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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1969
[Reproduced from International Coffee Organization Document ICC-11–26(E) Rev. 2 (February 28, 1968).
[The agreement was approved by the International Coffee Council for submission to the Contracting Parties on February 19, 1968 (Resolution 164). The closing date for signatures is March 31, 1968.
[The text of the 1962 International Coffee Agreement appears at 1 International Legal Materials 236 (1962).]
1/ According to the provisions of Article 31 (l), the following exporting countries do not have a basic export quota and shall receive in coffee year 1968–69 export quotas of: Bolivia 50,000 bags; Congo (Brazzaville) 25,000 bags; Cuba 50,000 bags; Dahomey 33,000 bags; Gabon 25,000 bags; Ghana 51,000 bags; Jamaica 25,000 bags; Liberia 60,000 bags; Nigeria 52,000 bags; Panama 25,000 bags; Paraguay 70,000 bags; Sierra Leone 82,000 bags; Trinidad and Tobago 69,000 bags.
2/ Burundi, Congo (Democratic Republic), Cuba, Rwanda and Venezuela, after presentation to the Executive Board of acceptable evidence of an exportable production larger than 233,000; 1,000,000; 50,000; 150,000 and 325,000 bags respectively shall each be granted an annual export entitlement not exceeding the annual export entitlement it" would receive with a basic quota of 350,000; 1,300,000; 200,000; 260,000 and 475,000 bags respectively. In no event, however, shall the increases allowed to these countries be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the distribution of votes.