Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
Legal safeguards for individuals of employment or income will be one part of a government’s reaction to fluctuation and change in industries. Mr Arup examines present federal asssurances of security of employment and income and capacities to implement further assurances in line with overall economic rationality. He concludes that there are limitations both in present assurances and capacities which require changes in the law.
1 Australian Timber Workers' Union v. John Sharp and Sons Ltd (1920) 14 C.A.R. 811, 836-837; Amalgamated Society of Engineers v. Adelaide Steamship Company Ltd (1920) 15 C.A.R. 297, 319.
2 Waterside Workers' Federation v. Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association (1914) 8 C.A.R. 52, 72; Amalgamated Engineering Union v. Metal Trades Employers Association (1929) 28 C.A.R. 923, 972.
3 Metal Trades Award, 1941—Consolidation (1945) 57 C.A.R. 278, 282.
4 Wool and Basil Workers Federation v. William Angliss & Co. (Australia) Pty Ltd (1932) 31 C.A.R. 846, 854; Australian Builders Labourers Federation v. T. R. and L. Cockram Pty Ltd (1942) 47 C.A.R. 167, 171; Amalgamated Engineering Union v. Alderdice & Co. Pty Ltd (1927) 25 C.A.R. 364, 378.
5 Infra pp. 159-161.
6 Waterside Workers' Federation v. Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association (1914) 8 C.A.R. 52, 73.
7 Australian Builders' Labourers' Federation v. Archer (1913) 7 C.A.R. 210,220.
8 Graziers Association of New South Wales v. Australian Workers Union (1936) 36 C.A.R. 295, 301.
9 Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners v. A.U.S.N. Co. Ltd (1942) 48 C.A.R. 261, 280; Waterside Workers (Attendance Money) case (1952) 74 C.A.R. 176, 183.
10 Australian Glass Workers Union v. A.G.M. Co. Ltd (1927) 25 C.A.R. 289, 291; Merchant Service Guild v. Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association (1928) 27 C.A.R. 482, 506.
11 E.g. Metal Industry Interim Award (1971) 140 C.A.R. 905, 929 (Cl. 19); Glass Workers Award (1971) 139 C.A.R. 23, 37 (Cl. 16); Vehicle Industry Award (1972) 142 C.A.R. 121, 125 (Cl. 6); Storemen and Packers (General Stores) Award (1969) 128 C.A.R. 581, 584 (Cl. 8).
12 E.g. Hanley v. Pease and Partners Ltd [1915] 1 K.B. 698; Marshall v. English Electric Co. Ltd [1945] 1 All E.R. 653; Devonald v. Rosser & Sons [1906] 2 K.B. 728. But note Browning v. Crumlin Valley Collieries Ltd [1926] 1 K.B. 522.
13 Kilminster v. Sun Newspapers Ltd (1931) 46 C.L.R. 284.
14 Amalgamated Society of Engineers v. Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd (1922) 16 C.A.R. 231, 247, 285; Re Variation—Gas Employees (N.S.W.) Award (1948) 62 C.A.R. 639. See generally Mills, “Legislation and Decisions Affecting Industrial Relations” (1973) 15 Journal of Industrial Relations 399.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
15 (1963) 5 F.L.R. 328.
16 Id. 329.
17 Amalgamated Engineering Union v. Metal Trades Employers Association (1942) 47 C.A.R. 615; Gordon Edgell and Sons Ltd v. Food Preservers Union (1947) 61 C.A.R. 513; Re Metal Trades Award (1958) 13 Industrial Information Bulletin 88. This point is not definitively resolved, e.g. Pickard v. John Heine and Son Ltd (1924) 35 C.L.R. 1, 8; Australian Workers' Union (S.A. Branch) v. Pioneer Concrete (S.A.) Pty Ltd (1974) Law Book Co. Industrial Arbitration Service Current Review 68.
18 Re Textile Industry (Woollen and Worsted Section) Award 1950 (1963) 5 F.L.R. 328; Re Carpenters and Joiners Award (1971) 17 F.L.R. 330; Electrical Trades Union v. Evans Deakin Industries Ltd 1975 17 A.I.L.R. Rep. 608.
