$\mathcal {Q}_N(0,T,x_0)$
can be formally derived from the original optimal control problem. For any
, we have

which implies that the cost function in (2.5) is given by

As outlined in the remark, the optimal control problem (2.5) and the original problem are intertwined. Under Assumption2.1, the existence and uniqueness of the problems (2.1)–(2.2) has been established in [Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20]. To recall the theorem, the definition of the
Wasserstein distance between two probability measures
is given:

$\Gamma (\mu, \nu )$
denotes the set of transport plans, that is, collection of all probability measures with marginals
(see also [Reference Villani36]). Having these preparations, we state the existence theorem in [Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20], which gives the unique solution to the optimal control problems (2.1)–(2.2) as a mean-field limit of the
-particles problem (2.5).
Theorem 2.1.
Assume that the initial data
$\mu _0$
in (2.2) is compactly supported; that is, there exists
$R \gt 0$
such that
$\text {supp}\, \mu _0 \subset B(0, R)$
. Moreover, we assume that the empirical measure
$\mu _N(0,x)=\frac {1}{N}\sum _{i=1}^N \delta \left (x-x_{i0}\right )$
converges to
$\mu _0$
$\mathcal {W}_1$
distance. Let

be supported on the phase space trajectories
$x_i(t) \in \mathbb {R}^d$
, for
$i = 1,\ldots, N,$
defining the solution of (2.5) with the optimal control
. Then, there exists a subsequence
$(\mu _{N_k},u_{N_k})$
such that
converges to
$\mathcal {F}$
$k\rightarrow \infty$

uniformly with respect to
$t \in [0, T]$
. Here,
$\mu (t,x)$
is the weak equi-compactly supported solution to the mean-field problems (2.1)–(2.2) with the optimal control
. Namely, for all
$t\in [0,T]$
, the distribution
$\mu (t,x) \in C([0, T];\,P_1(\mathbb {R}^d))$
$\text {supp}\, \mu (t,\cdot ) \subset B(0, R)$

Furthermore, we have the following lower semi-continuous property:

$f(\mu (t,\cdot ),u(t,\cdot ))=\int L(x)d\mu (t,x)+ \int \Psi (u(x,t))d\mu (t,x)$
is the time-dependent functional defined in (2.1).
For the exponential stability later, we discuss solutions
$\mu (t,x)$
$C([0,T];\,P_2(\mathbb {R}^d))$
with metric
$\mathcal {W}_2$
. By adapting the method in [Reference Cañizo, Carrillo and Rosado11, Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20], we have
Lemma 2.2.
For fixed control
, if
$\mu (t,x)$
$\nu (t,x)$
are solutions to (2.2) with initial data
$\mu _0$
$\nu _0$
satisfying the assumption in Theorem 2.1, then there is a constant
$C \gt 0$
such that

Some remarks are in order. The proof is similar to [Reference Cañizo, Carrillo and Rosado11, Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20] for the stability in
$\mathcal {W}_1$
and deferred to Appendix A. Hence, the optimal solution is unique in
$C([0,T];\,P_2(\mathbb {R}^d))$
if the initial data
$\mu _0\in P_2\!\left(\mathbb {R}^d \right)$
. Due to this argument, we assume that the optimal solution
$\mu (t,x)$
also satisfies

uniformly with respect to
$t \in [0, T]$
. The assumption is justified since we have the convergence in
$\mathcal {W}_1$
and the uniform boundness of the second-order moment for
$\mu _N(t,\cdot )$
with respect to
(see, e.g. Theorem4.3).
3. Cheap control property
The cheap control property of the optimal control problem shows that the optimal values are bounded by the distance between the initial state and the desired static state. Combining the cheap control property with the strict dissipativity, we provide a bound on the second-order moments of the probability density. More specifically, for the
-particles system (2.5), we prove:
Lemma 3.1.
is an optimal control to the problem
$\mathcal {Q}_N(0,T,x_0)$
is the corresponding solution, then
$u_N|_{t\in [a,T]}$
is also an optimal control to the sub-problem
$\mathcal {Q}_N(a,T,x(a))$
for any
$0\leq a\lt T$
. Moreover, the following inequality holds under Assumption 2.1:

is a positive constant independent of
Suppose there exists a control
$\tilde {u}_N$
, defined on
$t\in [a,T]$
, such that the corresponding solution
$\tilde {x}(t)$
$\tilde {x}(a)=x(a)$

