Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
The great geological interest which attaches to the fossil remains of the Musk-ox or Sheep (Ovibos moschatus, Blainv.), found in British Pleistocene deposits, and the few instances hitherto recorded of their occurrence (together with a recent discovery brought to my notice), have suggested to me the desirability of a brief enumeration of them.
page 246 note 1 Bubalus moschatus, Owen; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xii. 1855, pp. 124.Google Scholar
page 247 note 1 See an exhaustive memoir upon the osteology, geographical range, and geological distribution of this interesting Arctic animal, by Professor Boyd Dawkins, F.E S., “Pleistocene Mammalia,” Part V. {Ovibos moschatus); in the Monographs of the Palæontographical Society for 1872.