Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2009
Archibald Dalzel, the author of The History of Dahomey, was born in Scotland in 1740. Unable to practise the medical profession in which he had been trained, he entered the service of the Committee of Merchants Trading to Africa (African Committee) in 1763 as Surgeon, and was posted to Cape Coast in West Africa. There he started slave trading, which remained his only stable employment until his death in 1811. Despite the apparent ease with which profit could be gained from the slave trade during that period, and despite the energy and optimism which he put into his ventures, Dalzel was never a success. He was twice declared a bankrupt and died a disappointed man. The only monument which he left behind and by which he is still remembered is his brilliant compilation on the History of Dahomey.
2 Waidman, L. K., ‘An unnoticed aspect of Archibald Daizel's The History of Dahomey’, J.A.H. VI (1965), 185–192.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
3 This correspondence is to be found in Edinburgh University Library (E.U.L.) in Dk.7.52. I am grateful to Professor J. D. Hargreaves, Burnett-Fletcher Professor of History in the University of Aberdeen, for first drawing my attention to the existence of these letters, and the Librarian of the University of Edinburgh for his kindness in letting me see them.Google Scholar
4 Scottish Parochial Registers, Register House Edinburgh 667/2; Register book of Baptisms and marriages in the Parish of Kirkliston, 1731–1819. For this information, and reference, I am grateful to Mr Christopher Fyfe, Reader in History at the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh.
5 Archibald Dalziel, to Andrew Dalziel, Spithead 6 January 1763 (E.U.L.Dk.7.52).Google Scholar
6 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 13 April 1771 (E.U.L. Dk.7.52).Google Scholar
7 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, 13 April, 14 May, 19 June, 21, July and 19 October 1771 (E.U.L. Dk.7.51).Google Scholar
8 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 19 October 1771 (E.U.L. Dk.7.52).Google Scholar
9 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 13 April 1771 (E.U.L. Dk.7.52).Google Scholar
10 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, Spithead, 6 January 1763 (E.U.L. Dk.7.52).Google Scholar
11 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 4 March 1763 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid.
15 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London 5 September 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
16 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London 1 April, 1763 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
17 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 6 May 1763 (E.U.L. Dk. 7. 52).Google Scholar
18 Archibald Dalziel to William Dalziel, Anamaboe, 12 August 1763 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
19 Archibald Dalziel to Robert Liston 26 May 1764 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
20 Archibald Dalziel to Robert Liston, Anamaboe, 20 November 1763 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
21 Bosman, W., A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea (London, 1705).Google Scholar
22 Archibald Dalziel to Robert Liston, 26 May 1764 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
23 Archibald Dalziel to African Committee, 1 August 1767 (?) (T 70/31).Google Scholar
24 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, 20 April 1768 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
25 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 33 April 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
26 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, Whydah, 1 April 1769 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
27 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 28 March 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
29 Ibid.
29 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 13 April 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
30 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 14 May 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
31 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, Downs, 19 October 1771, 21 October 1773, 7 October (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
32 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 8 August 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
33 Ibid.
34 Ibid.
35 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Daiziel, London 27 January 1773 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
36 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel London 1 August 1773, 1 February 1774 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
37 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 21, October 1773 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
38 John Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London 9 April 1774;Google Scholar
39 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, 24 July 1775; 24 September 1779 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
40 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 24 July, 7 October, 1775 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
40 Ibid.
41 Ibid.
42 Archibald Daiziel to Bessy Dalziel, 34 January 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
43 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, 11 August 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google ScholarBessy Lindsay (née Dalziel) to Andrew Dalziel, 27 August 1778;Google ScholarGeorge Lindsay to Andrew Dalziel, 29 August 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
44 Archibald Daiziel to Andrew Dalziel, 24 August, 5 September, 11 September 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7,52).Google Scholar
45 Ibid.
46 Archibald Daiziel to Andrew Dalziel, 24 August, 5 September, 11 September 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
47 Archibald Daiziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 13 April 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
48 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Daiziel, London, 16, 28 April, 4 March, 25 December 1773 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
49 Archibald Daiziel to Andrew Dalziel, 19 June, 21 July 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
50 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, 8, 15 August, 19 October 1771 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
51 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 27 January 1773 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
52 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 24 July 1775 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
