In this study, we consider the nonclassical diffusion equations with time-dependent memory kernels
\begin{equation*} u_{t} - \Delta u_t - \Delta u - \int_0^\infty k^{\prime}_{t}(s) \Delta u(t-s) ds + f( u) = g \end{equation*}
on a bounded domain
$\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N,\, N\geq 3$
. Firstly, we study the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions and then, we investigate the existence of the time-dependent global attractors
$H_0^1(\Omega)\times L^2_{\mu_t}(\mathbb{R}^+,H_0^1(\Omega))$
. Finally, we prove that the asymptotic dynamics of our problem, when
approaches a multiple
of the Dirac mass at zero as
$t\to \infty$
, is close to the one of its formal limit
\begin{equation*}u_{t} - \Delta u_{t} - (1+m)\Delta u + f( u) = g. \end{equation*}
The main novelty of our results is that no restriction on the upper growth of the nonlinearity is imposed and the memory kernel
depends on time, which allows for instance to describe the dynamics of aging materials.