In my Address to the Geological Society in 1905 I proposed the use of the terra Ashgillian for the uppermost series of the Ordovician System, but did not discuss therein at length the exact relationship of the beds to which the term was applied, with the underlying and overlying strata. An examination of the literature treating of these rocks showed that there was a considerable amount of confusion with regard to these strata, and it is the object of this paper to clear this up and to indicate what deposits are actually referable to the Ashgillian division.
page 60 note 1 The word Cambrian is clearly a misprint for Bala.
page 61 note 1 I have found it necessary to criticise adversely some of Salter's conclusions. It is only fair to state that at the time when the Cat. Camb. and Sil. Foss. was compiled he was in deplorable health; also that he was unacquainted with the rocks in the field whose fossils he was arranging and cataloguing. I need hardly mention: the respect I have for the work he did among the Lower Palæozoic fossils.
page 61 note 2 There is reason to believe that the name Ashgill Beds was originally suggested, to Salter by Aveline, who separated them from the “Coniston Limestone” proper: at any rate, Salter proved the distinctness of the two groups on palæontological grounds.
page 62 note 1 Q.J.G.S., vol. lii, p. 407, and vol. liii, p. 67.
page 63 note 1 Q.J.G.S., vol. lxii (1906), p. 597.
page 63 note 2 Q.J.G.S., vol. xxxvi (1880), p. 277.
page 63 note 3 Q.J.G.S., vol. xxxv (1879), p. 200.
page 63 note 4 Q.J.G.S., vol. xxxviii (1882), p. 537.
page 64 note 1 Q.J.G.S., vol. lii, p. 587.
page 64 note 2 Q.J.G.S., vol. liii, p. 520.
page 64 note 3 Geol. Mag., Dec. V, Vol. III, p. 421.
page 64 note 4 Öfv. af k. Vetensk. Akad. Förhandl., p. 63.
page 64 note 5 Q.J.G.S., vol. xxxviii, p. 313.
page 65 note 1 See Marr & Nicholson on “The Stockdale Shales”: Q.J.G.S., vol. xliv, p. 700.