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United Nations Conference on Trade and Development: Generalized System of Preferences
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 April 2017

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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1971
* [Reproduced from U.N. Document TD/B/330, Annex I, of October 14, 1970. he Trade and Development Board unanimously adopted Decision 75 (S-IV) n October 13, 1970.
[It was announced on June 26, 1971, that the GATT member governments had oted to authorize the introduction by developed member countries of generlized, non-discriminatory preferential tariff treatment for products origiating in developing countries. The authorization, in the form of a ten ear waiver from the most-favored-nation-rule of Article I of the GATT, apears at I.L.M. page 1092. The waiver was requested by the Governments of ustria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Sween, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and by the European ommunities and their member States. GATT waivers require a two-thirds maority for approval, with the majority comprising more than half of the total embership (currently seventy-nine countries). The waiver was adopted by ATT member governments in a postal ballot approved by the GATT Council on ay 25, 1971.]
[The Council of the European Communities adopted regulations on June 21, 971, embodying the European Economic Community’s scheme of preferences, he regulations entered into force on July 1, 1971. The text of the reguations appears in Journal Officiel, No. L 142 of June 28, 1971; an English ranslation appears as UNCTAD Trade and Development Board Document TD/B.373/ 3d.l of July 12, 1971.]
* [Reproduced from Press Release 1082 (June 26, 1971) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.]