Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 May 2009
Between May 3 and July 26, 1965, the Security Council devoted 30 meetings to consideration of the situation in the Dominican Republic. The Council placed this item on its agenda at the request of Nikolai Fedorenko (Soviet Union) who in a letter of May I had called for an urgent meeting of the Council to consider the question of the armed intervention of the United States in the domestic affairs of the Dominican Republic.
1 Its 1196th, held on May 3, 1965; 1198th, May 1200th, May 1202nd–1204th, May 6–11; 1207th–1209th, May 13–84; 1212th–1223rd, May 19–June 11 1225th–1228th, June 16–21; and 1229th–1233rd, July 20–26, 1965.
2 Document S/6316.
3 Docurnents S/6317, S/6310, S/6313, S/6315, S/6319, and S/6314, respectively.
4 Circulated as Document S/6319.
5 Circulated as Document S/6333/Rev.1.
6 Document S/6328.
7 Contained in Document S/6364, pp. 14–15.
8 Circulated as Document S/6333/Rev.1.
9 Document S/6346.
10 Document S/6355.
11 Adopted as Security Council Resolution 203 (1965), May 14, 1965.
12 Documents S/6358 and S/6365.
13 Document S/6369.
14 Document S/6371.
15 Circulated as Document S/6372.
16 Document S/6371/Add.1.
17 Document S/6373.
18 Document S/6346/Rev.1.
19 Circulated as Document S/6374.
20 Document S/6352/Rev.2.
21 Document S/6375.
22 Document S/6376.
23 Document S/6371/Add.2.
24 Adopted as Security Council Resolution 205 (1965), May 22, 1965.
25 Documents S/6378 and S/6380.
26 Documents S/6400 and S/6401.
27 Document S/6404 and Add.1.
28 Document S/6408.
29 Document S/6381.
30 Document S/6401. The members of the ad hoc committee were Ilmar Penna Marinho (Brazil), Ramon de Clairmont Dueñas (El Salvador), and Ellsworth Bunker (United States).
31 Document S/6409.
32 Circulated as Document S/6457.
33 Document S/6580.
34 Documents S/5618–5620 and S/5630 and Corr.1, respectively.
35 Documents S/6540 and 8/6542, respectively.
36 Document S/6522.