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United Nations: Commission on Human Rights Draft Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 April 2017

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- Treaties and Agreements
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- Copyright
- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1980
[Reproduced from U.N. Document E/CN.4/1367 of March 5, 1970. The composite text of the draft convention appears in the annex at I.L.M. page 663. The numbers of the footnotes are not identical with the original document; the wording for each footnote, however, corresponds with the original document.
[The draft convention w i l l be considered by the U.N. Commission on Human Rights atits thirty- sixth session in February 1981.
[The Inter-American Juridical Committee draft convention defining torture as an inte rnational crime appears at I.L.M. page 618. The U.S. Memorandum submitted t o the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in the Filartigav. Pena-Irala case appears at page 585.]
*/ The term “complicity” includes “encubrimiento” in the Spanish Text],In the Spanish text
[Add at the end of paragraph 1: “o encubrimiento de la tortura“]. In the French text;
[Add a foot-note reading: “le term “complicite” comprend “encubrimiento” dans lo texte espagnol”.]”
*/ In the French text, replace the word “legales” by the word “juridiqes”.
1/ Adopted in 1979 (E/CIT.4/1347, p. 39).
2/ Not yet adopted.
1/ Adopted in 1980 (E/CN.4/1367, paras. 18, 31 and 36).
2/ As indicated in para. 19 of the report, there exists a proposal to be added to paragraph 1 of article 3.
1/ Adopted in 1930 (l]/C]1.4/136?, para. 41).
2/ Not yet adopted; see also paras. 42, 46 and 47 of the report.
3/ Adopted in 1930 (u/Ci:./f/l367, para. 59).
4/ Hot yet adopted.
1/ Adopt-d in 1980 (E/CN/.4/1367, paras. 62 and 67).
2/ Adopted in 1979 (E/CN/.4/1347, pp. 43 and 44).
1/ Adopted in 1980 (E/CH.4/1367, para. 72).
2/ Adopted in 1980 (E/CH./4/1367, parac. GO, 83 airi 94).
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