Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
Zone of Scaphites æqualis.—Beneath the Yellow Chalk of West Dorset and South Somerset occurs a very constant bed of yellow calcareous paste, with glauconitic grains, and containing at the base numerous small minute pebbles of quartz, the whole being so well cemented together as to be used at Pennys Toller, near Bea-minster, as a rough building stone. In 1865 I collected from this zone a large number of fossils, most of which I found to occur in the Cambridgeshire “ Chloritic marl,” Chardstock, Buckram, and Pennys Toller being perhaps the most fossiliferous localities. At the base occurs a well-marked horizon of Ammonites Rhothomagensis.
page 248 note 1 Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain. Fourth Edition.
page 249 note 1 Prof. Hull, Relative Ages of Leading Physical Features and Lines of Elevation of the Carboniferous District of Lancashire and Yorkshire,Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1868, p. 331.Google Scholar
page 250 note 1 Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, 1839.Google Scholar
page 251 note 1 The total thickness of the lignite and coal series, consisting of the Upper and Middle Neocomian lying beneath the Gault, is given by Mr. Judd at 1600 feet.