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- Treaties and Agreements
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1969
[The U.N. Conference of the Law of Treaties adopted the Convention on the Law of Treaties on May 22, 1969, by a vote of 79 in favor, 1 against, with 19 abstentions. The recorded vote was as follows: In favor: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo (Democratic Republic of), Costa Rica, Dahomey, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Holy See, Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Cost, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, United Kingdom, Tanzania, United States, Uruguay, Yugoslavia, Zambia. Against: France. Abstaining: Australia, Burma, Byelorussia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville), Czechoslovakia, Gabon, Hungary, Monaco, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, U.S.S.R., United Arab Republic.
[As of May 23, 1969, the following 32 countries had signed the Convention: Afghanistan, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Congo (Brazzaville), Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Yugoslavia, and Zambia.
[A table which compares the numbering of the articles of the Convention on the Law of Treaties and the numbering of the draft articles considered by the U.N. Conference on the Law of Treaties appears at page 714. The draft articles adopted by the Committee of the Whole at the first session of the Conference (March 26-May 24, 1968) appear at 7 International Legal Materials 770 (1968).
[The Final Act of the Conference, to which are annexed several declarations and resolutions adopted at the second session, appears at page 728.]
1 Thirty-first and Thirty-second Plenary Meetings.
* [The Convention on the Law of Treaties, adopted on May 22, 1969, appears at page 679. The articles adopted by the Committee of the Whole at the first session of the U.N. Conference on the Law of Treaties (March 26-May 24, 1968) appear at 7 International Legal Materials 770 (1968).]
2 Report, first session, paras. 22–32, and Seventh Plenary Meeting.
3 Report, first session, paras. 33–40; Report, second session, paras. 17-26, and Seventh and Twenty-eighth Plenary Meetings.
4 Report, first session, paras. 41-43, and Seventh Plenary Meeting.
5 Report, second session, paras. 136-142, and Thirtieth Plenary Meeting.
6 Report, first session, paras. 49-57 and Seventh Plenary Meeting.
7 Report, first session, paras. 58 – 66, and Seventh and Eighth Plenary Meetings
8 Report, first session, paras. 67 – 69; Report, second session, paras 27 – 32 and Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Plenary Meetings.
9 Report, first session, paras. 70 – 79, and Eighth Plenary Meeting.
10 Report, first session, paras. 80 - 88, and Eighth Plenary Meeting.
11 Report, first session, paras. 89 – 95; Report, second session, paras. 33 - 42, and Eighth and Ninth Plenary Meetings.
12 Report, first session, paras. 96 - 101 and Ninth Plenary Meeting.
13 Report; first session, paras, 102 - 108 and para. 148, and Ninth Plenary Meeting.
14 Report, first session, paras. 109 - 126, and Ninth Plenary Meeting.
15 Report, first session, paras. 127 - 131, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
16 Report, first session, paras. 109 - 116 and 132 - 138, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
17 Report, first session, paras, 109 - 116 and para. 139.
18 Report, first Session, paras. 140 - 147; Report, second session, paras. 43 – 49, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
19 Report, first session, paras. 149 - 155, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
20 Report, first session, paras. 156 - 161, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
21 Report; first session, paras. 162 - 171, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
22 Report, first session, paras. 172 - 189, and Tenth Plenary Meeting.
23 Report, first session, paras. 172 -189; Report, second session, paras. 50 – 57, and Tenth and Eleventh Plenary Meetings.
24 Report, first session, paras. 197 - 204, and Eleventh Plenary Meeting.
25 Report, first session, paras. 205 - 211, and Eleventh and Twenty-ninth Plenary Meetings.
26 Report, first session, paras. 190 - 196, and Eleventh, Twenty-ninth, Thirty-second and Thirty-third Plenary Meetings.
27 Report, first session, paras. 212 - 221, and Eleventh Plenary Meeting.
28 Report, first session, paras. 222 and 250, and Eleventh and Twenty-eighth Plenary Meetings.
29 Report, first session, paras. 251 - 240, and Twelfth Plenary Meeting.
30 Twelfth and Thirteenth Plenary Meetings.
3l Report, first session, paras. 231 - 240, and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
32 Report, first session, paras. 241 - 248, and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
33 Report, first session, paras. 249 - 256., and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
34 Report, first session, paras. 257 – 263; Report, second session, paras. 58 - 66, and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
