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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 February 2009
1 (London, 1981), pp. 151f.
2 Cockburn, Cynthia, The local state (London, 1977);Google ScholarCowley, Johnet al., Community or class struggle? (London, 1977);Google ScholarDale, Jennifer, ‘Class struggle, social policy and state structure’, in Melling, Joseph (ed.), Housing, social policy and the state (London, 1980).Google Scholar
3 The most influential works of Ideologiekritik include Alexander, von Plato, Zur Einschätzmg der Klassenkämpfe in der Weimarer Republik (Berlin, 1973);Google ScholarNegt, Oskar and Kluge, Alexander, Öfftntlichkeit und Erfahrung (Frankfurt, 1972);Google ScholarPoulantzas, Nicos, Fascism and dictatorship (London, 1974).Google Scholar
4 The ‘classics’ include Flechtheim, Ossip K., Die KPD in der Weimarer Republik (2nd edn, Frankfurt, 1969);Google ScholarWeber, Hermann, Die Wandlung des deutschen Kommunismus (2 vols. Frankfurt, 1969);Google ScholarBahne, Siegfried, Die KPD und das Ende von Weimar (Frankfurt/New York, 1976).Google Scholar
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6 See my forthcoming book, Beating the fascists? The German Communists and political violence 1929–33 (Cambridge University Press).Google Scholar
7 Jacobs, Joe, Out of the ghetto (London, 1978), pp. 151ff.Google Scholar
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