Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
Five new trilobites from the Girvan district are recorded and described. A new Proetus is remarkable for the great width of the anterior shield, the squat glabella, and the great length of the genal spines. Another small proetid is referred to Kegel's subgenus Cyphoproetus. The genus Asaphus is rare in the Girvan district, and beyond a thorax and an incomplete anterior shield from the Drummuck Group of Lady Burn (Ashgillian) the only record appears to be of three species of Asaphus (Isotelus) from the Balclatchie Group. Recently three pygidia of Asaphus, which may be referrable to Raymond's doubtful genus Homotelus, have been found in the Orthis confinis beds at Minuntion, Barr Series (Caradoc) The most interesting find is probably a new species of the hitherto monospecific genus Teratorhynchus.