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1 Tito Maccio Plauto Mercator. Prefazione di Questa, Cesare, Introduzione di Paduano, Guido, Traduzione di Scàndola, Mario. Testo latino a fronte. Classici Greci e Latini, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. 2nd edition, 2004. Pp. 203. Paperback €8Google Scholar.
2 Plauto II Persiano. Prefazione di Questa, Cesare, Introduzione di Rossi, Elena, Traduzione di Mario Scandola. Testo latino a fronte. Classici Greci e Latini, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. 2nd edition, 2003. Pp. 208. Paperback €9Google Scholar.
3 Cicero's Topica. Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Reinhardt, Tobias [Oxford Classical Monographs]. Oxford UP., 2003. Pp. xvi + 435. Hardback £70Google Scholar.
4 A Commentary on Cicero, De Legibus. By Dyck, Andrew R.. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2004. Pp. xlix + 645. Hardback £44Google Scholar.
5 Comedy and the Rise of Rome. By Leigh, Matthew. Oxford U.P., 2004. Pp. xii + 241. Hardback £50Google Scholar.
6 A Commentary on Horace Odes Book III. By Nisbet, R. G. M. and Rudd, Niall. Oxford U.P., 2004. Pp. xxx + 389. Hardback £70Google Scholar.
7 R Ovidi Nasonis Metamorphoses. Edited with critical commentary by Tarrant, R. J.. Oxford U.P, 2004. Pp. xlviii + 534. Hardback £20.50Google Scholar.
8 Joseph Addison's Ovid. An Adaptation of the Metamorphoses in the Augustan Age of English Literature. By Gippert, Susanne. Die Antike und Ihr Weiterleben, Band 5. Gardez! Verlag, Sankt Augustin, 2003. Pp. 259 + xli. Paperback €33Google Scholar.
9 Aulus Gellius An Antonine Scholar and his Achievement. Revised edition. By Holford-Strevens, Leofranc. Oxford UP., 2003. Pp. xxiv + 436. Hardback £70Google Scholar.
10 Servius’ Commentary on Book Four of Virgil's Aeneid. An Annotated Translation. By McDonough, Christopher M., Prior, Richard E., and Stansbury, Mark. Bolchazy-Carducci, Wauconda, Illinois, 2004. Pp. xxiv + 157. Paperback $29Google Scholar.
11 Vegetius. Epitomata Rei Militaris. Edited with critical commentary by Reeve, M. D.. Oxford UP., 2004. Pp. lx + 180. Hardback £35Google Scholar.