Cambridge University Press apologise for figure errors in the above article. During typesetting, a few errors were introduced to the manuscript:
In Fig. 2., the power dividing network is shown twice but should have appeared only once. Additionally, Fig. 1. and Fig. 6. Should have spanned only one column rather than two. Finally, in Fig. 3., the f indices should be italicized.

Fig. 1. Multiplication of the OFDM signal with the frequency comb (based on [1]).

Fig. 2. Methods to multiply with a frequency comb. (a) Multiplication using multiple mixers and multiple single frequency sources. (b) Direct multiplication with the frequency comb in a single multiplier.

Fig. 3. Frequency plan for the multiplication of the OFDM signal with the frequency comb.

Fig. 6. Radar architecture (based on [1]): (a) transmitter, (b) receiver.