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Gas Outflow in the Seyfert Galaxy IC 5063
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2016
IC 5063 (PKS 2048–572) is a nearby (z = 0.0110) early-type galaxy hosting a Seyfert 2 nucleus. In broad-band optical images, it shows a complex dust lane, while the ionized gas extends up to ~ 20 kpc and has an unusual X-shaped structure (Danziger et al. 1981, Colina et al. 1990). A faint, very broad emissionline component has been detected (Bergeron et al. 1983, Colina et al. 1991) together with an off-nuclear broad emission-line region (Wagner & Appenzeller 1989). Broad Hα emission was also detected in polarized light (Inglis et al. 1993). Thus, it is likely that this galaxy has a broad-line region which is obscured from our direct view (while the broad-line radiation is scattered into our line of sight by scatterers outside the obscuring regions). The radio luminosity of IC 5063 is nearly two orders of magnitude larger than typical values for nearby Seyferts (Ulvestad & Wilson 1984), making it one of the strongest radio sources found in Seyfert galaxies (1.3 Jy at 1.4 GHz, i.e., 2 × 1023W Hz−1 for H0 = 50 km s−1 Mpc−1). Its H I content is also very high: Danziger et al. (1981) found 1.0 × 1010M⊙, which gives MHI/LB = 0.4, quite anomalous for this type of object.
- Type
- VI. The Narrow-Line Regions and Beyond
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- Copyright © Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1997
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