Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 September 2011
Examination of Giemsa stained smears made from the peripheral blood, liver and spleen of hand-caught lizards from West Pokot area showed the presence of seven out of the nine Plasmodium species of lizards which have been previously described in Africa. These species are redescribed using a set of biological characters and procedure which enabled a large quantity of each stage of any species to be studied, measured and compared. The utilization of these characters and procedure was a reaction to the multiple infections in individual lizards and a wide host range of each species among lizard species. The adoption of the criteria is recommended for future taxonomie work on lizard Plasmodia in Africa.
A key which brings together all the previously described species of lizard Plasmodia and the new species encountered in the present investigation is presented. The key is simplified so that it can be of use to epidemiologists and pathologists who may work on saurian malaria in Africa.