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Inter-American Juridical Committee: Draft Convention on Terrorism and Kidnapping of Persons for Purposes of Extortion
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 March 2017

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- Treaties and Agreements
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1970
* [Reproduced from the official English translation which appears in O.A.S. Document CP/doc.54/70 rev .1 of November 4, 1970.
[The Inter-American Juridical Committee approved the draftconv ent ionon September 26, 1970, by a vote of 6 in favor, 2 against,and 2 abstentions . Jorge A. Aja Espil , William S. Barnes, Cuthb ert Joseph, Adolfo Molina Orantes , Alejandro Montiel Arguell o,Americo Pablo Ricaldoni and Vicente Raovoted for the draft; Albert o Ruiz-Eldredge and Edmundo Vargas Carreno voted against it;and Francis co Gonzalez de la Vega and Jose Joaquin Caice do Castil-laabstained . The Statement of Reasons for the Draft Conventionappears at I.L.M. page 1250.
[In response to O.A.S. General Assembly Resolution 4 of June 30,1970 (9I nternational Legal Materials 1084 (1970), the Inter-American Juridical Committeemet in extraordinary session from August 31to October 6, 1970. The documents from thissession,includingthe draftconventionon terrorism and kidnapping, were transmitted by the Secretary-General of the O.A.S. to the Permanent Council of the Organization on October 30, 1970, in accordance with paragraph 8 ofthe General Assembly Resolution . The Permanent Council took note of these documentsatits meeting of November 4, 1970, and agreed to refer them to the General Committee for study.]