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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2016
Near IR grating spectrophotometric observations (λ / Δλ ≃ 400 ) of Nova Ophiuchi 1988 between 0.9 and 1.35 μm on September 22.2, 1988 UT (J.D. = 2447426.7) are reported. We observed the nova with the Lick Observatory 3–meter Shane telescope using the Aerospace cooled grating spectrometer. A 7.5 arc sec aperture was used. The detector was a germanium photodiode, cooled to 77 K and used in conjunction with a charge integrating amplifier. These are the first IR observations ever made of a slow nova.
Figure 1 shows the spectrum which contains Paschen emission lines β, γ δ, ε, ζ, η, He I λ1.083 μm, and a very weak continuum, all consistent with a post-maximum, early nebular phase. Figure 1 also shows a number of possible weak lines including [ Fe II ] and He I as well as an unidentified feature at 1.01 μm in the far red wing of Paδ. The line to continuum ratio for He I λ1.083 is about 300. The emission lines are resolved in the stronger features ( Paδ Paζ, Paβ, and He I λ1.083) and show a mean FWHM of 900 ± 150 km/sec.