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Hopt, Kulms and von Hein's Rechtshilfe und Rechtsstaat. Die Zustellung einer US-amerikanischen class action in Deutschland (2006) - [Book Review: Klaus J. Hopt/Rainer Kulms/Jan von Hein, Rechtshilfe und Rechtsstaat. Die Zustellung einer US-amerikanischen class action in Deutschland, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2006, ISBN 3–16–148456–8, pp. 199, € 49,00]
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019

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- Developments
- Information
- German Law Journal , Volume 7 , Issue 12: Special issue - From Apology to Utopia: A Symposium , 01 December 2006 , pp. 1159 - 1164
- Copyright
- Copyright © 2006 by German Law Journal GbR
1 See, e. g., Schütze, Die Allzuständigkeit amerikanischer Gerichte (2003).Google Scholar
2 Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters, 15 November 1965, UST 361, 1969 WL 97765.Google Scholar
3 Bundesverfassunsgericht (BVerfG) (Federal Constitutional Court), 25 July 2003, 108 Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVerfGE) 238; 58 Juristenzeitung (JZ) 956 (2003); 56 Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2598 (2003); 24 Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 1625 (2003). For a comment, see Friedrich, Bettina, Federal Constitutional Court Grants Interim Legal Protection Against Service of a Writ of Punitive Damages Suit, 4 German Law Journal (GLJ) 1233 (2003).Google Scholar
4 For an English language account of the developments leading to the settlement as well as the pertinent German case law, see Hein, Jan von, Recent German Jurisprudence on Cooperation with the U.S. in Civil and Commercial Matters: A Defense of Sovereignty or Judicial Protectionism? in Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World – Essays in Memory of Arthur Taylor von Mehren (Eckart Gottschalk, Ralf Michaels, Giesela Rühl & Jan von Hein eds., forthcoming 2007).Google Scholar
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9 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 4 November 1950, 312 UNTS 221.Google Scholar
10 United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 16 December 1966, 999 UNTS 171.Google Scholar
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12 See Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) (Federal Court of Justice), June 4, 1992, 118 Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofs in Zivilsachen (BGHZ) 312, at 334.Google Scholar
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16 No. IV AR (VZ) 3/05, referred to the Federal Court of Justice by the OLG Koblenz, supra, note 13. For an account of the Boeringer case and the decision of the OLG Koblenz, see von Hein, supra, note 4.Google Scholar