$\tilde {\mu }_{N}$
is the empirical measure given by

Then, we construct a control

In this case, the cost satisfies

This contradicts to the fact that
is an optimal solution on
. Therefore,
$u_N|_{t\in [a,T]}$
is an optimal control for the sub-problem
$\mathcal {Q}_N(a,T,x(a))$
Thanks to the strict dissipativity, we have

By Remark2.3, we obtain the estimate (3.1) once we prove the following cheap control inequality:

for a constant
$C_0\gt 0$
independent of
Next, we focus on the proof of (3.2). To this end, we consider the feedback control for the problem (2.5):

Note that
$\tilde {u}_N\in \mathcal {F}$
holds. Indeed, due to assumption (2.3), we have that

which gives a Lipschitz constant for
$\tilde {u}_N(t,\cdot )$
. Based on this feedback control,
$\tilde {x}_i(t)$
satisfies the equation

It follows that

In the next paragraph, we estimate
$|\tilde {u}_N(t,\tilde {x}_i(t))|^2$
. By definition, we have

Using Jensen’s inequality, we have

Due to the assumption of
, we have

Then, it follows that

We sum
and get

$C(\beta, C_P)=2\beta ^2+8C_P^2$
. Since
is optimal in (2.5), we have

Note that the last inequality is due to Assumption2.1 (ii). Substituting (3.3) into the last inequality, we have

It is easy to show that

Then, we conclude

Note that the inequality (3.2) holds if we take the constant

which is independent of
The estimate (3.1) is independent of
. We consider
$N\rightarrow \infty$
to get the corresponding result for the mean-field problem. To this end, we also need to use the lower semi-continuity of the cost function (2.1). Namely, we prove the following property for the mean-field problem.
Lemma 3.2.
$(\mu (t,x),u(t,x))$
is the solution to the optimal control problems (2.1)–(2.2), then the following inequality holds under Assumption 2.1:

Proof. Due to lower semi-continuity, we have

On the other hand, since
is the optimal solution to (2.5), it follows from (3.2) that

is the constant introduced in Lemma 3.1. Using the strict dissipativity shows that

This is the relation (3.6), and we conclude the result.
We conclude this section with the following remarks:
• The inequality (3.6) is the mean-field limit of relation (3.1).
• The right-hand side of (3.6) is independent of
$T$ . As in other turnpike results, this shows an integral turnpike property. Namely, the second-order moments
$\int _{\mathbb {R}^d}\Big (|x-\bar {x}|^2 +|u(t,x)|^2 \Big ) d\mu (t,x)$ must be small along the largest part of the time-horizon provided that
$T$ is sufficiently large.
• The cheap control idea was also used in [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27] to prove the integral turnpike property with interior decay. Different from the results in [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27], the present work uses the second-order moment
$\int _{\mathbb {R}^d} |x-\bar {x}|^2 d\mu (a,x)$ as the bound in (3.6) instead of the first-order moment. This is important for the proofs in the next section.
4. Exponential turnpike property
In this section, we will prove that the optimal solution to (2.1)–(2.2) converges to the optimal static state exponentially fast. In general, the optimal static state
$(\bar {\mu }(x),\bar {u}(x))$
is a solution to the problem:

In the present work, we focus on the case where
$\bar {\mu }(x)=\delta (x-\bar {x})$
$\bar {u}(x)\equiv 0$
. We check that
$\bar {\mu }(x)$
satisfies the equation in the weak sense: for all
$\bar {\phi }\in C_0^{\infty }(\mathbb {R}^d)$

Thus, it is not difficult to see that
$(\bar {\mu }(x),\bar {u}(x))=(\delta (x-\bar {x}),0)$
is an optimal static state.
The estimates on the inequalities for the optimal solution
$\mu (t,x)$
and the optimal control
are given separately (see Theorems4.4 and 4.5 below). To this end, we derive the estimate for the optimal solution
of the
-particles system. Then, we consider the mean-field limit
$N \rightarrow \infty$
to obtain an estimate for
$\mu (t,x)$
. At last, we prove that the optimal control
can be bounded in terms of the solution
$\mu (t,x)$
4.1 Estimate for the solution
For the solution
of (2.5), we use Gronwall’s inequality to derive
Lemma 4.1.
Suppose (3.1) holds, there exists a constant
$C_1\geq 1$
, independent of
, such that

We estimate
$y_i(t)=x_i(t)-\bar {x}$
by computing:

