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United Nations Third Conference on the Law of the Sea: Revised Informal Composite Negotiating Text for the Eighth Session*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 March 2017

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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1979
[Reproduced from U.N. Document A/CONF. 62/WP. 10/Rev. 1 of April 28,1979. I.L.M. page numbers have been inserted in the table of contents.
[The earlier composite negotiating text (A/CONF.62/WP.10 of July 15, 1977) and the explanatory memorandum appear at 16 I.L.M. 1099 (1977).
[The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea will resume its eighth session on July 16, 1979, at New York, for six weeks.]
page 699 note 1/ The first part of the item is the formulation required by the group of coastal States – the second part of the item is the fcrnulaticn required by the group of land-lockcd and geographically disadvantaged States.
page 701 note 2/ The ideas reported (A/CONP.62/L.36 pp. 6-7) in respect of article 150(b) have not been incorporated as the textual form is not yet clearly established.
page 701 note 3/ It was agreed that the general provision on abuse of rights (Vol. X, p. 122) be included in the revision; it does not appear in the text only because the proper place for it remains to be determined.
page 723 note 1/ General understanding has been reached to the effect that en the question of underwater oceanic ridges there will be additional discussion, and a matually acceptable formulation to be included in article 76 will be drawn up.
page 723 note 2/ The suggestion of the delegation of Sri Lanka for an international ectnol of delimitation applicable to its geological and geomorphological conditions recived widespread sympathy. However, the matter has been Left for negotiation at the forthcoming session of the Conference.
page 743 note */ dalta and Fiji have also proposed that the seat of the Authority be located in their countries.
page 804 note 1/ Bermuda, Portugal and Yugoslavia have proposed that the seat of the Tribunal be located in their countries.