On January 13, 1958, a special committee which had been created to draw up the general policy to be followed in carrying out a proposed fellowship program of the Organization of American States (OAS), in addition to the regular fellowships already offered by the organization and the individual governments, presented a report and draft resolution to the Council for consideration. In accordance with the temporary provision of a resolution on the general policy for the fellowship program approved by the Council of OAS on January 15, Secretary-General Mora prepared the regulations for the award and administration of the fellowships and presented them to the Council at a meeting held on June 4, 1958. At that time it was agreed that the representatives on the Council would forward the regulations to their governments and that they would also be transmitted to the Committee on the Fellowship Program for its information. The regulations stated that the Secretary-General of OAS should be assisted in the administration of the program by the Executive Director of Technical Cooperation, the Technical Secretary, and an Advisory Board. According to the regulations, an OAS fellowship was one to be granted by the organization, after consideration of the applicant's study plans, to a person with advanced training in the branch of knowledge in which he had specialized, so that he might have an opportunity to study abroad. The regulations included sections on the selection of candidates and the processing of applications, and forfeiture, renunciation, and cancellation of fellowships.