For the second term, we have

and for the first term, we have

We sum
and multiply
to obtain

Combining this with (3.1), we obtain

$C_1= (2+4C_P)C_0+1$
. Note that
is independent of
Combining this lemma with the inequality (3.1), we prove:
Lemma 4.2.
Under Assumption 2.1, the following inequality holds for any
$t \in [n\tau, T]$
with a given constant
$\tau \gt 0$
and an integer
$1\leq n\leq \frac {T}{\tau }$

We first prove the case
. There exists a point
$t_1\in [0,\tau ]$
such that

Note that the last inequality follows by (3.1). For any
$t\geq \tau \geq t_1$
, we obtain by Lemma 4.1

Then we suppose the inequality holds for
$n\geq 1$
and prove the result for
. There exists
$t_n\in [n\tau, (n+1)\tau ]$
such that

Thus, for any
$t\in [(n+1)\tau, T]$
, we obtain by Lemma 4.1

and this completes the proof.
Thanks to the above lemmas, we are in the position to state the main result for the optimal solution
of the particle system (2.5):
Theorem 4.3.
Suppose Assumption 2.1 holds. Then there exist constants
$C_2\gt 0$
$\alpha \gt 0$
, which are independent of
, such that for all
$T\gt C_0C_1$
, the optimal solution of
$\mathcal {Q}_N(0,T,x_0)$
satisfies the exponential turnpike property:

for any
$t\in (0,T)$
. Here,
are two constants given in Lemma 3.1 and Lemma 4.1, which are independent of
In this proof, we need to fix the constant
in Lemma 4.2 such that
$\tau \gt C_0C_1$
. Since
$T\gt C_0C_1$
, we choose the constant
$0\lt \tau \lt T$
. Next, we discuss the cases
$t\in (0,\tau )$
$t\in [\tau, T)$
For any
$t\in [\tau, T)$
, we take the integer
$n=\lfloor t/\tau \rfloor$
. Then,
$1\leq n \leq \frac {T}{\tau }$
$t\in [n\tau, T)$
, and we obtain by Lemma 4.2:

Due to the definition of
, we have
$n\gt t/\tau -1$
. Also, the constant
is chosen such that
$\tau \gt C_0C_1$
. Thus, we have

The exponential estimate is then given by


On the other hand, for
$t\in (0,\tau )$
, we have

By Lemma 4.1, we have

Recall that due to the proof of Lemma 4.1,
$C_1\geq 1$
holds. To combine the results of
$t\in (0,\tau )$
$t\in [\tau, T)$
, we take
$C_2=C_1 \hat {C}_2$
and obtain

This theorem implies that the empirical measure has equi-compact support and bounded second-order moments for any number of particles
. Moreover, we know that the empirical measure
$\mu _N(t,x)$
defined in (2.4) satisfies

We established the exponential decay property for the second-order moment of the empirical measures
$\mu _N(t,\cdot )$
with respect to

The constant
is independent of
. Thus, we can use the uniform
$\mathcal {W}_2$
convergence to obtain the exponential turnpike property in the mean-field limit. Namely, we have
Theorem 4.4.
Suppose Assumption 2.1 holds. For problem
$\mathcal {Q}(0,T,\mu _0)$
$T\gt C_0C_1$
, the optimal solution
$\mu (t,x)\in C([0,T];P_2(\mathbb {R}^d))$
satisfies the exponential turnpike property in the sense that

for any
$t\in (0,T)$
. Here, the constants
are the same as those in Theorem 4.3.
Remark 4.1. Alternatively, the result of the mean-field problem can be also proven by a direct estimate of (2.2). Namely, we may take a test function
$\phi (t,x)=|x-\bar {x}|^2\chi _R(x)$
$\chi _R(x)$
being a mollified characteristic function
$\chi _R(x)=\psi _\delta \ast \chi _{[-R-\delta, R+\delta ]}$
, such that
$\chi _R(x)=1$
$|x|\leq R$
Then by the same argument as in Lemma 4.1, we have

Similarly, the inequalities analogue to those in Lemma 4.2 and Theorem 4.3 can be also obtained.
4.2 Estimate on the control
In this subsection, we estimate the optimal control
in the mean- field problem. The idea is to construct a novel feedback control and take advantage of the strict dissipativity.
We divide the time interval
into three parts:

