Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Tipnis, Neelesh A.
Werlin, Steven L.
The use of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in children.
Current Gastroenterology Reports,
Vol. 9,
Issue. 3,
Tipnis, Neelesh A
Dua, Kulwinder S
Werlin, Steven L
A Retrospective Assessment of Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography in Children.
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition,
Vol. 46,
Issue. 1,
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Patients with a high probability of choledocholithiasis are best managed with ERCP without EUS.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy,
Vol. 69,
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Epelboym, Irene
Winner, Megan
Allendorf, John D.
MRCP is Not a Cost-Effective Strategy in the Management of Silent Common Bile Duct Stones.
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Issue. 5,
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May, Folasade P
Shaheen, Nicholas J
Murthy, Rekha
Gupta, Kapil
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Cost Utility of Competing Strategies to Prevent Endoscopic Transmission of Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae.
American Journal of Gastroenterology,
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Gurusamy, Kurinchi S.
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Davidson, Brian R.
Clement, Fiona
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Endoscopic Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography in Patients with Suspected Common Bile Duct Stones.
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Fluke, Laura M.
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Held, Jenny M.
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Cost-effective Decisions in Detecting Silent Common Bile Duct Gallstones During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy.
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Vohra, R S
Hollyman, M
Marriott, P J
Buja, A
Alderson, D
Pasquali, S
Griffiths, E A
Vohra, R S
Spreadborough, P
Marriott, P J
Kirkham, A
Alderson, D
Griffiths, E A
Fenwick, S
Elmasry, M
Nunes, Q M
Kennedy, D
Khan, R B
Khan, M A S
Magee, C J
Jones, S M
Mason, D
Parappally, C P
Mathur, P
Saunders, M
Jamel, S
Ul Haque, S
Zafar, S
Shiwani, M H
Samuel, N
Dar, F
Jackson, A
Lovett, B
Dindyal, S
Winter, H
Fletcher, T
Rahman, S
Wheatley, K
Nieto, T
Ayaani, S
Youssef, H
Nijjar, R S
Watkin, H
Naumann, D
Emesih, S
Sarmah, P B
Lee, K
Joji, N
Heath, J
Teasdale, R L
Weerasinghe, C
Needham, P J
Welbourn, H
Forster, L
Finch, D
Blazeby, J M
Robb, W
McNair, A G K
Hrycaiczuk, A
Charalabopoulos, A
Kadirkamanathan, S
Tang, C-B
Jayanthi, N V G
Noor, N
Dobbins, B
Cockbain, A J
Nilsen-Nunn, A
de Siqueira, J
Pellen, M
Cowley, J B
Ho, W-M
Miu, V
White, T J
Hodgkins, K A
Kinghorn, A
Tutton, M G
Al-Abed, Y A
Menzies, D
Ahmad, A
Reed, J
Khan, S
Monk, D
Vitone, L J
Murtaza, G
Joel, A
Brennan, S
Shier, D
Zhang, C
Yoganathan, T
Robinson, S J
McCallum, I J D
Jones, M J
Elsayed, M
Tuck, E
Wayman, J
Carney, K
Aroori, S
Hosie, K B
Kimble, A