19 E.g. Federated Clothing and Allied Trades Union v. Andrews and others (1925) 22 C.A.R. 913; The Clothing and Allied Trades Union v. Acme Frocks (1965) 110 C.A.R. 3. Note now Footwear Manufacturing Industry Award (1963) 102 C.A.R. 473, 495 (Cl. 6).
20 E.g. Health Inspectors Association v. City of Greater Brisbane and others (1931) 30 C.A.R. 322; (1932) 31 C.A.R. 141.
21 E.g. Metal Industry Interim Award (1971) 140 C.A.R. 905, 933 (Cl. 21). Note also the award of seasonal allowances in special industries. E.g. Storemen and Packers (Wool Selling Brokers and Repackers) Award (1968) 124 C.A.R. 431, 451 (Cl. 12); Storemen and Packers (Skin, Hide, Wool & Produce Stores) Award (1968) 124 C.A.R. 387,407 (Cl.12). Workers in truly seasonal industries present an income problem too if they require but cannot obtain jobs over the whole year.
22 Amalgamated Clothing and Allied Trades Union v. Arnall & Sons (1928) 26 C.A.R. 76, 107; The Clothing and Allied Trades Union v. Acme Frocks (1965) 110 C.A.R. 3. Cf. Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners v. Adelaide Joinery Works (1962) 101 C.A.R. 433, 484.
23 Shipwrights (Shore) Award (1968) 126 C.A.R. 537, 546 (Cl.18); Ship Painters and Dockers Award (1969) 128 C.A.R. 251, 266 (Cl. 10).
24 The fixation of minimum wages complements this view e.g. the early “living wage” was really only a wage rate. If a full week at that rate was payable, the employee was to be able to satisfy the normal needs of an average family for the next week. However, the present minimum wage is even less ambitious. Award specification of duration and termination requirements is a necessary condition for security of income.
25 Re National Building Trades Construction Award 1975 17 A.I.L.R. Rep. 377.
26 Insurance Officers (Clerical Indoor Staffs) Award (1971) 141 C.A.R. 1035; Clerks (Shipping) Award (1965) 109 C.A.R. 537, 553 (Cl. 11); Bank Officials (Federal) (1963) Award (1969) 128 C.A.R. 215, 225 (Cl. 25).
27 The Clerks (Oil Companies) Award 1966 (1968) 122 C.A.R. 339.
28 E.g. Insurance Officers (Clerical Indoor Staffs) Award (1971) 141 C.A.R. 1035, 1041 (Cl. 18).
29 Re The Jetair Australia Ltd Air Pilots' Agreement (1970) 136 C.A.R. 967; Johns and Waygood Ltd v. The Australian Builders' Labourers' Federation (1971) 139 C.A.R. 521.
30 The Snowy Mountains Authority case (1969) 24 Industrial Information Bulletin 1633; Merchant Service Guild v. Department of Main Roads, N.S.W. (1971) 140 C.A.R. 875; Federated lronworkers' Association v. John Lysaght (Australia) Ltd (1972) 28 Industrial Information Bulletin 669, 671.
31 Australian Federation of Air Pilots v. Ansett-A.N.A. (1968) 122 C.A.R. 951; Qantas Airways Ltd v. Australasian Airline Navigators Association (1971) 140 C.A.R. 1072. Note Industrial Arbitration Act 1940-1976 (N.S.W.) s. 88G; Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1972-1975 (S.A.) s. 82. See generally Yerbury, “Technological Change and Industrial Relations in Australia” in Ford, G. W. (ed.), Redundancy (1973) 35.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
32 Re The Jetair Australia Ltd Air Pilots' Agreement (1970) 136 C.A.R. 967; The Vehicle Builders Employees Federation v. General Motors-Holden's Pty Ltd (1972) 142 C.A.R. 95, 117.
33 Australian Federation of Air Pilots v. Connellan Airways Pty Ltd (1970) 134 C.A.R. 964. Now note Re Wattie-Pict Brooklyn Severance Pay Award 1975 17 A.I.L.R. Rep. 980.