$s\in (0,T)$
is a fixed time point,
$m\gt 0$
is a scale parameter, which will be given later (see (4.22)), and
is a sufficiently small constant such that
$s+mh\leq T$
. We construct a feedback control
$\hat {u}(t,x)$

is the optimal control to the problems (2.1)–(2.2) on the time interval
$\hat {\mu }(t,x)$
is the solution of (2.2) associated with the new control
$\hat {u}(t,x)$
Next, we discuss the solution
$\hat {\mu }(t,x)$
on the different time intervals.
$t\in [0,s)$
, we know that
$\hat {u}(t,x)=u(t,x)$
and the initial data satisfies

According to the uniqueness of the solution to the mean-field equation (2.2), it is easy to see that

$\mu (t,x)$
is the solution associated with the optimal control
On the other hand, for
$t\in [s,s+mh]$
, we use the expression of
$\hat {u}(t,x)$
to compute the equation of
$\hat {\mu }$
(for simplicity in the strong form). A similar computation holds in the weak form.

Moreover, by the first step, we have

Thus, the equation for
$\hat {\mu }$
reads (in weak form)

Since the map that maps
$t\in [s,s+mh]$
$t_1\in [s,s+h]$

is bijective, we consider the test function

and the formula (4.7) is equivalent to

Here, we use the relation

and obtain that

is a solution to (4.8). Again,
$\mu (t,x)$
is the solution associated with the optimal control
. Since the solution for (2.2) is unique in
$P_2(\mathbb {R}^d)$
, we have

In the last interval, for
$t\in (s+mh,T]$
, the control is
$\hat {u}(t,x)=u\big (t-(m-1)h,x\big )$
, and the equation for
$\hat {\mu }$
reads (in strong form):

, we have

Thus, the weak form in the time interval
reads as

In the new variable
$ t_2 = t-(m-1)h$
and for the test function

equation (4.10) reads

$ r_2=r-(m-1)h$
It is easy to see that
$ \mu (t_2,x) = \mu \left (t-(m-1)h,x\right )$
satisfies (4.11). At last, we use the uniqueness of (2.2) in
$P_2(\mathbb {R}^d)$
to conclude that

Summarising, we have

4.3 The turnpike estimate
Having the feedback control
$\hat {u}(t,x)$
and its associated solution
$\hat {\mu }(t,x)$
, we proceed to estimate the optimal control
Theorem 4.5.
Suppose Assumption 2.1 holds. Then there exists a constant
$C_{3}\gt 0$
such that the optimal control
$u(t,x)\in \mathcal {F}$
$\mathcal {Q}(0,T,\mu _0)$
$T\gt C_0C_1$
satisfies the exponential turnpike property:

is optimal, we have

According to (4.6) and (4.13), we have


Therefore, it follows by (4.14)–(4.16)

$C_4=\max \{C_{\Psi },C_L\}$
. Notice that the last inequality is due to Assumption2.1. Moreover, we use (4.6) and (4.13) to obtain

$t_1=s+\dfrac {t-s}{m}$
. By change of variables, the above inequality yields

Note that the last inequality follows from the basic inequality

Using Jensen’s inequality and Assumption2.1, we have

By (4.17)–(4.19), there exists a constant
$C_5\gt 0$
depending on
$C_P,C_\Psi, C_L$
, such that

On the other hand, by the strict dissipativity, we obtain

By equation (4.20)–(4.21), we conclude that


and hence,
$ \frac {3}{2} \frac {C_4}{m C_D} \leq \frac {3}{4}.$

is given, we know that the constant
$C_5\gt 0$
depends only on
$C_P,C_\Psi, $
, respectively. This holds for any
$s+mh\leq T$
. By Lebesgue’s differentiation theorem [Reference Folland19], we obtain
$ \int | u(s,x)|^2 d\mu (s,x) \leq \frac {4C_5}{C_D} \int | x-\bar {x}|^2 d\mu (s,x) \mbox { for a.e. } t\in (0,T).$
Combining this estimate with the results of Theorem4.4, the proof is completed for
$ C_3 = \frac {4C_2C_5}{C_D}.$
Remark 4.2. By Theorem 4.4 and Theorem 4.5, the function
in (2.1) decreases exponentially in the sense that for any
$t\in (0,T)$

