Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Ribera, Aida
Slof, John
Ferreira-González, Ignacio
Serra, Vicente
García-del Blanco, Bruno
Cascant, Purificació
Andrea, Rut
Falces, Carlos
Gutiérrez, Enrique
del Valle-Fernández, Raquel
Morís-de laTassa, César
Mota, Pedro
Oteo, Juan Francisco
Tornos, Pilar
García-Dorado, David
The impact of waiting for intervention on costs and effectiveness: the case of transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
The European Journal of Health Economics,
Vol. 19,
Issue. 7,
Bachelet, Vivienne C.
Goyenechea, Matías
Carrasco, Víctor A.
Policy strategies to reduce waiting times for elective surgery: A scoping review and evidence synthesis.
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management,
Vol. 34,
Issue. 2,