35 Report, first session, paras. 264 - 275, and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
36 Report, first session, paras. 264 - 275, and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
37 Report, first session, paras. 276 - 282, and Thirteenth Plenary Meeting.
38 Report, first session, paras. 283 - 290, and Fourteenth Plenary Meeting.
39 Report, first session, paras. 291 - 501, and Fourteenth and Twenty-eighth Plenary Meetings.
40 Report, first session, paras. 291 - 501, and Fourteenth and Twenty-eighth Plenary Meetings.
41 Report, first session, paras. 302 – 309, and Fourteenth Plenary Meeting.
42 Report, first session, paras. 310 - 317, and Fourteenth and Fifteenth Plenary Meetings.
43 Report, first session, paras. 318 and 326, and Sixteenth Plenary Meeting.
44 Report, first session, paras. 327 - 3545 Report, second session, paras. 67 and 75, and Sixteenth Plenary Meeting.
45 Report, first session, paras. 335-3415; Report, second session, paras. 76-855 and Sixteenth Plenary Meeting.
46 Report, first session, paras. 342-348.
47 Report, first session, paras. 349-359, and Sixteenth Plenary Meeting.
48 Report, first session, paras. 360-366, and Sixteenth Plenary Meeting.
49 Report, first session, paras. 367-379, and Sixteenth Plenary Meeting.
50 Report, first session, paras. 380-391, and Seventeenth Plenary Meeting.
5l Report, first session, paras. 392 - 400, and Eighteenth Plenary Meeting.
52 Report, first session, paras. 401 - 409, and Eighteenth Plenary Meeting.
53 Report, first session, paras. 410 - 418, and Eighteenth Plenary Meeting.
54 Report, first session, paras. 419 - 428, and Eighteenth Plenary Meeting.
55 Report, paras. 429 - 437, and Eighteenth Plenary Meeting.
56 Report, first session, paras. 438 - 446, and Eighteenth Plenary Meeting.
57 Report, first session, paras. 447 - 459, and Eighteenth and Nineteenth Plenary Meetings.
58 Report, first session, paras.460-470, and Nineteenth and Twentieth Plenary Meetings.
59 Report, first session, paras.471-477, and Twentieth Plenary Meeting.
60 Report, first session, paras.478-484, and Twentieth Plenary Meeting
61 Report, first session, paras.485-495, and Twentieth and Twenty-first Plenary Meetings
62 Report, first session, paras.496-502, and Twenty-first Plenary Meeting
63 Report, first session, paras.503-511; Report, second session, paras.86-94, and Twenty-first Plenary Meeting
64 Report, first session, paras. 512 – 519, and Twenty-first Plenary Meeting.
65 Report, first session, paras. 520 - 528, and Twenty-first and Thirtieth Plenary Meeting.
66 Report, first -session, paras. 529 – 537; and Twenty-second Plenary Meeting.
67 Report,, first session, paras. 538 - 546, and Twenty-second Plenary Meeting.
68 Report, first- session, paras. 547 - 558, and Twenty-second Plenary Meeting.
69 Report, .first session, paras. 559 – 567; and Twenty-second and Twenty-third Plenary Meetings.
70 Report, first session, paras. 568-581, and Twenty-fifth Plenary Meeting.
7l Report, first session, paras. 582-584-; Report, second session, paras. 95-105, and Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth,’ Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, Thirty-fourth .and Thirty-fifth plenary Meetings.
72 Report, second session, paras. 106-112’
73 Report, second session,’ paras. 113-120, and Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth Plenary Meetings.
74 Report, first session, paras. 585-592, and Twenty-eighth Plenary Meeting.
75 Report, first session, paras. 593-598, and Twenty—eighth Plenary Meeting.
76 Report, first session, paras. 599 - 610, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
77 Report, first session, paras. 611 – 617; Report, second session, paras. 121 - 128, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
78 Report, first session, .paras. 618 - 625, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
79 Report, first session, paras. 626 - 633, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
80 Report, first session, paras. 634 - 64I, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
8l Report, first session, paras. 547 - 558 and 642, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
82 Report, first session, paras. 643 - 651, and Twenty-third Plenary Meeting.
83 Report, first session, paras. 652 - 667, and Twenty-fourth Plenary. Meeting.
84 Report, first session, paras. 652 - 667, and Twenty-fourth Plenary Meeting..
85 Report, first session, paras. 668 - 673, and Twenty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
86 Report, first session, paras., 674 - 681, and Twenty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
87 Report, first session, paras. 682 - 689, and Twenty-fourth Plenary Meeting*
88 Report, first session, paras. 690 - 692, Report, second session, paras. 129 - 135, and Twenty-ninth Plenary Meeting.
89 Report, second session, paras. 143 - 149, and Thirty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
90 Report, second session, paras. 143 - 149, and Thirty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
91 Report, second session, paras. 143 - 149, and Thirty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
92 Thirty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
93 Report, second session, paras. 143 - 149, and Thirty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
94 Report, second session, paras. 143 - 149, and Thirty-fourth Plenary Meeting.
* [The Convention on the Law of Treaties, adopted by the U.N. Conference on the Law of Treaties on May 22, 1969, appears at page 679.]
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