Bunting, D M
Fawole, A S
Basheer, M
Dave, R V
Sarveswaran, J
Jones, E
Kendal, C
Tilston, M P
Gough, M
Wallace, T
Singh, S
Downing, J
Mockford, K A
Issa, E
Shah, N
Chauhan, N
Wilson, T R
Forouzanfar, A
Wild, J R L
Nofal, E
Bunnell, C
Madbak, K
Rao, S T V
Devoto, L
Siddiqi, N
Khawaja, Z
Hewes, J C
Gould, L
Chambers, A
Rodriguez, D U
Sen, G
Robinson, S
Carney, K
Bartlett, F
Rae, D M
Stevenson, T E J
Sarvananthan, K
Dwerryhouse, S J
Higgs, S M
Old, O J
Hardy, T J
Shah, R
Hornby, S T
Keogh, K
Frank, L
Al-Akash, M
Upchurch, E A
Frame, R J
Hughes, M
Jelley, C
Weaver, S
Roy, S
Sillo, T O
Galanopoulos, G
Cuming, T
Cunha, P
Tayeh, S
Kaptanis, S
Heshaishi, M
Eisawi, A
Abayomi, M
Ngu, W S
Fleming, K
Bajwa, D S
Chitre, V
Aryal, K
Ferris, P
Silva, M
Lammy, S
Mohamed, S
Khawaja, A
Hussain, A
Ghazanfar, M A
Bellini, M I
Ebdewi, H
Elshaer, M
Gravante, G
Drake, B
Ogedegbe, A
Mukherjee, D
Arhi, C
Iqbal, L G N
Watson, N F
Aggarwal, S K
Orchard, P
Villatoro, E
Willson, P D
Mok, J
Woodman, T
Deguara, J
Garcea, G
Babu, B I
Dennison, A R
Malde, D
Lloyd, D
Satheesan, S
Al-Taan, O
Boddy, A
Slavin, J P
Jones, R P
Ballance, L
Gerakopoulos, S
Jambulingam, P
Mansour, S
Sakai, N
Acharya, V
Sadat, M M
Karim, L
Larkin, D
Amin, K
Khan, A
Law, J
Jamdar, S
Smith, S R
Sampat, K
O'shea, K M
Manu, M
Asprou, F M
Malik, N S
Chang, J
Johnstone, M
Lewis, M
Roberts, G P
Karavadra, B
Photi, E
Hewes, J
Gould, L
Chambers, A
Rodriguez, D
O'Reilly, D A
Rate, A J
Sekhar, H
Henderson, L T
Starmer, B Z
Coe, P O
Tolofari, S
Barrie, J
Bashir, G
Sloane, J
Madanipour, S
Halkias, C
Trevatt, A E J
Borowski, D W
Hornsby, J
Courtney, M J
Virupaksha, S
Seymour, K
Robinson, S
Hawkins, H
Bawa, S
Gallagher, P V
Reid, A
Wood, P
Finch, J G
Parmar, J
Stirland, E
Gardner-Thorpe, J
Al-Muhktar, A
Peterson, M
Majeed, A
Bajwa, F M
Martin, J
Choy, A
Tsang, A
Pore, N
Andrew, D R
Al-Khyatt, W
Taylor, C
Bhandari, S
Chambers, A
Subramanium, D
Toh, S K C
Carter, N C
Tate, S
Pearce, B
Wainwright, D
Mercer, S J
Knight, B
Vijay, V
Alagaratnam, S
Sinha, S
Khan, S
El-Hasani, S S
Hussain, A A
Bhattacharya, V
Kansal, N
Fasih, T
Jackson, C
Siddiqui, M N
Chishti, I A
Fordham, I J
Siddiqui, Z
Bausbacher, H
Geogloma, I
Gurung, K
Tsavellas, G
Basynat, P
Shrestha, A K
Basu, S
Mohan, A C
Harilingam, M
Rabie, M
Akhtar, M
Kumar, P
Jafferbhoy, S F
Hussain, N
Raza, S
Haque, M
Alam, I
Aseem, R
Patel, S
Asad, M
Booth, M I
Ball, W R
Wood, C P J
Pinho-Gomes, A C
Kausar, A
Obeidallah, M R
Varghase, J
Lodhia, J
Bradley, D
Rengifo, C
Lindsay, D
Gopalswamy, S
Finlay, I
Wardle, S
Bullen, N
Iftikhar, S Y
Awan, A
Ahmed, J
Leeder, P
Fusai, G
Bond-Smith, G
Psica, A
Puri, Y
Hou, D
Noble, F
Szentpali, K
Broadhurst, J
Date, R
Hossack, M R
Goh, Y L
Turner, P
Shetty, V
Riera, M
Macano, C A W
Sukha, A
Preston, S R
Hoban, J R
Puntis, D J
Williams, S V
Krysztopik, R
Kynaston, J
Batt, J
Doe, M
Goscimski, A
Jones, G H
Smith, S R
Hall, C
Carty, N
Ahmed, J
Panteleimonitis, S
Gunasekera, R T
Sheel, A R G
Lennon, H
Hindley, C
Reddy, M
Kenny, R
Elkheir, N
McGlone, E R
Rajaganeshan, R
Hancorn, K
Hargreaves, A
Prasad, R
Longbotham, D A
Vijayanand, D
Wijetunga, I
Ziprin, P
