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2. Friedrich von Holstein
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 December 2010

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- Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1966
1 Marschall's diary, Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes, Bonn, ‘Ich nenne heute dem Grossherzog Caprivi als Reichskanzler’.
2 Marschall to Grand Duke of Baden, telegram of 5 March 1890, Badisches General-landesarchiv Karlsruhe, 49/6, fo. 50.
3 Marschall's diary, entry of 11 March 1890, Pol. Archiv, Bonn.
4 Holstein to Eulenburg, II March 1890, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 9,241 f.
5 Kayser to Eulenburg, 12 March 1890, ibid. 9, 246 f.
6 Eulenburg visited Caprivi in Hanover on 6 March 1890 and discussed political questions with him, but he seems to have been genuinely surprised to hear on 17 March that the Kaiser intended to appoint the general to the chancellorship: he told Holstein that if asked he would have suggested Schweinitz or Hohenlohe, ‘but never Caprivi’ (Eulenburg to Holstein, 18 March 1890, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, io, 279). Caprivi was certainly not the candidate of August Eulenburg, who pressed for Waldersee's appointment.
7 Marschall's Report no. 21, 27 March 1890, Badisches Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe 49/6, fos. 56 ff.
8 Rogge, H., Friedrich von Holstein: Lebensbekenntnis (Berlin, 1932), p. 225Google Scholar.
9 Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eul. Pap. II, 477 and 491 ff. Also Brauer's Report no. 2, 15 June 1890, Bad. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 49/7, fos. 3 ff.
10 Holstein to Eulenburg, 23 May 1889, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eul. Pap. 5, 96.
11 Brauer's Report of 30 June 1890, Karlsruhe, 49/7, fo. 30.
12 Eulenburg to Holstein, 11 January 1893, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 23, 18.
13 Kiderlen to Eulenburg, 11 January 1893, ibid. 23, 21 f.
14 Holstein to Eulenburg, 1 October 1892, ibid. 21, 643 ff.
15 Eulenburg to Biilow, 28 February 1893, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Biilow Papers, folder 75.
16 Kiderlen to Eulenburg, 9 March 1893, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 23, 117 ff.
17 Holstein to Eulenburg, 15 April 1893, ibid. 24, 199 f.
18 Bülow, Memoirs, IV, 649. See also Hohenlohe, Denkwürdigkeiten, II, 507, and The Holstein Papers, III, 449.
19 Eulenburg to C. Moltke, 15 June 1895, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 36, 433 ff.
20 Monts to BUlow, 12 October 1894, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Biilow Papers, folder 106.
21 Marschall's diary, Pol. Archiv des Auswartigen Amtes, Bonn.
22 Eulenburg to Bulow, 25 December 1894, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 33. 997 f.
28 Haller, J., Aus dent Leben des Fiirsten Philipp zu Eulenburg (Berlin, 1924), p. 197Google Scholar.
24 Kaiser Wilhelm n to Eulenburg, 25 December 1895, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 39, 938 ff. ‘Der Schuss sass blatt!’
25 Eulenburg to Bulow, 13 March 1896, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Bulow Papers, folder 76.
26 Eulenburg to Billow, 16 March 1896, ibid. Slightly different version in Haller, op. cit. pp. 197 f.
27 On this remarkable episode, see Krausnick, H., ‘Holsteins Grosses Spiel im Frühjahr 1887’, Geschichte und Gegenwartsbewusstsein, Festschrift für Hans Rothfels (Göttingen, 1963), pp. 357 ffGoogle Scholar.
28 Holstein to Eulenburg, 18 February 1892, Bundesarchiv Koblenz, Eulenburg Papers, 17, 89 f.
29 Bismarck, Herbert, Privatkorrespondenz (ed. Bussmann, ), p. 443Google Scholar.
30 The Holstein Papers, III, 636 ff.
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