This article examines the implications of the rising density of
international institutions. Despite the rapid proliferation of
institutions, scholars continue to embrace the assumption that
individual regimes are decomposable from others. We contend that an
increasingly common phenomenon is the “regime complex:” a
collective of partially overlapping and nonhierarchical regimes. The
evolution of regime complexes reflects the influence of legalization on
world politics. Regime complexes are laden with legal inconsistencies
because the rules in one regime are rarely coordinated closely with
overlapping rules in related regimes. Negotiators often attempt to
avoid glaring inconsistencies by adopting broad rules that allow for
multiple interpretations. In turn, solutions refined through
implementation of these rules focus later rounds of negotiation and
legalization. We explore these processes using the issue of plant
genetic resources (PGR). Over the last century, states have created
property rights in these resources in a Demsetzian process: as new
technologies and ideas have made PGR far more valuable, actors have
mobilized and clashed over the creation of property rights that allow
the appropriation of that value.We are
grateful for comments on early drafts presented at Stanford Law School,
New York University Law School, Duke Law School, Harvard Law School,
and the American Society for International Law. Thanks especially to
Larry Helfer, Tom Heller, Robert Keohane, Benedict Kingsbury, Peter
Lallas, Lisa Martin, Ron Mitchell, Sabrina Safrin, Gene Skolnikoff,
Richard Stewart, Chris Stone, Buzz Thompson, Jonathan Wiener, Katrina
Wyman, Oran Young, and two anonymous reviewers for their feedback. Kal
Raustiala thanks the Program on Law and Public Affairs at Princeton for
support. We also thank our research assistants, Lindsay Carlson, Lesley
Coben and Joshua House.