53 Archibald Dalziel to Andrew Dalziel, London, 5 September 1778 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
54 Ibid.
55 Archibald Dalzel to Andrew Dalzel, Baker's, 6 July, 6 13 August 1779 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
56 Archibald Dalzel to Andrew Dalzel, 24 September, 7 October 1779 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
57 Archibald Dalzel to Andrew Dalzel, 30 March 1780 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
58 Benge to Andrew Dalzel, 13 November 1780, Archibald Daizel to Andrew Daizel, 16 December 1780 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
59 Archibald Daizel to Andrew Dalzel, London, 4 January, 5 February 1781 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
60 Archibald Daizel to Andrew Dalzel, London, 4 January, 5 February 1781 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
61 Archibald Daizel to Andrew Dalzel, 24 February, 5 May 1781, 9 September 1782, 10 January 1783 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
62 Archibald Daizel to Andrew Dalzel, 22 January 1780 (E.U.L. Ok. 7.52).Google Scholar
63 Archibald Dalzel to Andrew Dalzel, London, 9 April 1788 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
64 Archibald Daizel to African Committee, 2 April 1792 (P.R.O.–T70/1564 (II)).Google Scholar
65 A. Dalzel to African Committee, March 1799 (PRO. T70/1576), 3 April 1799 (T70/906);Google ScholarA. Dalzel to J. Shoolbred, 29 July 1799 (T70/1576);Google ScholarA. Dalzel to African Committee, London, 12 December 1799 (T70/1576), 6 February 1800 (T70/1577).Google Scholar
66 Archibald Daizel to African Committee, Cape Coast Castle, 12 October 1792 (T70/1565 (II)) 23 October 1794 (T70/1568).Google Scholar
67 William Roberts to Governor and Council, Cape Coast Castle, James Port, Accra, 29 March 1792;Google ScholarA. R. Biorn to William Roberts, Christiansbourg Castle, 10 April 1792 (T70/1565 (II));Google ScholarBiorn to Dalzel, 6, 12 May 1792 (T70/1565 (21)).Google Scholar
68 A. Daizel to A. R. Biorn, Cape Coast Castle, 2 May 1792; Reports of the conference between the English and the Dutch Governors, 3 May 1792 (T70/1565 (II)).Google Scholar
69 A. Dalzel to African Committee, Cape Coast Castle, 12 October 1792 (T70/1656 (21).Google Scholar
70 Viceroy of Brazil to King of Portugal, Bahia, 9 May 1726, enclosing a letter from the Dutch General of Elmina Castle to the Viceroy of Brazil (Archivo Publico Bahiano, Ordens Regiais 21.132); Ryder, A. F. C., ‘The re-establishment of the Portuguese factories on the Costa da Mina to the mid-18th century’, in J.H.S.N. I, no. 3 (12 1960), 160.Google Scholar
71 Archibald Dalzel to African Committee, Cape Coast Castle, 12 October 1792 (T70/ 1565 (21)).Google Scholar
72 Archibald Dalzel to African Committee, Cape Coast Castle, 23 October 1794 (T 70/1508).Google Scholar
73 A. Daizel and Council to African Committee, 17 December 1793 (T70/1566).Google Scholar
74 A. Daizel to African Committee, 26 September 1801 (T70/34).Google Scholar
75 A. Dalzel to Chiefs of Windward Ports and officers in the African Company's service not in Council, Cape Coast Castle, 2 September 1801 (T70/1577).Google Scholar
76 A. Dalzel to African Committee, London, 4 May 1803 (T70/34).Google Scholar
77 Archibald Daizel to Andrew Dalzel, London, 4 August 1775 (E.U.L. Dk. 7.52).Google Scholar
78 A. Daizel to Thomas Miles, Cape Coast Castle, 31 August 1794 (T70/1569).Google Scholar
79 A. Dalzel to J. Shoolbred, 29 July 1799;Google ScholarEdward Daizel to African Committee, London, 26 November 1799 (T70/1576);Google ScholarA. Dalzel to African Committee, 29 January 1800 (T70/1577).Google Scholar
80 Benjamin A. Vond to African Committee, London, 2 March 1811.Google Scholar