Remark 4.3. In the proof, we adapt the technique in [Reference Esteve-Yagüe, Geshkovski, Pighin and Zuazua17] by considering a new feedback control and introducing an adaptive parameter
in 4.22. If the cost function in equation (2.1) is of quadratic form,

then we have
$C_\Psi = 1$
. It follows that
Remark 4.4. The exponential turnpike property for the optimal control problem of the
-particles system (2.5) can also be proved by considering the feedback control

are taken as those in the proof of Theorem 4.5.
5. Conclusion
In this work, we prove the exponential turnpike property for optimal control problems of both particle systems and their mean-field limit. The main assumptions include the strict dissipativity of the cost function and the Lipschitz property of the interaction function. Compared to the previous work [Reference Gugat, Herty and Segala27] in this direction, our main contribution is a more quantitative exponential estimate for both the optimal solution and the optimal control. More specifically, for the
-particles system, we prove the exponential decay property of the optimal solution by employing a feedback control and basic estimates. Then, by considering the limit
$N\rightarrow \infty$
, we establish the same property at the mean-field level. At last, we design a novel feedback control to prove the exponential decay property for the optimal control. Possible future work includes the extension to the following cases: (1) second-order models in the microscopic level and (2) other types of cost function (e.g.
-regularisation for the control).
Financial support
The first author thanks the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) for the financial support through 442047500/SFB1481 within the projects B04 (Sparsity fördernde Muster in kinetischen Hierarchien), B05 (Sparsifizierung zeitabhängiger Netzwerkflußprobleme mittels diskreter Optimierung) and B06 (Kinetische Theorie trifft algebraische Systemtheorie) and through SPP 2298 Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning within the Project(s) HE5386/23-1, Meanfield Theorie zur Analysis von Deep Learning Methoden (462234017). The second author is funded by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdocs).
Competing interests
The authors declare none.
A. Proof of Lemma 2.2
We follow the idea in [Reference Cañizo, Carrillo and Rosado11, Reference Fornasier and Solombrino20] to prove the estimate in the Wasserstein distance
$\mathcal {W}_2$
of Lemma 2.2:
$\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t$
be the flow map associated with the system

We know that
$\mu (t) = \mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \sharp \mu _0$
$\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \sharp$
denotes the push-forward of
$\mu _0$
. Then, we have

For the first term, we have the following result.
Lemma A.1.
Assume that
satisfies the Lipschitz condition (2.3) and
$u(t,x)\in \mathcal {F}$
. Then, it holds that

to be an optimal transportation between
$\mu _0$
$\nu _0$
. One can check that the measure
$\gamma = \left(\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \times \mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \right)\sharp \kappa$
has marginals
$\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \sharp \mu _0$
$\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \sharp \nu _0$
. Then we have

$x(t)=\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t(x_0)$
$y(t)=\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t(y_0)$
. We have

By Gronwall’s inequality, we have

Substituting this into (A.2), we have

For the second term in (A.1), we have the following lemma.
Lemma A.2.
$\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t$
$\mathcal {T}^{\nu }_t$
be two flow maps associated with
$\mu (t)$
$\nu (t)$
. Suppose the initial data
$\nu _0 \in P_2(\mathbb {R}^d)$
. Then,

The proof is similar to that in Lemma 3.11 in [Reference Cañizo, Carrillo and Rosado11]. Consider a transportation plan defined by
$\pi \,:\!=\, (\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t \times \mathcal {T}^{\nu }_t)\sharp \nu _0$
. One can check that this measure has marginals
$\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t\sharp \nu _0$
$\mathcal {T}^{\nu }_t\sharp \nu _0$
. Then, due to the definition of Wasserstein metric, we have

Thanks to this, it suffices to estimate
$\|\mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t - \mathcal {T}^{\nu }_t\|_{\infty }$
. To this end, we state
Lemma A.3. Under the assumptions in Lemma A.1 , it holds that

$x^{\mu }(t) = \mathcal {T}^{\mu }_t(x_0)$
$x^{\nu }(t) = \mathcal {T}^{\nu }_t(x_0)$
. We compute

For the first term on the right hand side, we compute

Moreover, using the fact that
$u\in \mathcal {F}$
, it follows from (A.3)–(A.4) that

By Gronwall’s inequality, we have

$\theta (y,z;\,t)$
the optimal transportation between
. Clearly,
$\theta (y,z;\,t)$
has marginals
$\mu (t,y)$
$\nu (t,z)$
. Thus, we compute

It follows from Jensen’s inequality that

Note that it holds for arbitrary
$x\in \mathbb {R}^d$
. Thus, we know that

Combining Lemma A.1–A.3 with the inequality (A.1), we have

Then we have

Again, by Gronwall’s inequality, we obtain

This completes the proof of the stability with respect to the
$\mathcal {W}_2$