Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
Certain deposits in the neighbourhood of the Seberuang Eiver, a tributary of the Kapuas in Western Borneo, were described by E. Everwijn in 1854 as containing numerous so-called “Nummulites.” Similar organisms were obtained at a later date from the same district by Dr. F. Schneider, which were examined by Dr. K. Von Fritsch and proved to belong to the genus Patellina. Two new forms were described and figured under the names of P. scutum and P. Irochus, whilst the occurrence of Patellina itself suggested to Von Fritsch. the probability of the beds in question being of Cretaceous age.
page 407 note 1 “Voorloopig onderzoek naar Kolem in de landschappen Salimbouw Djonkong en Boenoet in de Kesidentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo”: Nat. Tijdsch. Nederlandscb. Indië, 1854, vol. vii, p. 387.Google Scholar
page 407 note 2 “Patellinem von der Westseite von Borneo”: Palæontographica, 1878, suppl. 3, pp. 144, 145, pi. xix.Google Scholar
page 408 note 1 “Untersuchungen ueber den Ban von Orbitolina (Patellina, auct.) von Borneo”: Sammlungen geol. R.-Mus. Leiden, 1890, No. 20, vol. iv, part 7, pp. 209–231, pls. xxiv, xxv.Google Scholar
page 408 note 2 “Over het voorkomen van Gesteenten der Krijtfonnatie in de Residentie Westerafdeeling van Borneo”: Versl. Med. K. Ak. Wetenschappen, 1883, vol. xix, p. 39.Google Scholar
page 408 note 3 “Ueber Kreidepetrefacten von West-Borneo”: Zeitsch. deutsch. geol. Ges. 1883. vol. xxxv, p. 204.Google Scholar
page 408 note 4 The nomenclature given in tbese lists of fossils is that of the authors themselves, no revision of the same having been attempted by the present writer.
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page 409 note 1 “Versteinerungen der Sogenannten alten Schieferformation von West-Borneo”: Sammlungen geol. E.-Mus. Leiden, 1890, No. 20, vol. iv, part 7, pp. 198–207, pls. xxii, xxiii.Google Scholar
page 409 note 2 “Die Mesozoischen Schichten von West-Borneo”: Sammlungen geol. E.-Mus. Leiden, 1895, No. 21a, vol. v, part 2, pp. 29–34.Google Scholar
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page 409 note 4 “Ueber Lias von Borneo”: Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. O.-Indië, 1896, vol. xxv, pp. 28–42, pl. xiGoogle Scholar: Sammlungen geol. E.-Mus. Leiden, 1896, Nos. 214, 22, pp. 154–168, pl. xi.Google Scholar
page 412 note 1 See map of this region by Crocker, W. M. in the Proc. Roy. Geogr. Soc. 1881, N.s., vol. iii, p. 256.Google Scholar
page 412 note 2 “Notes on the Distribution of the Useful Minerals in Sarawak”: Journal Straits Branch Royal Asiatic Society, 1878, p. 14.Google Scholar