Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
During spring and summer of 1915, an expedition was sent to the peninsula of Lower California (Baja California) by a Swiss Colonization Company. The scientific work was under the direction of the writer, who enjoyed excellent assistance from his friends Prof. Dr. Ad. Hartmann, of Aarau, and Top. Eng. E. Kluth, of Zurich. Although little time was available for stratigraphic studies, some of our observations of that almost unknown country seem to be worthy of publication.
page 530 note 1 Willis, B., Index U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof, paper 71, pp. 644–8.Google Scholar
page 530 note 2 Gabb, W. M., Report of J. Ross Browne on the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, 1868, pp. 630–9.Google Scholar
page 530 note 3 Merrill, George P., “Notes on the Geol. and Nat. History of the Peninsula of Lower California,” Report of the U.S. National Museum, 1895, p. 976.Google Scholar
page 531 note 1 Arn. Heim, “Sur la géologie de la partie méridionale de la Basse Californie,” Comptes rendus Ac. d. Sc. Paris, t. 161, p. 419, 4th October, 1915. H. Douvillé, “Les Orbitoides de la presqu'île de Californie,” Comptes rendus Ac. d. Sc. Paris, t. 161, p. 409, 4th October, 1915. Arn. Heim, “Reisen im südlichen Teil der Halbinsel Niederkalifornien” (4 pi.), Zeitschrift der Ges. f. Erknnde, Berlin, 1916. Arn. Heim, “Charakterpflanzen der Halbinsel Niederkalifornien” (12 pl.), in Vegetationsbilder v. Karsten & Schenk, Jena, 1916. Ad. Hartmann, “Wasseruntersuchungen im Gebiete der Magdalena Bay in Niederkalifornien” (2 pl.), Vierteljahrsschrift d. Nat. Ges. Zürich, 1919. Ad. Hartmann, “ Ein Beitrag zur Kolonisationsfrage des Westens von Nordamerika,” Mitt. Aarg. Nat. Ges., Aarau, 1919. Arn. Heim, “Vulkanein der Umgebung der Oase La Purisima auf der Halbinsel Niederkalifornien” (1 map, 3 pl., 7 tig.), Zeitschr. für Vulkanologie, herausgeg. v. Imm. Friedländer, Bd. vi, 1921.
page 534 note 1 Schlumberger, Cf., B.S.G. France, 4me série, t. iii, p. 275, fig. A, and pl. viii, figs. 2–3.Google Scholar
page 536 note 1 Arnold, Ralph and Clark, Bruce L. “An Apalachicola Fauna from Lower California,” Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xxviii, 1917, p. 223.Google Scholar
page 536 note 2 Dickerson, R. E., “Ancient Panama Straits,” Bull. Geol. Soc. America, vol. xxviii, 1917, p. 230.Google Scholar
page 537 note 1 See these white fossiliferous banks in the river-bed, and the unconformity of the Isidro on photograph Fig. 3 of the author's paper, loc. cit., 1916.
page 538 note 1 See geol. sketch map by the writer, loc. cit., 1921, pl. iv.Google Scholar
page 539 note 1 See photograph, pl. ii, fig. 2, in the writer's publication on the volcanoes, loc. cit., 1921.Google Scholar
page 539 note 2 “Grune Molasse” of the writer's paper, loc. cit., 1916.Google Scholar
page 542 note 1 “Braune Molasse,” of the writer's paper, loc. cit., 1910.Google Scholar