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Book Review - Martin A. Rogoff's French Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials (2010) - [Martin A. Rogoff, French Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press, 2010); ISBN: 1594606544; 578 pp.; $47.00 Paperback]
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019

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1 Code civil [c. Civ.] (Fr.), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
2 La Constitution (1958), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
3 Déclaration des Droits de I'Homme et du Citoyen (Declaration of the Rights of the Man and Citizen, 1789), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
4 Préambule de la Constitution (Preamble to the Constitution, 1946), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
5 Déclaration, supra note 3.Google Scholar
6 Bruce Ackerman, The Rise of World Constitutionalism, 83 Vir. L. Rev. 771 (1997).Google Scholar
7 La Constitution, supra note 2.Google Scholar
8 Liberté d'association (Freedom of Association), CC decision no. 71–44DC, Jul. 16, 1971, Rec. 29.Google Scholar
9 Préambule, supra note 4.Google Scholar
10 Déclaration, supra note 3.Google Scholar
11 Préambule, supra note 4.Google Scholar
12 Déclaration, supra note 3.Google Scholar
13 Préambule, supra note 4.Google Scholar
14 Created by LOI constitutionnelle no. 2008-724 (Jul. 20, 2008) as part of the 2008 reforms, available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012); LA CONSTITUTION (1958), supranote 2, art. 75–1.” [I believe LA CONSTITUTION is in small capital, with a capital C]Google Scholar
15 Law. No. 2007-290 of Mar. 5, 2007, Instituant le droit au logement opposable et portant diverses mesures en faveur de la cohésion sociale (Establishing the right to housing and various measures to promote social cohesion), May 14, 2009, available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
16 European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, May 11, 1992, C.E.T.S. 148.Google Scholar
17 This paragraph was originally the second of Article 2, but it became the first one pursuant to the amendment brought about by LOI constitutionnelle n° 95–880, Art. 8 (Aug. 4, 1995), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012); LA CONSTITUTION (1958), supra note 2, art. 2 (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
18 CC decision no. 82–146DC, Nov. 18, 1982, Rec. 66.Google Scholar
19 Modifiant le code électoral et le code des communes relative à l'élection des conseillers municipaux et aux conditions d'inscription des Français établis hors de France sur les listes électorales (amending the electoral code and the code of municipalities relative to the election of the municipal councilors and to the condition for including the French people established outside France in the electoral lists Law. No. 82–74 of Nov. 19, 1982, (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
20 CC decision no. 98–407DC, Jan. 14, 1999, Rec. 21.Google Scholar
21 Law. No. 99–36 of Jan. 20, 1999, Relative au mode d'élection des conseillers régionaux et des conseillers à l'Assemblée de Corse et au fonctionnement des conseils régionaux (On the mode of election of regional councilors and advisors to the Corsican Assembly and operation of regional councils), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
22 Created by LOI constitutionnelle n° 2008–724, Art. 1 (Jul. 23, 2008); La Constitution (1958), art. 1, available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
23 Law No. 2000-493 of June 6, 2000, tendant à favoriser l'égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats électoraux et fonctions électives (for the promotion of equal access of women and men to elective offices and posts), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
24 CC decision no. 2000-429DC, May 30, 2000, Rec. 84.Google Scholar
25 LOI organique n° 2001-539 Jun. 25, 2001’ Relative au statut des magistrats et au Conseil supérieur de la magistratur (Relating to the Status of Judges and the Council of the Judiciary), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
26 CC decision no. 2006-533DC, Mar. 16, 2006, Rec. 39.Google Scholar
27 Law. No. 2006-340 of Mar. 23, 2006, Relative à l'égalité salariale entre les femmes et les hommes)(On equal pay between women and men (1)), available at: (last accessed: 16 June 2012).Google Scholar
28 La Constitution, supra note 2, art. 1.Google Scholar
29 Georg Jellinek, The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens: A Contribution to Modern Constitutional History (1901).Google Scholar