34 Australian Federation of Air Pilots v. Ansett-A.N.A. (1968) 122 C.A.R. 951.
35 E.g. Canada, Denmark and France.
36 National Stevedoring Industry Conference General Report (1967) 22 Industrial Information Bulletin 546.
37 Australia, Inquiry into Employment in the Building Industry, Interim Report (1975) (Chairman E. A. Evatt J.).
38 Id. 53-54.
39 Id. 48, para. 7.26.
40 R. v. Hamilton Knight; ex parte The Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association (1952) 86 C.L.R. 283.
41 Fisher, “Redundancy and the Law: Some Recent Problems” (1969) 11 Journal of Industrial Relations 212, 218CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Note the “Guidelines for Redundancy Situations in Australian Government Employment” published by the Department of Labour and Immigration, approved by the Australian Government in July 1974. The measures include income maintenance for up to six months to redundant employees, whether they obtain other employment or not.
42 The Clerks (Oil Companies) Award 1966 (1968) 122 C.A.R. 339; R. v. Portus; ex parte A.N.Z. Banking Group Ltd (1972) 127 C.L.R. 353, 360 per Menzies J., 371 per Stephen J.
43 (1952) 86 C.L.R. 283, 296.
44 R. v. Findlay; ex parte The Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association (1953) 90 C.L.R. 621.
45 Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904-1976 (Cth), s. 4.
46 (1953) 90 C.L.R. 621, 633.
47 R. v. Portus; ex parte A.N.Z. Banking Group Ltd (1972) 127 C.L.R. 353; Re Application by the Federated Storemen and Packers Union (1974) Law Book Co. Industrial Arbitration Service Current Review 79; R. v. Commonwealth Industrial Court; ex parte Cocks (1968) 121 C.L.R. 313.
48 Unemployed Workers Insurance Act 1922 (Qld), s. 7(1).
49 Social Services Act 1947-1976 (Cth), s. 107(c).
50 S. 119(1)(a).
51 S. 119(1) (b).
52 Unemployment, Sickness and Special Benefits Instructions of the Department of Social Security; Section 2, Sub-section F, Instruction 17(a).
53 Instructions; Section 2, Sub-section D, Instructions 1 and 2(d). Cf. Ogus, “Unemployment Benefit for Workers on Short-Time” (1975) 4 Industrial Law Journal 12.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
54 Kewley, Social Security in Australia 1900-1972 (2nd ed. 1973) 268.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
55 Australia, Department of Labour and Immigration, Australian Labour Market Training: Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Labour Market Training [Chairman D. Cochrane] (1974) (The Cochrane Report) 62-63.
56 ILO, Conventions and Recommendations 1919-1966, 1060 (Rec. no. 119, 47th Session).
57 R. v. Flight Crew Officers' Industrial Tribunal; ex parte Australian Federation of Air Pilots (1971) 127 C.L.R. 11 (the Qantas Case); R. v. Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission; ex parte Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (1966) 115 C.L.R. 443 (Tramways Case (No. 2)). Also Australian Aluminium Co. Pty Ltd v. Federated Engine Drivers and Firemens Association (1952) 74 C.A.R. 621; Morts Dock and Engineering Co. Ltd v. Federated Ship Painters and Dockers Union (1954) 79 C.A.R. 254; Waterside Workers' Federation v. Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association (1914) 8 C.A.R. 52.
58 Tramways Case (No. 2) (1966) 115 C.L.R. 443, 450 per Barwick C.J.
59 Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board v. Horan (1967) 117 C.L.R. 78; R. v. Gallagher; ex parte Commonwealth Steamship Owners' Association (1968) 121 C.L.R. 330; Australian Federation of Air Pilots v. Flight Crew Officers Industrial Tribunal (1968) 119 C.L.R. 16; R. v. Holmes; ex parte Altona Petrochemical Co. Ltd (1972) 126 C.L.R. 529.
60 (1971) 127 C.L.R. 11.
61 Id. 20.
62 Federated Clerks Union v. Public Service Board (1969) 128 C.A.R. 319; Australian Glass Manufacturers Co. Pty Ltd v. Australian Glass Workers Union (1950) 66 C.A.R. 175; Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd v. Federated Clerks Union (1947) 58 C.A.R. 76.