Nicolay, C R
Yeldham, G
Read, E
Gossage, J A
Rolph, R C
Ebied, H
Phull, M
Khan, M A
Popplewell, M
Kyriakidis, D
Hussain, A
Henley, N
Packer, J R
Derbyshire, L
Porter, J
Appleton, S
Farouk, M
Basra, M
Jennings, N A
Ali, S
Kanakala, V
Ali, H
Lane, R
Dickson-Lowe, R
Zarsadias, P
Mirza, D
Puig, S
Al Amari, K
Vijayan, D
Sutcliffe, R
Marudanayagam, R
Hamady, Z
Prasad, A R
Patel, A
Durkin, D
Kaur, P
Bowen, L
Byrne, J P
Pearson, K L
Delisle, T G
Davies, J
Tomlinson, M A
Johnpulle, M A
Slawinski, C
Macdonald, A
Nicholson, J
Newton, K
Mbuvi, J
Farooq, A
Mothe, B S
Zafrani, Z
Brett, D
Francombe, J
Spreadborough, P
Barnes, J
Cheung, M
Al-Bahrani, A Z
Preziosi, G
Urbonas, T
Alberts, J
Mallik, M
Patel, K
Segaran, A
Doulias, T
Sufi, P A
Yao, C
Pollock, S
Manzelli, A
Wajed, S
Kourkulos, M
Pezzuto, R
Wadley, M
Hamilton, E
Jaunoo, S
Padwick, R
Sayegh, M
Newton, R C
Hebbar, M
Farag, S F
Spearman, J
Hamdan, M F
D'Costa, C
Blane, C
Giles, M
Peter, M B
Hirst, N A
Hossain, T
Pannu, A
El-Dhuwaib, Y
Morrison, T E M
Taylor, G W
Thompson, R L E
McCune, K
Loughlin, P
Lawther, R
Byrnes, C K
Simpson, D J
Mawhinney, A
Warren, C
McKay, D
McIlmunn, C
Martin, S
MacArtney, M
Diamond, T
Davey, P
Jones, C
Clements, J M
Digney, R
Chan, W M
McCain, S
Gull, S
Janeczko, A
Dorrian, E
Harris, A
Dawson, S
Johnston, D
McAree, B
Ghareeb, E
Thomas, G
Connelly, M
McKenzie, S
Cieplucha, K
Spence, G
Campbell, W
Hooks, G
Bradley, N
Hill, A D K
Cassidy, J T
Boland, M
Burke, P
Nally, D M
Hill, A D K
Khogali, E
Shabo, W
Iskandar, E
McEntee, G P
O'Neill, M A
Peirce, C
Lyons, E M
O'Sullivan, A W
Thakkar, R
Carroll, P
Ivanovski, I
Balfe, P
Lee, M
Winter, D C
Kelly, M E
Hoti, E
Maguire, D
Karunakaran, P
Geoghegan, J G
McDermott, F
Martin, S T
Cross, K S
Cooke, F
Zeeshan, S
Murphy, J O
Mealy, K
Mohan, H M
Nedujchelyn, Y
Ullah, M F
Ahmed, I
Giovinazzo, F
Milburn, J
Prince, S
Brooke, E
Buchan, J
Khalil, A M
Vaughan, E M
Ramage, M I
Aldridge, R C
Gibson, S
Nicholson, G A
Vass, D G
Grant, A J
Holroyd, D J
Jones, M A
Sutton, C M L R
O'Dwyer, P
Nilsson, F
Weber, B
Williamson, T K
Lalla, K
Bryant, A
Carter, C R
Forrest, C R
Hunter, D I
Nassar, A H
Orizu, M N
Knight, K
Qandeel, H
Suttie, S
Belding, R
McClarey, A
Boyd, A T
Guthrie, G J K
Lim, P J
Luhmann, A
Watson, A J M
Richards, C H
Nicol, L
Madurska, M
Harrison, E
Boyce, K M
Roebuck, A
Ferguson, G
Pati, P
Wilson, M S J
Dalgaty, F
Fothergill, L
Driscoll, P J
Mozolowski, K L
Banwell, V
Bennett, S P
Rogers, P N
Skelly, B L
Rutherford, C L
Mirza, A K
Lazim, T
Lim, H C C
Duke, D
Ahmed, T
Beasley, W D
Wilkinson, M D
Maharaj, G
Malcolm, C
Brown, T H
Shingler, G M
Mowbray, N
Radwan, R
Morcous, P
Wood, S
Kadhim, A
Stewart, D J
Baker, A L
Tanner, N
Shenoy, H
Hafiz, S
De Marchi, J A
Singh-Ranger, D
Hisham, E
Ainley, P
O'Neill, S
Terrace, J
Napetti, S
Hopwood, B
Rhys, T
Downing, J
Kanavati, O
Coats, M
Aleksandrov, D
Kallaway, C
Yahya, S
Weber, B
Templeton, A
Trotter, M
Lo, C
Dhillon, A
Heywood, N
Aawsaj, Y
Hamdan, A
Reece-Bolton, O
McGuigan, A
Shahin, Y
Ali, A
Luther, A
Nicholson, J A
Rajendran, I
Boal, M
Ritchie, J
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