63 Re Theatrical and Amusement Employees Awards (1964) 106 C.A.R. 623; Waterside Workers Federation v. Commonwealth Steamship Owners Association (1962) 100 C.A.R. 767.
64 (1971) 127 C.L.R. 11.
65 Id. 28 per Menzies J.
66 (1969) 122 C.L.R. 237, 240.
67 It now seems that an employee covered by a federal award providing for termination by notice cannot avail himself of State legislation empowering reinstatement of those terminated harshly, unjustly or unreasonably, unless the award makes it clear that it did not intend to cover the field: R. v. Industrial Court of South Australia; ex parte G.M.H. Pty Ltd 1975 17 A.I.L.R. Rep. 290. Note Re G.M.H. Pty Ltd (Part 1) General Award 1975 17 A.I.L.R. Rep. 718.
68 (1968) 122 C.A.R. 339.
69 Id. 343.
70 Id. 344.
71 Id. 345.
72 Australian Federation of Air Pilots v. Australian National Airlines Commission 1968 10 A.I.L.R. Rep. 433.
73 Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees Association v. Dendy Theatre 1974 16 A.I.L.R. Rep. 172; Federated Clerks Union v. Aberdeen and Commonwealth Line Ltd (1970) 132 C.A.R. 126.
74 Federated Ironworkers' Association v. Stewarts and Lloyds (Australia) Pty Ltd (1969) 126 C.A.R. 967; Evans Deakin Industries Ltd v. Amalgamated Engineering Union (1969) 129 C.A.R. 228.
75 R. v. Portus and others; ex parte City of Perth (1973) 129 C.L.R. 312. But note Commissioner Portus' draft award (at 320-321) which was not considered.
76 Re Carpenters and Joiners Award (1971) 17 F.LR. 330; Re Railways Awards 1969 11 A.I.L.R. Rep. 21.
77 Re Railways Metal Trades Award 1967 9 A.I.LR. Rep. 253.
78 Amalgamated Engineering Union v. Metal Trades Employers Association (1942) 47 C.A.R. 45.
79 Supra n. 59.
80 Maher, and Sexton, “The High Court and Industrial Relations” (1972) 46 A.L.J. 109Google Scholar. It is just possible that the corporations power could be used to require that employees' interests be represented in or at least respected by the management of some employers.
81 Isaac, “Employer Provision for Social Welfare” in Hancock (ed.), The National Income and Social Welfare (1965) 112.Google Scholar
82 The Cochrane Report, op. cit. vii, 22-23.
83 Australian Government Commission of Inquiry into Poverty, Poverty in Australia (April 1975) 67 ff.
84 Australia, Priorities Review Staff, Possibilities for Social Welfare in Australia (July 1975) 20 ff.Google Scholar
85 Id. 25.
86 Brotherhood of Laurence, St. The Waiting Poor (1974).Google Scholar
87 Australia, Priorities Review Staff, Assistance for Structural Adjustment, Income Maintenance, etc. (August 1975) 88.Google Scholar
88 Id. 12.
89 British Medical Association v. The Commonwealth (1949) 79 C.L.R. 201; Victoria v. The Commonwealth (1975) 7 A.L.R. 277. See generally Sackville, “Social Welfare in Australia: The Constitutional Framework” (1973) 5 F.L. Rev. 248.Google Scholar
90 “Negative (or Reverse) Income Tax” (1974) 48 A.L.J. 511 and 560.
91 Insurance Commissioner v. Associated Dominions Assurance Society Pty Ltd (1953) 89 C.L.R. 78, 83 per Fullagar J.; Australian Steamships Ltd v. Malcolm (1914) 19 C.L.R. 298, 327 per Isaacs J. See generally Cantor, “National Insurance in its Constitutional Aspects” (1928) 2 A.L.J. 219Google Scholar; Kennan, “The Possible Constitutional Powers of the Commonwealth as to National Health Insurance” (1975) 49 A.L.J. 261.Google Scholar
92 Victoria v. The Commonwealth (1975) 7 A.L.R. 277; Attorney-General for Victoria (ex rel. Dale) v. The Commonwealth (1945) 71 C.L.R. 237.